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Gerry in Idaho

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Posts posted by Gerry in Idaho

  1. 37 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Interesting. Sure enough, I checked my Manticore lower rod and it signals with a pinpointer. But unlike what you are seeing Gerry, my Equinox 800 rods, Axiom rods, E1500, and even steveg carbon fiber rods all also signal with a pinpointer. I'm surprised, to say the least but since it appears to be a common thing with all my detectors I'm not in a panic over it either. More investigation needed, methinks.

    As far as the original question, my next nugget hunt in a trashy location I will be using the Manticore.

    The EQ-800 factory shipped lower rod does not beep on a pinpointer.  You might want to check that one again.  

    I do not have an E-1500 but being a PI like the Axiom, I give them a half pass.

  2. Medium Mineralization, your medium might be better or worse?

    Any good Target ID VLF Gold detector is better than just having a PI.  I've proven this over and over again through the yrs with so many different VLF detectors and hundreds of ounces of Au finds.

    1st was the Gold Bug-2 mostly in trashy tailing piles.


    Then the MXT as it had even better Iron ID than a GB-2.



    As technology improved and my Field Testing backed it up, I found that X-Terr 70 and then the 705 to be slightly better, but also lighter in weight.



    It was quite some time before I found a big enough improvement over the X-705, but Garrett came out with a 100% waterproof VLF and it was also pretty ergonomically designed.

    The next tool I enjoyed was White's again with the 24K.  What made it better than the X-Terra's and AT Gold, it's higher kHz and greater Sensitivity to crystalline gold and smaller bits.


    I still feel the 24K is the top performing "Gold Only" VLF detector on the market at this time.  It came out 2018 around the same time as another proven winner. It's now sold by Garrett.

    Also in 2018 was the Minelab Equinox 800 and that my friends became a game changer in many ways.  A couple of my Field Staff/I were able to see early versions of the Equinox in 2017 before it's official release.  We were quite excited to see 1 detector with so many options, features and applications for someone who literally "hunts it all".

    As soon as we could get our hands on one and in the field to hunt gold, we started learning where this detector shines over the competition.  And boy does it really shine.

    The Target ID system is probably the main feature I enjoy most.  But the ability to easily do Auto GB or Manual, adjustable Threshold, Compact, 100% WP, Wireless, Salt Water capable, ergonomically designed and under $1000.  Win win win all around.

    That detector alone has produced so much more gold than the others out there, it's really not even close.  The ID systems is the meal ticket.




    The Equinox is also fantastic at identifying high grade ore.  For some reason I can't find my pics of Success on an ore dump pile, but the gold was hardly even visible. I have been able to hunt such piles and not even have to dig bullets, blasting caps and 22 shell casings.  It's such a time saver.

    You folks now know the EQ-800 is being replaced by the EQ-900 and I really don't see any Prospecting benefits of the 900 over the 800, other than value (comes with 2 coils) and the improvements of leaks/breaks.  But performance wise in Pros Mode, their neck in neck.  I do wish Minelab would go back to a non-metal lower shaft like they have on the 800.  The 900 is not as stable and I think it's the lower shaft.

    Yes, I have found gold with the EQ-900 but realize the Manticore came out before it, so that has been my go-to machine the last 2 yrs.

    My 1st gold find with the EQ-900 below.



    Today and for the last year and a half, I have pretty much been swinging the Manticore.  It has a little bit more depth vs an Equinox and D2 ID system is better, if you spend time learning it.  Do I think the extra price is worth it for most folks?  No, not your average detectorist.


    There is an issue I have known about with the Manticore for some time now and I have been waiting for Minelab to address.  Seems they don't care since it's been out now for almost 2 yrs.  It's the same issue with the Equinox 900.  The design flaw in the carbon fiber lower shaft.  Sure, they're going to say it has no issue or interference at all. I'll call BS until the day I die.  The Manticore chatters every time I put it on the ground, It chatters more when bumping into rocks and brush, it chatters more when I swing it fast.  I actually think it chatter more than the EQ-900.  I suspect that could be one of the reasons why they did not stick with the small 6" coil that's already been out for years.  It's too sensitive.  I run the stock 11" coil and get away with it slightly.  I put in the smaller M8 coil and can tell the difference in extra chatter when in real field use applications..  I just feel the small 6" would be even worse?  

