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  • Gear In Use:
    XP Deus II, Minelab Equinox 800, Fisher Gold Bug II, White's Prizm 6T, Fisher F-Pulse, XP MI-6, Minelab ProFind 35, White's TRX

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  1. Gary hits an unknown land mass... Enjoy!
  2. Way to go, Sinclair, well done again and congrats on the .925!? That many toy cars in one hole constitutes a car lot for sure! ?
  3. Wow, F350, that Spanish cob is to die for! Congrats and well done my friend! ?
  4. Man that's a workout! Congrats on the coins!?
  5. Well congrats on the super finds, palzynski, well done indeed!?
  6. Well there you go, F350, congrats on the gold ring and well done indeed! ?
  7. Well done, okie, congrats on all the gold & silver! ?
  8. Congrats on the first silver of the year! Well done! ?
  9. Congrats, George, and welcome to the full RC club! ?
  10. Thanks, Sinclair! I have to say I really like the 13" coil. Even though I've only had it out one time in a local park, I have to say it swings really well and hit all the targets that the 11" does and maybe just a little deeper, but I wasn't testing depth. All in all, I couldn't be happier with it, even without the gold coin! ?
  11. Thanks, F350! I love the 13x11" coil, thank you for recommending it! It doesn't feel like it is much more weight than the 11" coil and it definitely hits the goods! ?
  12. I tried checking the bezel markings again, but it's unclear what they are. It could be 14K, but I'm unsure at this time. So until I have confirmation on the the bezel, I'm going to say gold plated, perhaps. ? The total weight is 3.83 grams.
  13. Great finds for the year, Chase! Congrats and Well Done! ?
  14. Like some other folks on the DP Forum, I got a 13x11" D2 coil from Santa! Woohoo! ? Around noon yesterday, I was working around the house trying to get Christmas put away when my wife texted me and asked if I was going out detecting. What??? I said no, I had too much to do but she said I should go out while the weather was nice. Well that never happens so I just grabbed my new 13" coil and out the door I went! I decided to just hit my nearby practice park to see what the new coil could do. As expected, the ground was frozen solid in most areas, specially on the hills where people go sledding, but I slogged on finding quite a few coins, which is a little unusual now that the park which was built in the 1980s is a metal detecting hot-spot. At one point I hit a nice sounding 87 and thought it must be a bottle cap, but since I was digging all solid signals to see if there was any difference in sounds, I dug down about 4 to 5 inches and in the bottom of the hole was... no, surely that's not real, I thought, it's probably a gold foil knock-off or something, so I chucked it in the pouch with the other coins and moved on. I did manage to find a stainless steel ring and a key, but that was about it. When I got home, I dumped the finds out to sort through them and the "gold coin" mounted in a bezel popped out on top of the coin pile. Upon further examination, I found the .999 Fine AU on the back with a rather chewed up Panda. OMG, it is a Gold Coin! My first Gold Coin!!! I just sat there dumbfounded and could not move for what seemed like hours, but it was probably only minutes until my wife got home and asked if I went out detecting. Then I showed her the coin and she verified that it was indeed a Gold Coin! I'm still a little dumbfounded. I certainly did not expect to find a gold coin! Moral of the story... check everything and when your wife (or significant other) tells you to got detecting... Just go! ?
  15. Nice, Doc, I'm glad you like it! I left mine painted red so I can find it after I walk off and forget it! ?
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