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Posts posted by PSPR

  1. 12 hours ago, Redneck said:

    Calabash did not get a manticore from minelab, but rather borrowed it from his friend Dan for 10 days. 

    That was the first Manticore he was using, Redneck.  After he got his own, he posted a video saying that both Minelab and XP sent him the detectors he is using and without obligation.  It's on Youtube if you care to search for it.

    Here is the video.  Start watching at about the 1:20 time.


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  2. I'm going to post this new video from Iffy Signals here.  He takes the Manticore and the Deus II into a relic site and runs both detectors over somewhat good targets before digging.  I think Iffy gives a much much better comparison of what's going on with both machines in the iron.  Very good video IMHO.


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  3. Longbow62, I noticed the TID numbers were red in addition to the red line under the number for iron.  I think there are a few versions Minelab is testing to update the Manticore software.  I read a post that said NASA-Tom was testing a version that is two or three version numbers ahead of the version shipping with the detector.

    Maybe Simon is right in that Minelab is holding up Manticore production until they get some newly found bugs worked out of the software.  I'm sure they are upset about the videos CD is putting out about the Manticore.  Especially after they apparently (according to CD) sent him a free one for testing.

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  4. This first video is a sort of strange Minelab video for the Russian Market.  I guess Minelab is trying to keep the mystique alive.   An English translation is CC on the video.

    The second video is from Iffy Signals testing the Manticore over an iron nail.  The interesting part of this video is the brief glance (at about the 45 second mark) of what Iffy is wearing!  Is that a skirt, a kilt or some very strange pants Iffy has on?

    And the last video is from my favorite NYC detectorist and Youtube videologist (is that a word?) talking about the advantages of the Manticore and the XP Deus II.  He makes some very good points that will help many on the fence about which they should buy.  It really comes down to what is important to YOU at this point in the knowledge of the Manticore.


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  5. 14 minutes ago, Dan(NM) said:

    I was going to go with the Quest's,  but I have half a dozen LL APTX devises I was using with the Nox, so, I bought another transmitter for 28 bucks in case it didn't work properly. I'd rather have a Minelab wireless module, but, probably never happen anytime soon.

    That make sense.  I've ordered several options just to see what connects and has good sound and will work on the Manticore.  I also want something that is open-ear so I can hear my surroundings and also so a gallon of sweat doesn't pour from my ears in the summer.

    Sorry, Chase.  That was me typing while you were writing a post, too.

  6. 20 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

    It seems the only advantage for the mentioned APTX LL system for the Manticore and 900/700 compared to the ultrafast Garrett Z-lynk is the cost, which is less than half as much?  ($30 x2 vs. ~$140)  The Garrett system does give you the option of using a Z-Lynk pinpointer ('carrot'), too, but that's another ~$135?  Jeff has mentioned the Quest T/R system which might be less expensive than Garrett's -- IDK.  As always, good to have options.

    The Quest equivalent of the Z-Lynk is only $100 for the transmitter and receiver suggested by Jeff.  You will also need a 3.5mm to 1/4" adapter unless you are using phones with a 1/4" plug.  I'm not sure what tech they are using to transmit but it is probably proprietary.  The only downside it that now you have two more devices with batteries that need charged at about 10 hours. 

    Some day when I finally get a Manticore I'll give it a try and see if it works OK. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, dsb said:

    Agree, we are in the Minelab "curb your enthusiasm stage"

    We are in Minelab "Hell", dsb.  Some here have been there before and are now resolved to just live with it.  I haven't and I'm not.  I feel like a SouthWest passenger who has been stranded in Backwater, Minnesota in a blizzard.

  8. Mythical Manticore is right!!!  I don't know what their problem is.  It could be hardware (I hope not) or software or even something else.  But, I feel better if I can vent -- especially since I've already paid months ago.  I was supposed to get one elsewhere last week but the east coast snow storm has that shipment sitting in Ohio the last I heard.  And MORE WAITING!

  9. Its all very strange, longbow62.  And why did they tell us at the end of November that the Manticores were shipping giving the impression that there would be boat loads of them available?  It takes a month or more to send them by boat and Minelab hasn't said anything about more shipping.  It seems the boats that arrived Dec. 9th and 12th were the new Equinox models.  And then what detectors were on the boat that arrived Dec. 20th.  I doubt all those 5600 lbs of detectors were other models.  And why is a trickle of Manticores appearing?  Where are they coming from if Minelab isn't just slow walking the Manticore?

  10. I think you are in a little different situation, phrunt, than those of us with dealers affiliated with distributors in the U.S.

    Your dealer is (or will) be receiving shipments directly from Minelab.  So, as soon as Minelab decides to ship some to your dealer you will get your Manticore.

    Those of us in the U.S. who deal with a dealer affiliated with a Minelab distributor have to deal with the dealer not being totally honest with customers about where they are in line.  The distributor my dealer is affiliated with has a backlog of over 800 Manticore orders!!  LOL  He may not see that many Manticores until next summer!

    Maybe Minelab has told CD to put out bad tests on the Manticore to relieve some of the hundreds of orders so they can catch up with demand.  

  11. I just learned something else about one's place in line for a Manticore from your dealer.  If your dealer is affiliated with one of the major distributors in the U.S., it doesn't matter what your place in line is with the dealer.  The dealer orders are resting at the distributor and the distributor is releasing Manticores in the order he received your order.

    So, you may be in the 1st or 2nd slot with your dealer but when it comes to filling your order it may be hundreds down the list with the distributor and that is who is determining when you get your Manticore.

    For instance, my dealer is telling me that I am at the top of his Manticore list, but the distributor is telling me that there are hundreds ahead of me based on my order date.

    So, I guess I had better hope my new dealer source comes through with a Manticore this week if I expect to get one before February.

  12. The weather in the east is messing up my Manticore shipment.  :sad:  I've been told the shipment is stuck in Ohio somewhere.  One should have been on the way to me last Friday if it weren't for all the snow.

    I think the Gods are conspiring against me to try to get me to order a Deus II.

    CD is posting more videos today beating up on the Manticore.  He seems to seek out settings or ways to make it look bad without learning the detector.

    BTW, no new Minelab shipments (by boat) have shown up since Dec. 20th.  That leads me to believe that Minelab Americas is just letting them trickle out to dealers/customers in the U.S.

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, strick said:

    I know it's Christmas and Steve wants us all sitting around the fire with our family ? but the wife the dog and I already opened out gifts and were waiting for my Son and his wife to show up now...your think I'd have better things to do lol. 


    The in-ground falsing does sound like a problem but I can't test the various solutions without a Manticore.  I'm don't think there are iron loaded sites I've visited around here that would be a problem anyway.  I've read that NASA-Tom is already testing an advanced version of the Manticore software so there could already be fix to mitigate much of it anyway.

    Sounds like a normal Christmas to me.  We did the same in the morning after breakfast.  The dog made out like a bandit!!  Then watched all our planned Christmas movies and now I'm on to Alien (ET) documentaries.

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