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Posts posted by Swegin

  1. 8 hours ago, phrunt said:

    Well, I stand corrected, doing some research I found the Sadie is likely being made again as a version 2 coil, here is a photo of it as a prototype on an Algoforce, it's not released yet and in testing but a good sign.

    Yep and like you said Mick was working with Nuggetfinder on the Sadie.



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  2. 11 hours ago, Skate said:

    Excellent advice and I thank you all for helping out. Looks like I'll be joining GPAA, buying Chris's book and getting some one on one training. 

    Look this guy up.  He is about to retire, he is in CA.     https://www.facebook.com/ray.mills.37625    



    This is my last advertisement..

    I still have a a few openings for my Electronic Prospecting Course.

    Call me at 5307392973

    Below is an outline:

    My Electronic Prospecting Course is one on one unless you have a partner or buddy. It is held in Redding, Ca. Call for availability.

    Both days are outdoors.

    First day is $300.00, Second day is $100.00, per person. Some discounts apply. Both days are each about six hours.

    First day: many subjects; contact zones, natural and manmade indicators, intrusions, upheavals, line gold, pocket gold, old diggings, seam diggings, geological patterns…we will talk for about three hours. After the talk, we will do a walk-about for another three or so hours. Everything talked about earlier, you will now see, and fully understand before we leave the area. This course will put you ahead of most others as far as Electronic Prospecting.

    Second day: This a detect day, get you comfortable with the unit you have. Bad habits, good habits, detecting/swing techniques, pinpointing, recovery, reading ground, and much more. Hopefully get you over a piece of gold or two…

    Check out comments about me on Facebook/Trinityau Ray Mills

    Call me: 5307392973

    Choose dates

    Send funds

    Receive Confirmation text on dates, times, equipment, lodging, any additional information you may need.

    Lots of hotels in Redding, Ca.

    No camping anywhere in Shasta County in the Redding area.

    RV parks all around

    Call me at 5307392973

    Thanks, Trinityau/RayMills





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  3. On 3/14/2024 at 7:54 PM, Jim P. said:

    but not until I passed the initiation of sniffing and licking the Coprolite he kept near the front door.?

    That Coprolite seen a lot of tongue.  LOL.    His business card had everything covered from Elephant trainer to Bordello inspector. 


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  4. On 3/3/2024 at 3:24 AM, Nedkelly said:

    I just finished watching Woody's latest video, very interesting indeed. He's saying there is a new detector coming out this year that will be far better than anything available at the moment.

    Yes it mentioned that in a earlier video, the one where he is sitting in his car looking at the E1500 on his phone.  A lot of people missed the part where he was talking about a new detector coming out besides the E1500.   He also mentioned on his forum a while back that he was making a detector, whether or not this is what he is talking about time will tell.


  5. 6 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

    With all the circuit boards that I have, which are bad, I will be looking into this because I know there is a lot of gold contacts and plating used on most of the boards I have for my equipment.

    There is a lot less gold than you think.  


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  6. 20 hours ago, PhaseTech said:

    100% this! Nice and stretchy, locks the cable in place, and comes off clean. Any sticky residue is easily removed with a bit of WD40 on paper towel.

    Look into Self Fusion tape.  Zero residue.  It is more expensive than electrical tape so may not be a good choice if your changing coils a lot.   I have been using this Fusion (Silicone) tape for years.



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