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Steve Herschbach

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Posts posted by Steve Herschbach

  1. 2 hours ago, timbus59 said:

    That was great to see. Thanks for posting. I noticed he turned the DD coil upside down. I've been doing that too, but recently saw a diagram somewhere that showed the top of the DD as being hot too (in the negative spaces of the D's on top of the coil).  I tried it and it seems to work so now I just lay down the detector as is when checking targets. Does this seem like a good practice?

    The rod connects on top right over the hottest spot. Boils down though to whatever works for you. I don’t like subjecting the cable to constant bending so I’d be more inclined myself to flip the detector over than flip the coil over.

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  2. I was clarifying terms in general. When you say dual frequency to me you are referring to a dual frequency SMF whether you intend that or not. Because that's what that always meant until recently when people started tossing terms around and blurring the meanings. Which is why I made the clarifications.

    I mentioned the X-200. Compass never had anything higher than around 14 kHz except for 52 kHz in the failed AU 52 and AU 2000. The AU 2000 may be the one you are thinking of, but it never really was made other than a few units before Compass went under. The AU 2000 could be switched from 14 kHz to 52 kHz. The AU units I tried were too unstable to use really, probably more the coils than anything, as I don't think Compass mastered how to make a high frequency coil right before the clock ran out.

    There is more to a detector than just the frequency and all these old machines do not hold a candle to current technology.

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  3. The DFX dual frequency tech was licensed from Minelab. It was used first in the Beachhunter ID because there was a time limit on the license requiring a machine in X amount of time. The DFX was not quite ready so the Beachhunter ID employed the license first and is essentially a stripped down DFX.

    Switchable frequency machines have been around for ages and that is not the same as simultaneous multifrequency. The Compass X200 could be switched from 6 kHz to 13.77 kHz - one or the other. The DFX is either 3 kHz or 15 kHz - or both at the same time. So I would call the DFX dual frequency but not the Compass.

    I do not consider switchable frequency to be multi frequency. Multi frequency always referred to simultaneous multiple frequencies, not machines that can be switched to run different frequencies, but only one at any given time. But then Nokta had to screw it all up by calling the switchable frequency detectors multifrequency. So now people have to specify simultaneous multi frequency SMF to differentiate, when before we all knew that was exactly what was being meant by multifrequency. A detector that can simply be switched from this frequency to that frequency is NOT a multifrequency detector. It is a single frequency detector that lets you pick frequencies. XP knows this and never called the Deus 1 a multifrequency detector and good on them for that! The Deus 2 - that's multifrequency.

    • Like 8
  4. 3 hours ago, phrunt said:

    So, a GM 2000 would just be a cut back Equinox 800 with a solid design coil and near to the Nox price... waste of money when you can buy the full featured Nox....

    No reason for a Gold Monster Multi to sell for more than a Vanquish, and in fact putting it in a Vanquish box would be better than putting it in the existing Gold Monster box.

    So imagine something more like this (but with a solid coil), light, collapsible, able to use standard or rechargeable batteries, wireless headphones, and a multi Gold Mode tweaked and improved over that in either the Equinox or Manticore, simplified control set - for $499


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  5. 29 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

    As far as weight, the XP ORX or Deus 1 can run as high as 81 kHz and is way lighter than any gold prospecting specific detector available especially using the HF elliptical coil with the remote in one's pocket. In that configuration the ORX weighs about 1.8 lbs.!!! So does Deus 1.

    This. The ORX/Deus 1 HF is already here. But the reality is the day of the high single frequency VLF is over. Everything that can be done with it has already been done. The next step is a multi running a gold mode like on the Equinox or Deus 2. It would need to be a model stripped down to just the gold functions needed and no more, and preferably sold with a 6x10 coil as the stock coil. If anyone is going to do this my bet would be on Minelab as a successor to the Gold Monster - Fisher would be last on the list. But certainly it is something other companies could do, Nokta for sure.

    • Like 4
  6. 3 hours ago, DSMITH said:

    Ok question on updating when I boot my Axiom up i see the 1.47 but the second bar at the top is not blanked out so does that mean I need to update to have it running 1.47.2 then, or is that what the next update will be, but just has not been released yet.