    Sure, I can tape a quarter to my coil and go hunt with it.  And it will find treasures just as it's supposed to.  But in the Prospecting Mode, one loses a little depth and sensitivity as I can't run the Gain high enough to enjoy the Manticores extra power.

    Yes, I used to run detectors that had metal nuts and bolts holding the coil to the shaft (back in the 70's).  Come on people, you're better than that.

    Right now in my shop, I can take my pin pointer and test my GB-2, my 24K, my AT Gold, my XT-18000, a Eureka Gold, MXT, GMT, Gold Monster 1000, Equinox 800 AND NONE OF THEM will scream like a stuck pig...but my EQ-900 and Manticore sure do. Why Minelab, why?  Don't waste your breath Minelab, I know what I know. Please just give us a non metal lower shaft or Steve's Rods can step up to the plate.

    Here's the bottom line and why I think nothing will happen with the lower shaft from Minelab?  Just as is with the CTX 3030 and GPX-6000, they too use Carbon Fiber lower rods.  Only difference is the CTX 3030 can't see and won't respond to much of the gold I find.  It's not designed to do such, so I give it a pass.  The GPX-6000, it's a PI and so it also get's a 1/2 pass, but I wonder how much smoother a GPX-6000 could run and if I could up my GAIN a little more with a non metal lower shaft.

    The EQ-900 and Manticore are used by so many folks and MOST (the masses) are using those 2 models of detectors for Coin/Relic/Beach hunting.  How many folks actually use them for true Gold Prospecting?  Probably not even 2% of overall sales, more like 1% worldwide.  Then of that 1 or 2% of the users who do Prospect, how many of them even know what I'm talking about?  Very very few...and that's why we'll probably never see a change?  Now, I also wonder if Minelab Field Testers even notices it, or even the Engineers?  After all, how many of them spend the time my Field Staff and I do in the Gold Fields with a variety of detectors all the time and trying to get the best possible results out of a detector.  Me personally, I'll accept a couple more ounces of weight if a lower shaft with no metal can be had.

    Now back to VLF detectors being used in trash areas to find gold.

    So many options of good proven detectors, but I feel the EQ-800, EQ-900 and Manticore are all Tops.  And especially for a guy like me who also hunts in salt water, chases old coins/relics and is always needing a compact detector to carry on the plane with no issues.

    Enjoy the hunt and have fun my friends.








  3. On 5/15/2024 at 8:51 PM, Doc said:

    I have never got the impression that Minelab would totally ignore the legacy of how it all began.


    There is nobody at Minelab USA who knows the amount of effort/time/money some of us early dealers have put into Minelab.  Here's a prime example.  They have distanced themselves from the same people who have been here forever, the same dealers who were the backbone of this company (in the USA) 20+ yrs ago.  I won't go into detail as it's not the time or place.  But I can easily name 10+ of the top dealers back then who have noticed.

    My hope, as you have mentioned, is that Minelab Adelaide still knows and has something planned.  My gut tells me otherwise. Time will tell.

  4. Yes, I caught wind of it a couple weeks ago.  It certainly shows how dire they are to make a $.

    I'm surprised they are still having the Minelab Worldwide Conference next year, be interesting to see how many dealers actually show up?  Of the 250+ in the US, I expect maybe 25 who attend.

    Us old school dealers are a thing of the past.  

    No worries, as I seen the writing on the walls a few years ago and have been refocusing my business and goals.

    My passion for "the Hunt" will continue.



  5. I appreciate the kind words of Confidence many of you have with me.  Rob hit it right as time and less eye balls in the magazines these days.

    They ( ICMJ ) actually called me last week and we had a good talk.  I would much rather be out swinging myself than writing an article for a magazine.

    Maybe they should try to find a newer young gun trying to make a name?  Or get an ordinary guy write about all the mistakes he makes at trying to find gold.  

    Times are changing, detector manufactures are changing, and so is my priorities in life.

    Again, I appreciate the good gesture and desire though.

  6. On 5/8/2024 at 3:08 PM, Doc said:

    By the way I took the picture with the entire pool in the background so Gerry and Michelle will know there is plenty of room for Michell's floating lounge chair and Gerry's little inflatable arm floaties.  😅




    You're the best Doc.  I'll be sure to get my sippy cup, the arm floaties, nose plugs, ear plugs and water cap.  You need to provide the Minelab coolie, so my sippy cup doesn't drown.

    Now that's what 25+ yrs friends are for.

