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Posts posted by HardPack

  1. 20 hours ago, Pyriteboy said:

    Just bought an Axiom and took it out for its initial shake-down voyage to the California desert. I do not regret this purchase.


    Hope you update us on your Axiom when you get the time. I am still undecided. If you have the 11x7 mono coil could you check the edge sensitivity with a nickel approximately 90 degrees out from the front tip and sides. Thanks

  2. 8 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

    It appears to be the same on the 900 just listening to All Tones, but I will check All Tones vs DP in the same mode when I get the chance.

    I table tested the tones in the Field 2 dP setup compared to the Gold modes on various targets. Made a few setting adjustments. I couldn’t hear any difference. The advantage I see is the addition of the Field 2 SMF range to the gold mode range. Curious to see your All tone dP comparison, thanks for the effort.

    Wow, that last storm system really dumped some moisture here on the Sierra west slope. Nine plus inches of rain followed by snow in the high country. Looks like another two weeks before a move off the table top can even be considered provided the roads weren’t washed out.  From the news reports the Truckee River was blowing through Reno. Think I saw Steve H. behind the on-scene weather reporter, detecting.  Started another post “SDC 2300 vs Axiom”; I need a push. As for the Scot’s dP video, apparently I am not as Scot Irish as Grandma claimed. Have great New Years Day. 

  3. I do not own nor have ever used either detector but I am considering both.  Other than price I know nothing.  Read a few older posts & reviews on the SDC 2300, it may be a better fit for the steep brush covered ravines of the Sierra west slopes along with the cracks and crevices in the drainages. Currently use a White TDI SL with a 10x5 folded mono coil. I have hear that the SDC 2300  8” mono coil is hot around the edges. I like the specs on the new Axiom overall but for me the current coil selection sucks. Both detectors fold up or slide up compact for packing.  The 2300 may be a bit on the heavy side compared to the Axiom but is manageable. Already have the Garrett Z-Lynk wireless transmitter plus the 1/4” receiver for my headphones. What has been your experience with either detector?

    A lot of rain followed by a lot of snow fell out of that last storm system with more on the way. May turn out to be a good year for spring runoff.

    Have Great New Years Day

  4. There’s a market niche of present TDI & ATX owners Garrett may have over looked at $4000 with the current coil selection. I don’t have much use for the 13x11  DD or mono coil. I am not about to give up a proven on my ground to experiment unless Garrett wants to meet somewhere nearer to mid point. Garrett is in for the long haul carving a niche into Minelab turf. That’s just my opinion, the wallet usually follows my lead.

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  5. Using the EQ 900 as a tool in order to familiarize myself with a new site and to locate camps, tent sites, workings, coins, etc this is the basic setup I may initially use while scouting an area then adjust, change search modes and detectors as required.  

    EQ 900/Base setup: Field 2: multi frequency, auto ground balance, tone volume 10/25, threshold levels 1* (enable blanking), tone pitch 4 +-, target tone dP, accept/reject x-19 to 0; 1 to 99, tone break 0, recovery speed 3+, iron bias 0+.

    *A threshold level setting to allow “blanking” for switching to “all metal” for further target/site investigation. 


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  6. The ground here runs from moderate to hot, I prefer a VLF when possible.  I can step up recovery speed on the EQ 900 when I hit iron trash. What would be a good recovery speed setting in field 2 ( or prospecting modes) on target poor sites?  (I’d quote you two but can’t remember how.)

  7. Noticed a few of the larger US retail outlets are now listing both versions of the Garrett Axiom as “in stock” while other retailers are still listing the detector as “pre-order”.  On the other hand, DP forum Axiom posts appear to have dropped off the radar along with YouTube uploads.  Have any consumers in the US actually received and used an Axiom? Or has consumer interest in the Axiom fell off the hype cliff.

    The Garrett Axiom real competitor may not be Minelab PI Metal detectors but from the old White TDI models and their Garrett ATX.  From a TDI and ATX price point the Axiom price seems a bit too high. Check out the eBay listings for the used “out of production” White TDI Pro and TDI SL in $1,200 to $1,799 range; a used ATX is in the same price range with the new ATX from the $2,400 to $2,800 price range depending on options. What’s your opinion?

  8. ML Equinox 900: search mode “Park 1” : after setting “Target Tone” to dP. “Tone Pitch” selection is not available for adjustment, “Tone Volume” is factory set to 12/25 both the low/high are adjustable,  “Threshold Level” is set to 0 but is adjustable, “Threshold Pitch” is set to 4 but is adjustable, “Tone Break” is set to T1 at 0 but is adjustable. In the Video it was stated with the Equinox 800 it was demonstrated that “Park 1” had the best detection depth.
    So what’s happening here with the Equinox 900?  In Park 1, is the Multi-IQ processing an even lower weighted frequency range in dP that when set to the 5 tone’s lower frequency weighing of the multi-frequency signal?  Is the dP tone setting to allow for detection of deeper more conductive targets such as deep silver? 

