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Posts posted by fredmason

  1. Chris, I had a Garret up in Sierra Valley way back when...detecting in a playground. The thunderstorms were down by Quincy...anyway the detector stopped working and I sent it to garret. They said a capacitor blew and it was likely caused by the Lightning Storm...anyway, I don't detect near lightning storms anymore...



  2. You may not be the most welcome person in a park if you use  a leche lawn rapier....

    Consider learning to pinpoint with a rounded screwdriver and larger digging screwdriver...or get with the times and use an electronic pinpointer...


    and please pick up all the trash you dig...in this case i am with the greenies-leave no tracks!



  3. Today my youngest daughter and my second child is 40...dang, I am getting old! Happy Birthday Crystal!

    For her birthday i am sending her a pendant that was fashioned from my first piece of Alaska-thank you Steve H; almost ten years ago at Moore Creek.

    Steve aka El Dorado made the cab and turned an ugly duckling into a swan-thank you El D. He is a mighty fine artisian!

    The setting was done by a local jeweller and I wish I had had El D do the work but done is done.

    Unfortunately, I lost the photos of Alaska when my puter-died...(Steve you have/had a copy of that article in your stuff)

    The specie was about the size of a nickel and was rock with a slice of gold in the middle...



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  4. Tvanwho; nice little picker. Have you given a goldbug or gmt a try on those sites? 


    Question? How do you pan with out digging/shovelling?


    Also, some sniping might bein order if there is bedrock and the water is clear...


    perhaps you could make a different post regarding your dowsing and your success rate with this method...........?



  5. So many excellent pointers for park and sports field hunting. Steve, the high-speed hunting you describe reminds me of a couple I used to run into in one of my favorite parks. They seemed way to old to be detecting back when I was thirty. They were about the age i am now, how one's perspective changes-I digress.

    Her method was to get a signal and scratch around with her screwdriver. If it was not right on the surface she moved on. She found many rings and never dug a hole.


  6. I have no idea if anyone else agrees with this but...

    Most of my detecting I have been biased toward the smaller and larger coils Almost always one must buy the stock coil and then buy the small and large coils also. I would love the option of choosing which coil I get with the detector and then choose another if the deal is a package...or as I see the need.

    I am not in marketing so I have no idea of the economies involved-just one of my druthers.

    happy new year to all


  7. Water expands when it freezes-i am sure you know that. However, also taking a warm unit into the cold can cause problems from condensation freezing or simple thermal expansion/contraction.


    I leave my detector in my truck, covered when cold but still in the enviorment to acclimatize...If you are a hunter you know the problems of taking a gun from hot to cold can cause.



  8. Western/eastern Treasure mag had an article about someone that dredged just below that bridge in Reno...back in the early 80's if memory serves...I doubt you could get away with that now...The river should be ripe by now; or wait for a drought year and detect below the bridge....


    Yes, the views on the beach can be distracting but always interesting.



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