  7. geof_junk, I thought you were joking at 1st and had to google it.



    Doc's always one up on us.  He has them up on eBay right now and what's nice, is you get 3.  1st is for the gold nuggets. 2nd and just as important, is for the small bits of iron trash and bird shots.  Who in their right mind tosses those pesky items back down on the ground?  Many folks do, I see it in my classes all the time.  Their newbies and don't realize until they find the same small birdshot for the 3rd time.  I always make them find it again and dispose of properly.  An issue though, is many hip trash pouches have mesh bottom and so tossing the bits in there, will eventually end up on the ground again as they fall through the mesh holes.  Again, the 2nd pouch is just as important.

    3rd one.  Now that's the one you leave in the rig as a backup, or on the ATV, side by side, motorbike.  Heck, allow the occasional detecting buddy to use one.



    We all enjoy options and that's exactly what Doc allows us.

    Happy Hunt.


  8. So for 9 yrs you've been holding out and making us old guys wear our bodies down, run out of steam and then quit the hunt early.  You've probably been using it the whole time, until your friends called you out "extortion ". You had no choice then, so the cat is out of the bag.

    One of my biggest issues with the GPZ-7000, weight....and that attempt at their exoskeleton harness.  

    Doc, Minelab just needs to put you on their payroll so we get the right fit, feel, tools and accessories from the get-go. 

    Now, I'm excited about swinging that Beasty 7 again... when I have Dalas.  I'm sure it's not going to cost $1000 like those coils so many folks purchased, just so they could swinging the 7 again. 

    Looking forward to it. 

    BTW, when Michelle and I come visit Vegas, we'll be in the pool, your pool.

  9. On 5/6/2024 at 8:08 AM, Quick said:

    As for large Iron I do understand the labor that it takes. Tailing piles are known for holding large iron and I have dug my share of pits in them. With tailing piles I prefer a VLF detector that discriminates and also finds the porous type gold. 


    That's a fact for certain and I agree 100% my friend.  I do the same in many ore dump piles and hydraulic pits as well. 

    Glad to know you are open to a variety of detector tools for some of their capabilities, as many people seem to wear blinders.  I was one who wore such blinders and thought if I ran my big expensive PI over an area, I had no need to go back over with a VLF.  That thinking cost me some amazing missed gold at a few locations.  When in happens 1 or 2 times for a small piece of gold, it's easier to just say "he got lucky".  When it happens more than a few and those are multi ounce $5000+ pieces of gold...It most certainly catches ones attention in a sick feeling bad way.  I learned to accept change and different detector tools for the various kinds of gold out there.

    Luckily for me, and even though it was costly error on my part, I learned to take the blinders off.

    This "Golden Oreo" was recovered 2018 in old workings full of man-made iron with a VLF using Iron ID and VDI #'s.  I actually started hunting the site in about 20 yrs ago using GP-3000 with very little Success at gold.  Boy did I dig my share of deep iron targets.  This location was one of those that produced 1 decent find for every 5 days of hunting.  I used some of the newer PI's when the GPX series came out and did a little better, but still so much deep iron.  Then when the Equinox came out in 2018 and I learned it's ID system, I knew where I wanted to go. Those same sites have really been "Golden" for me in so many ways.





  10. Doc, Glad to see you have expanded a Prospectors Nugget holder. You certainly have gone through a variety throughout the years.

    Those old kangaroo scrotum sacks were ideal in the day; they just hang/dangle most everywhere and always gets the craziest looks.  On a rare occasion, the ladies would actually go up and touch them.🤣

    Below was your design back in the day.



    Then years later someone upgraded to a more handable style.  I feel sorry for the mate who had to go collect a new dozen after selling out.😆



    Eventually you changed to the desert green golden clam.  I enjoyed it much more often and recommended to many of my customers during our group training session.  One issue was color as I actually lost one on the side of a hill one time and it had a half dozen nuggets from Sawtooth.  It took me a couple hours to find it, thank the lord.

    The other issue with the common golden clams is size.  On a rare occasion, a guy enjoys a bigger golden clam to hold his trophy.  As you can see in the pics, those small ones (even though more convenient most of the time) just quite not a good fit,, especially if rigid and rough, it takes a lot work and time to get it in.  I never did get the one below to fit.



    The yellow version clam... is quite inviting and can easily be seen from distance, but as you see in the pic, even a smooth one with a little more than average size, is a tough fit.  Eventually, I managed to work it in, though.