  9. Per manual page 33, the Nox 900 Depth dP tone pitch & volume are proportional to target signal strength. Large or shallow targets sound louder than deeper or small targets; conductive targets increase the pitch and ferrous targets have a constant low-pitch. Here is a video link demonstrating the advantages of dP in Park 1. You may want to enable CC.


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  10. Table tested the ML EQ 900 received from Gerry’s Detectors on the ML 6” DD, ML 11” DD plus a new CT NOX 10”x 5” DD coils. After pairing the headphones, tested all the search modes of the EQ900 with each coil both with the horseshoe “All Metal” button on & off. Tested all the settings using all the buttons. Tested both the external speaker and headphones. Tested all the buttons, all clicked and functioned. Ran through a few advance settings then preformed several factory resets. Ran all targets with all metal “on” then “off”. To date no issues found, like the tones. Targets used ranged from a hot rock, a square nail, a wire paper staple, US coins, pull tabs, shoot gun brass, lead bullet, lead shot plus various sizes of lead. Tested the back light settings, need to read up on the flashlight and vibrating handle.

    After the current storm blows through at the end of the week head out for some field testing. So far so good. The unit came charged, Gerry may have charged & tested the unit prior to shipment. Priority Mail departed Boise on the 12/22 arrived 12/24. 


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  11. Received two USPS priority mail packages at 6:47pm on Christmas Eve December 24, 2022 from Gerry’s Detectors. Apparently hand delivered to the Boise Post Office on Thursday the 22nd. On Christmas morning discovered a new ML Equinox 900 with both the 11 “ & 6 “ DD coils plus out of the second box jumped a CoilTek Nox 10” x 5 “ DD.  After charging both the headphones and EQ900 paired the headphones then table tested all the control unit buttons, settings, search modes on various targets with all three coils. No issues…sweet machine. After the storm blows through headed out for some field testing. Thanks Gerry for the extra effort & the vet discount. Have a Happy New Year

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  12. USPS just sent an update regarding a delivery from Boise, Idaho via Cancun, MX.  If this is real, it would be my first step into simultaneous multi frequency. Supposedly, an Equinox 900 is arriving this very Christmas Eve. I don’t recall ever meeting anyone from Boise. I better go close the coal bin door just in case it is not a polar joke. Merry Christmas can this be true?

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  13. Gone Bush,

    Let us know the outcome with the Axiom. 

    on a side note:
    Have you tried the forum’s classified section, the therapy may help provided you can get past the night sweats. So far it ain’t working for me but fortunately I still drink. Perhaps Steve should start a new forum discussion section entitled “Compulsive Addictive Detector Pre-Order Disfunction”. He could shorten the title to CAD-POD for ease of locating while under the influence of the disorder. 

  14. Talk about being late to class… now back to the Garrett Axiom (ATX) DD coil “focused core” hot spot. I still have an open question that just might have to wait for some future video demonstration.

    Targets located at depth below the middle “focused core” detection limit: does the Garrett Axiom DD coil’s main detection zone extent the full north/south length of the coil axis; and/or just extend down beneath the middle focused core detection zone?


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  15. Quote from Steve “Garrett ATX Duel Audio Tones”  including not just duel tones but tone flipping.

    “A low/high signal only means "large/strong target" and high/low means "small/weak target". The tones correspond exactly with other dual tone PI detectors like all the Minelabs and the Infinium, as it is a byproduct of the dual channel ground balance system. The flip point between the two signals is determined by the current ground balance settings, but tends to end up somewhere in the region of a zinc penny when in bad ground. Just where depends on the exact ground and ground balance setting. In mild ground it could be far different. I need to experiment more with that, plus determine where the default setting is at.

    If you get a target right at the tipping point, you will get a weird "tone flipping" response, that is actually a third tone indication….”

  16. Okay*. Let me try again.

    Traveling north/south down the coil center line, the space between the coil housing toe to the upper coil winding crossing and the space from the coil housing heel traveling up the the coil center line to the bottom coil winding crossing will produce minimal signals on small shallow targets. In general, swinging the coil left to right a small shallow target passing under and laterally (side to side) of the middle mono (focused core) portion should result in a hi-lo tone crossing the first coil winding then “tone flip” to a lo-hi tone as the target crosses under the second winding.

    Below the detection depth limit of the middle mono focused core the Axiom PI DD will detect. On large deeper targets at…I’m lost.