    I sure hope the updates for the Axiom are easier than the ones for the Nokta Legend were

     I don't know exactly what the situation is with production models one way or the other. As far as I know all Axioms shipped with the latest firmware. I can't even swear to the blank position in the bar as meaning what I thought it meant. All I am 100% certain of is the 01.47 part of the boot up sequence. The rest about the .2 may have changed somehow since my late prototype model was produced. I guess it would be interesting if other Axiom owners booted up and see what theirs show.

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  7. The Axiom and the Apex use the same updater program, and that document clearly describes the process for both. The update notes however are confusing as there is no way a VLF and a PI will share the same update. The actual Apex update has some of those items listed but not others, so maybe the others are for the Axiom?

    Whatever. Personally I have little doubt there will be an Axiom update at some point, as Garrett has had the benefit of end user feedback and more time for the engineers to tweak and twiddle.

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  8. For me it is basically about the mineralization. I don't really use PI discrimination much when nugget detecting. The simple answer for me then is the DD coil handles intense ground that the mono will not handle - as in the DD coil will work and the mono will refuse to ground balance, making the detector not function at all. The mono however will get better depth under almost all circumstances where it can ground balance and is lighter so is my preferred coil. Though as a note the depth difference is if the machine is tuned identically for both coils. In my experience the DD coil can be pushed higher in settings as it is a quieter coil, which closes the gap. And for the tiniest bits I kind of like that the DD coil hits in the middle as opposed to around the edges for the mono. They are simply two different tools and I like having both. But for most people in most ground the mono is probably the way to go, with the DD only coming out if the mono is not doing what you want.

    • Like 4
  9. 7 hours ago, All_Metal_Mode said:

    Thank you for decoding the firmware version identification on the display….this is how most manufacturers who supply to the GOV/MIL side deal with software version identification on static displays. I have military solar controllers that use the power and fault indicator lights to display firmware using a series of flashes that you will miss if you don’t pay attention (like you stated).

    This doesn’t show up on my Garrett Direct site so I’ll wait and see. I don’t even know if the Axiom product registration process works yet, since it’s missing as a product in the Garrett Direct site and the main site back when the detector came out.

    Interesting. The Axiom update notice I posted a copy of has disappeared from the website. It was right above the Apex notice and now it’s gone. Does this mean no update? I kind of doubt it since somebody coded the feature on somebody’s orders, so probably just got published before intended. Which means don't hold your breath. Ultimately it is gone and I don’t know. But at least it gave me an excuse to tell you all how to get the version info off your machine.

    As far as Axiom being on the registration page they were late in getting it there but it is there now at https://garrett.com/sport/warranty-registration


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  10. 17 hours ago, afaitken said:

    So I've been using my Axiom for a few months now. The ergonomics and construction are A A A+++ and the weight, particularly with the 7x11 coil is amazing. Lighter than my wife's GPX6000. That alone was the reason I purchased it over my GPZ7000 which I sold to buy the Axiom. Having extensively used the Gold Bug, Equinox 600, SDC2300, GPX5000, GPX6000 and GPZ7000 with all of the optional coils available, yes, I was a coil junkie! I can tell you that the Axiom does indeed fall short in many ways of performance compared to the Minelab range. This is partially to do with the coil, partially the software/settings available and partially to do with my one eyed Minelab preference. It really does not excell in any one particular area, but averages out over the full range of operating parameters. The unfortunate thing with the Minelab's were that they were NEVER packaged as good as what their price tags led you to believe. Coil options evolved out of necessity, especially with the incredibly sensitive x-coils. Nothing is perfect though - after a while, I was finding the x-coils less than robust, appearing with cracks and wearing through skid plates at astonishing rates then not being able to get replacements. The x-coils though, found me A LOT OF GOLD. So where am I going with this? Um...the Axiom is the closest thing to a near perfect detector that I have ever used, if only it had a bit more ground punching power. Due to my neck/back/tendon injuries - this is the only detector I have been able to swing with out pain, so I love it because it keeps me in the game, but until the thing performs a "little better", stick to the sub par ergonomics and support of a Minelab.

