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Posts posted by CPT_GhostLight

  1. 30 minutes ago, nickeldNdimed said:

    Because they can get away with it and it works?  They will still get tons of sales. Why does a Hyundai look like a slanted Honda H emblem?  

    That's my point. I've just never been a fan of copy cat products. But I do think we're going to see some amazing technological advancements as the competition heats up and I wish all the players involved well, because the consumers will be the winners in the long run.

  2. I'm sorry, guys, this one doesn't do it for me. It just looks like a knock off with a few bell and whistles that I don't need. It's heavier than the Nox right out of the box and frankly just seems like they're a little desperate with their comical commercial. And why make your product look like another companies product. Why not make something unique to your brand? Take a page from XP's playbook. Even if it manages to blow away the Nox in performance, which I doubt, I just don't get the warm fuzzies from it. I hope it's a killer machine and everybody gets one, but I'll just happily plod along with my dinosaur and maybe get a few smokin' deals on some used Noxes. 😎

  3. 6 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

    Hmm 🤔 I supposedly have extraordinary hearing (despite many years of playing in very loud bands), and I have no problem whatsoever with generic Aptx-LL headphones. Unless the target is false or aluminum and I didn't use proper pinpointing techniques, I generally find the target in the center of the hole. Many times I find a surface target (2-4"), and am able to place my pinpointer directly on it first try. Could be eye/hand coordination with my coil center.

    Ditto that, same here. I'm not having a problem with APTX-LL Bluetooth phones, in fact I'm quite comfortable with them (LL earbuds in the during the warmer months and the ML80s in the cold months). But after reading up on the WM08 and older threads about folks using wired phones, specially when hunting deep or small targets, I got to wondering if going wired might be a better option.

  4. So I did a little more experimenting with the WM08 and various wired headphones I have around the house and I am noticing a little difference in latency VS Bluetooth, specially with pinpointing as suggested in responses to my previously posted WM08 question. I also noticed quite a difference in sound of different headphones when used with the WM08 too. I've been looking into some of your suggested headphones, such as Gray Ghost, Sunray Gold, Killer Bee, etc., as well as looking at older posts regarding headphones for use with the Equinox.

    This leads me to ask a question to those of you who prefer wired phones with your Nox. What full over-the-ear wired headphones do you prefer with your Equinox and why? TIA for your help.


  5. Very pretty, but can it hunt? They have enough units for a display, so you know there are some in the field being filmed. Maybe they're waiting until after the new Nokta SMF reveal comotion dies down a bit before releasing more info and maybe a video or two.  Product marketing is annoying when all you want is the factual information. 😎

  6. I was experimenting with Dan(MN)'s mod of mounting the WM-08 to a pair of good quality wired headphones, which works really well. I read the Equinox manual section about the WM 08 and saw that its latency is only 17ms whereas Low Latency Bluetooth is 40ms and normal Bluetooth is up to 100ms.

    I have been using LL Bluetooth ear buds all Summer and Fall so I'm used to the way they respond, but when I tested my new WM 08 rig, I couldn't really tell any difference in response time/latency. I guess I was expecting there to be a noticible difference.

    So my questions are, for those who use the WM 08 module, can you tell a difference as opposed to Bluetooth? Do you prefer to use the WM 08 setup and why?


    Thanks Joe. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of finding some good things 😄, otherwise you can drool over my aluminum.


    With everything going up, hang on to that aluminum, it could be worth tens of dollars one day! 😆

    Sorry to hear about your coil. Hopefully a replacement will find you soon.

    Good on you for the cleanup efforts. I look at it as paying it forward. Sometimes when I pick up a wad of trash, I get a good target nearby. Also, when people in my local parks see me coming, they just smile and say "Here comes the trash man"! 😎


    My wild guess the MM 699 is the purity mark.


    You might be able to find the maker. The style of mark is struck so it is old or older. Modern day marks are often laser engraved and super crisp in detail.

    White gold is tricky, found one this summer and first thought it was silver then thought it was platinum because of the weight and the id range it rang up but an acid test proved to be 10k.


    Thank you for that info, I hadn't thought of that. I need to test it and see if I can find anything on the"MM" mark.


    I don't know what MM699 means (and so far no one else does either) but it sure has the look of a quality ring to me.  Excellent finds!

    You're doing things right, IMO.  You want gold rings?  Dig every pulltab in the park.  Small gold jewerly?  Dig all the foil, too.  Nothing wrong with digging trash.  Missing valuables through overconfidence in ones discriminating ability?  That's where the shame comes in.

    Thanks! I usually toss all the foil I find in the trash with the paper and surface trash but I do dig alot of it. I can usually tell by the double or mutiple beeps that it is crumpled or folded foil, but I'll dig it anyway, just in case. 😎  

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