    I think the old timers would probably have used something similar to this.  Not much with girth but the length is manageable to most.  Just think how many of those are out there in the field holding someone's nuggets?




    One of my Field Staff, he's an expert at big and deep.  He just carries his around in his hand.



    As I mentioned, he likes big and deep. This time, he couldn't even carry it around in his hand.



    You know me, always a mouthful and more than many can handle.




    On a side note, wonder how much gold this old beauty from the Mammoth Mine carried?



    You disappointed me a little, Doc.  So many of your inventions has catchy names.

    Well, I'm giving you the permission to call this new one "The Golden Clam, it holds a variety of sizes of most Prospectors nuggets". 

    If this does not drum up some business for you my friend, not sure what will.

    Happy Swinging.


  11. 22 hours ago, Quick said:

    I think a detector that doesn’t see the small ferrous metal would be more to my liking than one with a discriminator. I’ve noticed with the GPX 5000 in the fine gold timing, at times will balance out rotten rusty nails and metal can pieces, seeing it as ground mineralization. Cut out the small iron so I don’t have to hear it and I’m good.

    The larger iron is easy enough to dig and the non ferrous targets are small in number and at times valuable. These need to come out of the ground anyway due to the possibility of them masking gold. 

    I appreciate your comments but have a couple issues with the thinking.  "I think a detector that doesn’t see the small ferrous metal would be more to my liking than one with a discriminator." That my friend is Discrimination = Iron ID.

    "The larger iron is easy enough to dig".  I've attempted to dig large iron out of tailing piles in the hopes of a large chunk of gold.  After 2 or 3 feet down and an hour wasted on 1 iron target, I end up with no energy and my body is spent/drained.  Do that a few times a day and your comment "The larger iron is easy enough to dig" is tossed out the window.

    I'm assuming your detecting style is much different than many of the locations I find good gold.  That's totally understandable as there are so many variations in this hobby "Gold Hunting with a Detector".  Some of my best sites that still produce gold are the ones with big deep iron and also plenty of small bits. A couple of my VLF detectors will smoke w GPX-5000 in these situations.  To be fair to a 5000.  If not much trash in the area and decent size dense gold, I'll certainly dig the occasional trash and iron, as that's "currently" still part of the game.

    But what does the future hold?

    Either way, it's great for discussion and gives those smarter guys than us, the desire to continue to improve what out there now.


  12. 17 hours ago, Chet said:

    Perhaps this is one that only works well on the bench;


    I'm no Engineer Chet and you certainly understand it better than I. Seeing it on a bench gets me excited as I would think all detectors start out on the bench.  Now you could be right, it only shows good results on the bench?  At least we know there are folks working on it and trying to get us "more detector options of the future".

  13. Glad to hear and see you are enjoying the Manticore as a true VLF type gold capable detector.  I feel the same way about it and a few of my customers are also seeing the benefits.  To me the BIG 3 things that make it shine over the others.  1 - the target Identification, 2- ability to switch from Manual to Auto GB and 3- adjustable Threshold.

    Your time in the videos, and writing is well earned and appreciated my friend.

  14. I prefer Manual SENS around 7 or 8, Soil Timing NORMAL, almost always run a Threshold. Prefer no headphones, but when really windy or nearby running water, will go headphones to block out Ambiant noise.  I do see improvements to small gold with the CoilTek 10" Ellip but usually run stock 11" MONO.

    I have many gold specimens and some all gold pieces that do not respond to GPX-6000 in DIFFICULT Timing.  I also have gold that NROMAL goes deeper than DIFFICULT.  At the same time, some sites have so many Hot Rocks than NORMAL is almost impossible and DIFFICULT is best.

    No magic Setting gets them all.

  15. 5 hours ago, dig4gold said:

    Hang on Gerry. Your question was about COMBINING VLF & PI into one detector. My comment was that Not from Minelab you won't because they would rather sell you two separate individual detectors to make more money out of you.

    To the best of my knowledge a Nox 800/900 & Manticore are VLF. Nothing to do with PI. So nothing to do with combining VLF & PI. Could ML do it? Possibly very likely. If they could, why haven't they already?

    Maybe now that you have thrown it out there it may stir things up. Maybe someone else will beat them to it.