    I'd say that's about a near perfect summary and I agree. The 6000 and 7000 have that little bit extra. I'm no doubt giving up a little insisting on using the Axiom but I'm fine being the oddball guy not using a Minelab. People complain endlessly about Minelab and yet reward them for doing what they do with dollars out of pocket. I'm over that personally, but fully understand in a world where as Minelab says "Performance Matters" why most people will still choose Minelab. Maybe if chasing gold was still as important to me as it was ten years ago I'd do differently myself. But I don't see myself dropping serious money into any new nugget detector at this point so I'll just keep plugging away with my Axiom.

    There is hope still that new coils will help the Axiom close the gap at least a little. But if Garrett's goal was to unseat Minelab they came up short. It was bad timing really. If the Axiom had appeared a year before the GPX 6000 instead of a year after, it would have made all the difference in the world. As it turned out though, the GPX 6000 stole what would have been Garrett's thunder. Imagine a world where there was no GPX 6000, just a 7 pound GPZ 7000 at $8000. Then Garrett shows up with a 4 pound Axiom at $4000. Half the weight, half the price. It would have been a whole different ballgame. But Garrett simply took too long and Minelab headed them off at the pass with the GPX 6000, largely eliminating the need for a machine like the Axiom. Timing is everything and Garrett missed the window of opportunity.

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  11. 10 hours ago, DSMITH said:

    it was a different area in my yard

    If you are in your yard then EMI is also an issue because a house is a giant EMI emitter. So yeah, get it out to a few different locations - like miles apart, and preferably out of town. The Axiom handles EMI well for a PI but that does not mean it will behave well in an urban area compared to a VLF as regards EMI. I'm glad though that you are getting a handle on it.

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  12. If the ground has extreme magnetite the mono coils will not balance. One of the GB numbers will stick at 00 no matter what you do. But I'm talking extreme magnetite content. The DD coils will handle it though. If you have that kind of ground it could be that, but that kind of ground is rare enough that a bad coil is not a bad bet either. Easiest way to tell is to take the detector to a lower mineral location, like on sod or deep turf. If it is still acting up then it is the coil.

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  13. People wonder why product testers don't find things that turn out to be problems later, overlooking the fact that companies often ignore tester feedback. If there are ten things you think need improving, good luck with getting more than a couple done.

    If the Nokta or Fisher Impulse Gold was roughly equivalent to the Axiom but also fully submersible that would be enough to get my interest to the point where I might sell the Axiom to get one. I was on board to do testing for Nokta a year ago but for once they have been too slow and now I've lost interest. Like Jason notes, working for people for free is not all it's cracked up to be. Someday if either company has a finished product that I can buy I might get one but until then I will use what I have.

    Maybe Gerry McMullen or Andy (abenson) would be interested in testing a new machine.

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  14. I just spotted this on the new Garrett Direct website:


    The Axiom is updateable via the same process that is used by the Garrett Apex.


    The current firmware version is displayed for a split second when you first turn on the Axiom. The top ground balance number will show 01 and the bottom one 47. A blank position in the bar across the top in the final .2 part. The graphic below shows what I see when I turn my Axiom on. It is so fast you might have to do it repeatedly to take in all the info. If you so much as blink you will miss it. And just so nobody asks, I'm not involved in or testing any updates so can offer no clues as to what is in the works.




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  15. 2 hours ago, cudamark said:

    I didn't figure this would ever happen, but, I have to disagree with you Steve. With the 900 out and available, I see no reason to buy the 800. It's so much better IMO, that my 800 is collecting dust when it's not a loaner. Sure, you pay a bit more, but, the added features make it more than worth it. If you need a bargain due to budget constraints, get the Legend. I'm still trying to learn the Deus 2. It's still speaking French to me at this point, so, no recommendation plus or minus.

    900 is fine also - I was trying to keep it tight, not end up with a list a mile long. My comment in return is that if not Equinox 800 then go all the way to Manticore. But again, whatever, it’s splitting hairs over personal preferences.

    Let’s amend my list to Minelab Equinox, Nokta Legend or XP Deus 2 and leave the exact Equinox model up in the air. I’d be fine with any of them.

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