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Steve Herschbach

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    Alaskan living in Nevada

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  1. Yes, as is explained in this thread on that same forum. I have also added the details in the pinned help thread at the top.
  2. There is no VLF involved and probably nothing new enough to patent or those patents would already be filed. What is going on is just a refinement of existing methods and results from yes/no to an expanded target id scale. That said, it certainly adds to the capability available in affordable hand held PI tech over what has gone before. Key point it IS NOT discrimination as VLF users would expect. I have written the equivalent of a small book on the subject with the post below and its links available to those who wish to know more about how PI discrimination works. Simple answer is there is not ferrous vs ferrous discrimination. Weak targets read low and strong targets read high, regardless of whether they are ferrous or not.
  3. This video was posted previously so I combined the threads. The subject and the commentary surrounding it have totally sickened me. Yeah, it’s all Garrett’s fault, they suck, the machine is crap. Oh, and if anybody tries to defend the company, then be sure and go after them also. Pitiful. I guess Garrett must have really stuck it to people somehow to deserve all this. Good people, good company, and I wish them the best. Obviously there are many who wish them ill however and that’s a sad place to be. Said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s taken some of the fun I used to have getting a new detector away from me and I’m mourning that. I’d like to talk about the Vortex more but I refuse to get cast in the role of shill by the people behind this jihad, so I’m taking myself off the playing field. That's the way it works now. Talk crap and "you are being honest”, say something nice and "you are a shill”. I at least am in the enviable position of not having to play other people’s games and I won’t. I hope somebody is having fun with all this but I’m not, so I’m done.
  4. Video About The Truth About Many (Not All) Comparisons Videos
  5. Says discontinued for an undetermined time, not discontinued forever. Undetermined could mean forever, or it could mean six months. In other words….. undetermined.
  6. There are some people on a crusade. Whatever. They are not here, if they show up report them, and they will be gone soon. To repeat, do not engage with bad behavior, use the Report button in upper right to notify the mods and let them handle it. Thanks!
  7. The transferable factory warranty is three years from original date of sale new.
  8. This video is actually trashing the Manticore by comparing the Manticore in field use to Brent’s Vortex new nails surface separation demo. In theory you could say it’s trashing the Manticore and therefore a pro Vortex video, but in reality it’s meaningless as a comparison. I’ve complained about unfair bashing of the Vortex and in this case I’d say just the opposite, unfair bashing of the Manticore.
  9. Well, the bad news is it took a complete forum meltdown and rollback to get it fixed. The good news is a move to a new database server and a memory upgrade seems to have done the trick, forum running better than it ever has. I'm glad to hear you are seeing it also!
  10. Hear, hear, yes thank you for saying that Hugh. No pins and needles. A person really does have to be persistently abrasive and argumentative in the face of obvious pushback from the general forum membership. It's really you all that as a group are setting the tone, and it becomes obvious when somebody is not going with the flow but against it. T.H.I.N.K. before you post!
  11. You know, that's a very good point. I started this forum purely with the intent of sharing information and helping people. This whole this versus that thing just kind of snuck in and so I did finally create one forum to contain it, the Advice & Comparisons Forum (the one we are on). Even there the Advice part came first or was supposed to. My mindset has always been simple. If a person has a Ace 300 and wants to get the best out of it, how do I help them do that? Tell them their choice in a detector sucks? People would be absolutely stunned by the number and quality of finds made worldwide by Ace detectors. This should be about having fun and fellowship, helping others. Instead people on social media are getting angry, getting in fights - over metal detecting! Yes, please to all of you, let's talk about this detector versus that one, but with the understanding they all can be used to make good finds, and that what is great for one person is too much or too little for someone else. We are all here to just help one another and to have fun. If anyone leaves the forum in a bad mood or angry, something is wrong. Bottom line, anyone who makes a habit of making people feel that way needs to go away. And will. The mods and I have discussed this and we are doubling down on civility and good cheer as being the forum prime directives. T.H.I.N.K. before you post!
  12. It's only the company that is dead, not the detectors. Tesoros are still some of the best and lightest detectors ever made and highly regarded by those that hunt by ear in trashy ground. Analog offers audio nuance that most digital models lose with their overprocessed output. New detector cell phones on a stick also tout their 3 lb light weight when my old Tesoro Silver uMax weighed in at 2.2 lbs over two decades ago - lighter than a Deus!
  13. It says Manticore in first the post and numerous ones later and reality it is not Manticore only. It’s not a put down, it’s advice to you and others. All members should read enough of a thread to understand what they are about before commenting. If that’s too much trouble, don’t comment. This was thread was far longer than it should be for answering the same question repeatedly for people who could not bother, but expected other people to tell them once again what was already covered in the thread - if they would just read it. More advice - prickly won’t get anyone very far with me as I’m all the prickly the forum needs. As Simon notes it’s an issue for any highly sensitive detector, not just Manticore, it’s just that nearly all highly sensitive detectors do not come with conductive lower rods. Again, this was all covered in the thread already. It’s all there, over and over. Thread relocked.
  14. Thread unlocked. Excellent reply from Minelab, neatly summarizes everything. Next time I find a nugget with the Manticore I will have to remember it's not a gold nugget machine. Thanks for your effort on this Simon, and thanks indirectly to Jason for responding in a straightforward and honest fashion.
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