    Fair enough my friend.  Hey, I like seeing open communication and expressing our thoughts/desires.  Even though I may not always agree with an occasional comment, at least we're discussing.  All is good.

  16. 2 minutes ago, dig4gold said:

    Not from MInelab you won't. They would rather sell you two separate detectors. $$$


    I don't buy that at all.

    They provided us an Equinox 800, EQ-900 & Manticore.  All 3 detectors are known for Top selling & performing Coin/Relic detectors.  But most water/beach hunters use them over the Xcal-II 1000.  And when it comes to Gold Prospecting, the 3 detectors can outperform the Gold Only GM-1000.  So they have listened and provided us with true Multi Use VLF detectors.  Now, would be a great time to offer us a PI/VLF.

    They Minelab, have done us many options and I appreciate such.  And as a greedy detectorists, I want more.  Don't we all?

  17. Here's an idea for a new detector.

    Does anyone ever think we could see a Pulse Induction Detector with a Setting that could turn it into a VLF?  This would give us the benefits of owning 1 detector that can find deep gold, get rid of most soil condition and hot/cold rocks...and at the same time provide the Sensitivity to wire gold/specimens/tiny bits and have the Discrimination with great identification ID such as the Equinox/Manticore.

    I realize we could not have both running at the same time, but that ok with me.  I already take 2 different gold capable detectors on many of my hunts as I've learned quite a few sites have various kinds of gold.  Sure, there will be times the ID system from the VLF setting may not ID properly, but as the end user, I can decide for myself.  I already use the VLFs in heavy trash areas and on deep targets, I still investigate some as I have learned that depth and certain soil conditions can fool even the most expensive detectors.

    It would be a big hit with some regions and maybe not so with others.  Having the option of such detector would be nice for those who detect old mining areas.

    Another big part of the sales of this detector would be generated towards the Beach Hunters and also the Civil War Relic folks.

    It's my dream, so please don't piss on it.  Although I do enjoy hearing your thoughts good and bad.  After all, it's just a dream...until it becomes reality.

  18. 15 hours ago, dig4gold said:

    Thank you Gerry & Phrunt. While the 6000 has been a shambles & a frustration for many, I somehow have not had issues with mine. Touch wood. We do know who the tester were Gerry. Maybe they were just not aware of the issues at that time or ML did ignore them. JP did promote it as being highly strung & on the edge due to the nature of the beast & its heightened sensitivity & jittery nature therefore etc etc.

    Glad you are not having issues with yours.  Now lets look into this a little deeper.  You are a seasoned Minelab user and if you are like most of us, you try to run your machines hot to get best results.  So the extra noise vs the extra sensitivity and depth on smaller gold was ok.  I did exactly the same and thought, well that must be how it runs and to put up with the extra noise for the better results = sounds fare.  Heck, I imagine JP also felt that way.

    It was not until I started using the headphones and noticing the detector running much more smoothly and quiet did I realize an issue.  But some folks may not have caught that and so their added success was worth it?

    I'm not pointing fingers at JP at all.  He did mention some of the extra noise for a new detector that is extra sensitive and that is to be expected.  I'm sure JP also mentioned it or at least asked if it could be cleaned up some.

    This is very head scratching to me though. You mentioned "We do know who the tester were Gerry."  If Minelab is only using JP as the tester and nobody else, that's not wise at all.  Yes JP is tops and he can back up his words with his Success and knowledge.  But at the same time, JP is in only one guy in one region of the world.  If this multi million dollar company only had 1 Field Tester?  That my friend, just does not sound right.

    Here's the bottom line.  At least they did in fact take care of it, but a little delayed (over a year). Doing so, just shows they are listening.. some.  Was it played out the right way?  Probably not to many of our end users, but at least it has been addressed and so now most of us should be happy.

    Glad your unit is fine, but I also have a gut feeling, you might like it even more, if you were to have the upgrade.

    I too have a few customers (long time Minelab users) and they refuse to send theirs in.  They have learned to put up with the extra noise to get the extra results.  I do know this, machines like the GM-1000, are not my cup of tea.  Too quiet, no threshold and no fine tuning capabilities.  I'll stick with the Equinox or Manticore all day long.  I also realize the GM-1000 was never intended for USA market. And I realize a % of people want simple, dummy proof, turn on and go. If that's the case, I'll sell them the GM-1000.

    Options is what I like and as long as we get more options, I'm happy.