    Is this correct: The tradition DD the coiling windings cross at the coil housing toe and heel; then run parallel north/south along the full length of N/S center line. The pulse transmits from one D coil, pauses then returns through the second D coil. The narrow space between the parallel center line windings is the primary detection zone for the length of the N/S center line.

    At depth does the Garrett Axiom DD produce a lo-hi when the target passes the first winding then a second lo-hi signal as the target passes out of the narrow space under the second winding with no tone flipping? Does this N/S narrow detection zone extent the full N/S length of the coil or just under the middle focused core?

    (*you should see me standing in front of one of the new digital beverage dispensers, definitely need to get to town more often.)

  17. Okay Steve, Let see if I am even close:
    The new Garrett Axiom Pulse Induction DD coils transmits from one D coil, pauses then receives with the other D coil. The DD coil(s) crossings are set back from both the forward toe and the rear heel of the coil housing creating a smaller interior mono coil “focused core” centered on the north/south center line of the main coil housing axis. The detection depth of the main PI DD coil will be deeper than the smaller interior mono coil. After detecting a target when sweeping the coil left to right (as in marching) a hi-lo or lo-hi external signal will be received from the command center. At this time flank 90 degrees to the side and sweep coil left to right listening for a repeatable command signal. Now push then pull the coil over the target area. If it is a larger deeper target the signal should remain lo-hi when passing over the forward DD coil crossing & lo-hi without “tone flipping” to hi-lo when passing over the rear DD coil crossing. If it is a shallower smaller target the signal will be hi-lo, hi-lo on the left/right sweep but will “tone flip” when pushing over the rear DD coil/mono coil intersection. At the same time the field operator is to combine all the above with the external incoming proportional audio. All this may vary based on ground conditions, soil type, target size, target conductivity, actual target depth, target tunnel abilities and field operator IQ.  Seems simple enough.

    Okay Garrett, keeping in mind some of us are more amphibious by nature, this is what we need for gold detecting. A simple waterproof 5x9 mono coil with a sensitive forward located tip so we can replace the water-logged sand impacted White TDI, 5x9 folded mono coil equipped with your brand new Garrett Axiom equipped with a WR-1 quarter inch jack receiver plus your newly developed Garrett Axiom WP 5x9 mono coil specifically designed for left to right sweeping and forward pushing as needed; green in color if possible. Thank you for your engineering and have a Merry Christmas.


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  18. I assume the “folded mono coils” are also in series similar to the White TDI mono Dual Field but in a figure eight design folded back on itself with the smaller loop placed to the interior. The location of figure eight coil crossing would most likely be located at the heel of the coil.  

    Both the waterproof White TDI 7.5 DF coil and an the after market waterproof 5x9 folded mono coil are good prospecting for tools for tight spaces and for those hard to reach partially submersed waterfall rock shelves that intersect the stream “V” channel. A better design would be a simple 5x9 waterproof mono coil with a sensitive front toe/tip. (That was for the Garrett Axiom engineers).

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  19. “This can be confusing at first, but actually gives a trained operator extra information about the size and depth of the target. Small targets will "tone-flip" front to rear, with the classic hi-lo tone in the center. Larger targets at depth will no longer tone flip, but just deliver a stand hi-lo or lo-hi response.”

    Small targets will “tone-flip” front to rear… What?

    You mean hi-lo at the front edge of the coil then lo-hi at the rear edge of the coil as the DD coil is moved front to back over the small target ???

  20. The size of the Columbia/ Gold Springs operation is impressive. I don’t know this as fact but I suspect the Columbia Airport runway was constructed from waste material. Lindgren was under the impression the Tertiary Calaveras tributary running into the Columbia Basin originated near Yankee Hill/ Sawmill Flat immediately to the east. The South Fork of the Stanislaus River and Five Mile Creek have for the most part eroded the upstream channels. From the Columbia Basin this Calaveras branch flowed NW towards the Vallecito Basin under Table Mountain (north side of the Stanislaus) then onto the confluence with the main Calaveras channel flowing down from Murphys. Check out the east side road cut on Parrotts Ferry road just north of Vallecito. From this same vista the Main Calaveras Channel is in view to the north. From Douglas Flat working are visible to both the north & south. Go back to “Google Earth” then climb to the summit to find “Highland Peak” then look downhill to the west. Did the glaciers get it all?

    side note: downstream between the South Fork Stanislaus/Five Mile Creek confluence and the Pine Log Crossing is where the founders of GPAA suctioned out their 880 ounces. Sorry it is still claimed up clear to the main. AMRA did have have access to a claim from the bridge downstream a short distance. Mount Lilly mine property up Five Mile Creek is private. Use caution these are the mountains and folks still farm for a living.

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