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  1. Here is day 1 of my recent trip to Tyndrum, Scotland. Tyndrum is more prospective than my usual panning location but is also twice the distance, so here's hoping the gold shows make the extra journey worth the trip:
  2. Here is the video of day 4 & of of my recent gold prospecting trip to Scotland, working a large bedrock slab then moving on to a new hole
  3. Here is day 3 of my recent trip to Scotland gold prospecting and finally start to find a few pickers
  4. Here is day 2 of my recent trip to Scotland with a few more shows of gold turning up in the pan
  5. Its been a while since my last prospecting trip so managed to get a week away at the end of last month, here`s day 1 of my trip
  6. Here`s day 2 & 3 of my recent trip to Scotland with a friend for a week long gold prospecting hunt
  7. Here`s day 1 of my recent Feb 2017 trip to Scotland, more to follow when I can be bothered to convert them all lol...
  8. Here is day 3 and 4 of my recent gold prospecting trip to Wanlockhead, Scotland between Christmas and New Year 2016. Days 1 & 2 recovered a couple of pickers so I continue to prospect for gold in the same area on day 3, I don`t record much of day 3 however as it didn`t really I`ve up much gold to film so I finish up and decide to test a completely new area on day 4 which I`ve not visited before. Day 4 I carry on gold prospecting but in a new area, the new area has a lot of fine crushed material from old mine workings, there is a lot of crushed lead and quartz, having not tested the area before I thought I would give it a go to see if I could recover any gold from the area to offer additional area`s to prospect at for future trips, I`m sure this new area will hold some nice bits of gold but on my test day I only recover a single spec, which isn`t really enticing me to revisit this new area again, but thats the whole point of prospecting for gold, to visit new area`s and see how prospective they look
  9. Here`s day 2 of my recent prospecting trip to Scotland between Christmas and New year, I posted day 1 in a different section but barely got any views so I presume this is the main section read so figured I`d pop it here instead like I usually do, day 1 is on a different part of the forum ;)
  10. Well I must be crazy but figured I`d go back up to Scotland to revisit a hole I worked and found nice pickers in from November, however when I got there, I released someone had already worked the hole, I guess thats one of the prices I pay for making my videos to share with fellow prospectors, it still gave me a chance to test some new spots on the following days though so not all was lost
  11. Thanks, I made most of my equipment myself and managed to finally find a good spot to work for a few days
  12. Heres the video my my last day prospecting in Wanlockhead, Scotland, I found some nice pickers on this day while using my underwater viewer to scrape cracks & crevices clean and ran the material through a DIY sluice I made using gold hog and vortex mats, hope you enjoy :D
  13. Here`s day 3 of my recent prospecting trip to Wanlockhead, Scotland, days 1 & 2 were pretty much a wash out but things started picking up in this video of day 3 and day 4 was better still.
  14. This sluice design has been tested to death by the admins who make it as they have been making it for about 20 years now, improving the design when improvements have been identified, this will run in slow water with a higher degree of angle or faster water when lying more flat and so far its recovered everything from pickers to fly-poop sized specs. Its similar to the Le Trap sluice and cleans out in seconds. It`s been my sluice of choice, even when friend bought a folding Keane sluice he didn`t like having to unscrew everything and clean the mats out so he then bought one of these too lol... I`ve since made my own sluice made to measure using a mixture of mats from hi-low, vortex and goldhog mats which I ran on day 3 and 4
  15. Thanks, I always fill my holes in as not doing so would only being unwanted attention to the hobby and get environmentalists involved etc... Tvanwho, going off the current exchange rate, this sluice would cost about $90ish+postage, the admins at UKGPA.com make them to order so if you wanted more info on the sluice, feel free to sign up over there and ask the admins (Goldpanner/WarrenB)
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