  19. Most certainly is LITE.  The detector with the small coil is lite'er and the cost of the unit itself is lite'er on the pocket.

    Actually, one of the blessing of the Axiom is how much lite'er it is when compared to the competition and then most certainly lite'er on the wallet vs those others.

    Did I tell you I found more gold with the Axiom in 2022 and 2023 than I did with my GPX-6000 and GPZ-7000 combined.  I won't even mention what a couple of my Field Staff did.  Let's just say, many folks assume and wear blinders.  I realized my blinder mistake many years ago, so now I keep an open mind and let the results dictate my preference.

    In no way am I saying the Axiom will always outperform my GPZ, but with the added features, it sure shines through in many applications.  Can't argue results, that's for sure.



  20. That's an incredible find my friend.  I've been a big fan of using Discrimination in certain situations to find gold.  I still get heckled by the hard heads and that's fine.  They don't hunt the same locations I do and if they did, they would not find gold as often as I do.

    It just goes to show, AGAIN, the Axiom has some features and capabilities the other big boys don't have.

    Great for you.

  21. 48 minutes ago, dig4gold said:

    Sad you got a dud & also lost 12 months of critical detecting time. Especially as your friend got one quite early as we both got one about the same time as we were communicating a bit at that time. He got 12 months on you & most likely on the ground you have been doing as well. That is my point with the "early bird gets the worm" comment in my earlier post. Also that ML honour their warranties so any issues they will sort out. From memory you were so frustrated with your dud out of the box that you bashed it & it came to life. Whether that was good or bad & that maybe you should have sent it back under warranty, you will never know. I guess by going public that you bashed it would void your warranty anyway.

    I have no issues with Simon and many others showing frustration with the GPX-6000, Minelab earned it.

    Why did not the original Field Testers notify Minelab of the issues?  Maybe they did and Minelab turned a cheek, we will never know.

    This I know for a fact.  I complained about the issues to Minelab USA and was lied to.  I also sent an email and to this day have yet to get a reply.  Not sure if the folks at Minelab USA has any say anymore, but they did back in the 90's when I first started promoting Minelab.

    Now you might call me a sour Minelab Dealer, but at the same time, I promote the heck out of their detectors and show more pics of gold success than most other dealers who sell the same product.  I love their technologies and performances.  I also appreciate the 3 year warranty as for many years it was only 2 yrs.  I don't appreciate their strategies of price points.  I say this as I have been one trying to sell their detectors for near 30 yrs.  Why not offer the same detectors at 1/2 the price (still more than the competition) and sell twice as many.  Then come out with new versions every 3 to 4 yrs (like they did back in the early days) instead of waiting 9 years (based on GPZ-7000).

    Back to the next new big detector from Minelab.  It will happen and probably as Lunk mentioned (during the May 2025 Worldwide Conference.  What do I hope for?  A detector with GPZ-7000 depth on solid gold, with the lighter coils, size and ergonomics of a GPX-6000 and also have Sensitivity of specimen gold, Discrimination and Fine Tuning that the Axiom has and then price this package at $4999 US.  I would think gold could be around $2500 US an oz and we could sell twice as many detectors.

    Only time will tell.


  22. Garrett just informed us happy folks in USA, the proven Axiom is now available in the US in the same LITE package they have been offering in Australia.

    I know this detector well as many of you seen the posts of Success picks my Field Staff/I have shared the last year.  Yes I feel it's the best priced high performance PI detector on the market in the USA at this time.  Yes it has features my GPX-6000 and GPZ-7000 do not.  If you don't think it can find small gold, sorry you are mistaken.  It's incredible at the small stuff, just ask Steve H or Lunk.


    Now's your chance to get this detector for $1000 less.  Don't forget, since I am a VET myself, I offer the full 15% to those Veteran customers, as you earned it. Veterans supporting Veterans. Semper Fi.



    Picks of Success (below) when we were testing different prototypes.

    Happy Hunting.  Gerry


















  23. Looking back, I think Gerry's Detectors has worked with at least 10 active Detector Prospector forum members at one time or another on a variety of gold detectors.  Of you folks, who's found the most?  Boy it's hard to tell as I have seen many of you Succeed.

    My Field Staff and I enjoy seeing our students accel at finding the gold.  Heck, we've even been with previous customers who outdo us on an occasion.  Passion of helping others and enjoying seeing the customers break a smile when they finally find their 1st gold.  It doesn't get any better than that.

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