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Everything posted by KDX

  1. I have a White's MXT with the original coil and a 6x9 DD coil. It's in excellent condition and I think I may even have the detector bag also. I'm considering selling it and was wondering what a fair price would be. Thanks in advance.
  2. I think I'll be using ATG next time I go out there and see how it goes.
  3. Thanks. Any idea as to how much depth will be lost?
  4. Thanks. I did a factory reset and tried out ATG and a sensitivity of 20. I was going through the different options and noticed the stabilizer was set on 1. I messed around with the stabilizer settings from max to right off and will be trying a setting of 2 or 3 when I finally go out. It seemed to help with the clad. In my backyard anyway.
  5. The area I found these pennies was not on the beach. This was an area that usually has docks (brought in now for winter) and isn't used in the way a normal beach is. The weeds are grown in (you can see the bottom right in the one pic) and it's just a narrow strip of sand along the waters edge. This is a pic of the main part that I spent hours on. The pennies were between 6 and 9 inches I'm guessing. There is a layer of normal sand about 2-3 inches and then the black sand in this area. I had the sensitivity about 19 or so if I remember right. I had used the check mark to bring in some numbers on my test garden so maybe that skewed the readings on the ID. I did a factory reset today and will not mess with anything for a while.
  6. The water is clear in this lake. I briefly tried All Terrain General but then thought if they made a beach mode option, it's likely what I should be using. The kicker is that I wasted several hours digging junk and found those in a half hour to forty five minutes or so. I'm guessing other people have detected that beach prior to me getting there.
  7. I went out on a freshwater beach yesterday and tried a bunch of different modes. I ended up using Beach Low Conductors with a recovery speed of 5 (at the end). After spending a few hours digging junk it was getting late and I was feeling less than happy with my results. I detected along the waters edge on my way back to the parking lot and ended up digging these pennies. The dime was my lone treasure find in the dry sand. The signals I was getting on these pennies didn't give me any solid indication they were lurking under the sand. I would get a faint high tone, a tiny smear in the upper 90's and see a high 90's number, but then it would be gone in a flash and there would be numbers jumping all over the 50's and 60's with a smear on the screen from the upper ferrous into the middle of the screen. I would hardly ever see the 90's number again. Sometimes I would be getting the 00 number with the blue wave underneath it. Most of the junk I dug I knew with a pretty good degree of certainty what it would be before hand based on my previous trip to this beach and digging junk. But I still dug it anyway just to confirm. I should have taken a few pics of just how black the sand was near the water. One pic of what the beach edge looked like where I found the pennies. Any tips for cleaning these?
  8. The M105's are nice, I just found them to be a little on the sweaty side. Definitely light weight.
  9. I changed my ferrous limits like those suggested in the video. I went out into the back yard for a bit this morning and tried some different modes and running it in 40 khz. From my initial testing if I kept the recovery down to 3 in the all terrain general mode I could get some repeatable signals that were recognizable because there would be a blob on the lower ferrous line and a blob in the upper notched out areas that were not connected. It looked like 2 different objects/signals. When I would turn up the recovery speed the top one would disappear and the lower one would be more inconsistent. I noise cancelled between modes and kept the ground balancing in tracking mode for more consistency. This machine will take a lot of trial and error for me before I figure it out, but I guess that's part of the fun.
  10. They have their own transmitter. I read the specs after my post and see that they use 2.4GHz frequency. May be more radiation than Bluetooth?
  11. Is there a good set of knee pads to recommend for detecting? I was thinking about carrying around a rectangular one to use or possibly buying a pair of Carhartt double front pants that are designed to put their knee pads into. Apparently you can wash the pants with the pads in place which would make things simplified.
  12. Long press noise cancellation. The clad makes an elongated smear along the top of the lower ferrous limit line in the 22-26 range (if I remember right). I'll try to get some pics to post later this week when I have some time.
  13. Thanks for the replys gentlemen. I do the noise cancellation first which usually settles at 2 and then I hold the button down for the ground balance while I pump the coil. It settled on 36 if I remember right. The power line to my house is underground 20-30 feet from where I buried the coins and about 3 feet down so that might be the reason for the chatter. I will try the ATLC mode and see how that works with the clad. Will the ATHC mode be a waste of time trying with clad? I'll also try the 40 khz and see how that works. What would be the recommended place to start for fresh water beaches, bearing in mind the clad we have here?
  14. Has anyone used the Grey Ghost wireless headphones with the Manticore and care to comment?
  15. I live in Canada so clad is the common coin here. I'm new to the Manticore (about 3-4 hours use so far) and would be considered an amateur detectorist by the regulars here. This afternoon I went out in the back yard and made a small test garden. I buried a zinc penny, a nickle, dime, quarter, loonie, toonie and a silver dime at 3 foot intervals. There are all down about 4-5 inches. I had to have the sensitivity down to 16 or else I was getting a fair amount of chatter. Using all terrain general I found (with my limited testing) that I had to have the recovery at 2 to get a repeatable signal on the clad coins. If I went up to 4 or higher the numbers and trace would be all over the place. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.
  16. I've seen a few videos where it looks like people have a protective cap on the end of their Pro-Find pin pointer. Does anyone know where these would be available from?
  17. Thanks for the replys gentlemen. I appreciate it.
  18. Thanks for the reply. Do you have a link (if it's okay to post here)?
  19. Does anyone use a cover for the control box on the Manticore? I do have the screen protector on it, but was considering having a little bit more protection.
  20. Can't edit for some reason....the option to use some third party wireless ear buds would be nice.
  21. I used the ML105 headphones for the first time the other day. I found them to be lite and comfortable, but maybe a little bit warm to wear. I could hear people talking to me with them on which I liked.
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