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Posts posted by Againstmywill

  1. 12 minutes ago, Dances With Doves said:

    I have one over a ounce that looks like that    and it's about 24" and when I set it on ground it gives me a 4 in park 1 and  park 2.I found it with the Infinium.

    Thanks for taking the time to share that info! Does it give a good solid hit, or is it a scratchy 4?

  2. 21 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Just on value alone is why it’s more silver to be found than gold . One day you will find that gold one that’s been waiting on you to find it.

     I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor to finding that whatever it is to make your day.

     I say dig all and it will come sooner.


    Thanks, Chuck! I agree, there is more silver than gold, usually. In Utah, it was probably 10 silver rings to 1 gold. Here in Florida, I am actually finding more gold rings. I know, it is hard to believe. For me too! That's why I'm thinking that if I have found 3 substantial silver  chains on the field, there has to be a gold there. BTW, if you come here and want to dig all my junk for me, you will have troubles finding it. I believe I have dug most of it! 

    Happy digging!

  3. I have found a few silver chains on the football field close to me, but a gold chain has eluded me. I'm sure there is one there, but I will need some guidance from others. Might anyone know what a thicker gold chain would come up as on an Equinox? Thanks for any help you can provide. Please see pic for about what I'm thinking.


  4. Very nice ring and high gold content! Do you remember your settings?

    The only over-14K ring I have ever found was in the yard of someone who was letting me detect their place in an old part of town. It was her ex-husband's ring that she thought he "lost" many years earlier. It was the first time out with my newly purchased E-TRAC. I was hooked after that!



  5. 14 minutes ago, Rick N. MI said:

    Where I'm at silver comes out of the ground silver. In the water it comes out black.

    The "soil" I'm detecting in shows signs of having been taken from the salt water, or in the salt water, at some point. There are still large shells located in the sandy mix. That may be why the coin is so crusty looking.

  6. Back out to the football field this morning for 1 1/2 hours. It had rained yesterday, so the ground was great for depth today. There was a spot that had about 5 pennies that were down at about 9 inches. Each of them was caked with sandy dirt, so I didn't want to rub them to pieces. I thought they might be wheats, but was not sure (I think only one is a wheat). In the same 9 ft. square area I got a 36-37 ID on the Equinox using 50 tones. It also was as deep as the pennies. This find is my first ever silver half dollar! It is not really pretty, but it is silver!

    It cleaned up fairly well using baking soda and aluminum followed by aluminum polish that I had around for headlight restoration.






  7. 5 hours ago, Dances With Doves said:

    I have  only found one turf gold with nox and that was because  it sounded like a coin. I have  been focusing on silver mostly with nox in the turf. In the water is a  different matter. I Have got many gold with it.To get turf gold you have to be focused on it to get better     results.  I was more   focused with x-terra on turf gold so I did much better.

    I have found 8 pieces of gold in the turf since March 7. I have tried hunting the gulf beaches, but I find close to nothing. I have been concentrating on the 6-10 numbers, and it has worked out well for me in the locations I frequent. I turn down the sensitivity to 18 on the Equinox so I don't go too deep, and I keep the speed up to 7. The 15" covers the ground and all I have to do is dig quickly and move on to the next target. After 2 hours my legs are shot!









  8. 17 minutes ago, phrunt said:

    your chain sounded like a nice normal solid signal so perhaps I've been chasing the wrong thing 🙂  I don't dig near enough low numbers, I should be.

    It may be because of the tiger that it showed up at that number. The chain was in one clump and not spread out, so that would likely be different if it were oriented differently. After reading something on this forum about the lower numbers, 6-10, I have dug almost all the strong signals in that range. Back when I had my MXT, I was new to detecting and only dug the nice coin numbers. It is when I got the E-trac that things started to make sense and I started to find more jewelry. With the help of this forum and the Equinox, it makes the odds of finding the gold much better.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Excellent job with the find but even more so in not damaging it while recovering it. Congratulations!

    The pinpointer told me it was not deep, so I just put the digger about 2 inches under it and pried up. The ground was wet enough that it was fairly easy to untangle the necklace from the grass and then stuff the sod back down.

  10. 12 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

    I've always figured parents wouldn't let the younger children take that kind of valuable to school.  Shows what I know about current parenting, although I suppose it could have been dropped by someone older.

    I think the track is used by others as well. I have done well on school grounds over the years in Utah, usually men's bands for some reason... probably because I was not digging the "junk" low numbers. Makes one wonder how many gold rings were passed over.🤔

  11. While back at my old stomping grounds in Wisconsin, I had some time to do some school turf hunting at a middle school (something that can't be done in Florida due to fences). Numerous coins have come from that area when I have detected it in the past, but that was when I mainly focused on coins while leaving the "junk" signals (lower numbers) in the ground. Well, since learning that the lower numbers are good numbers for gold, let's just say that that was the focus of this day's swinging. The 15" covered the ground well and hit hard on something on the corner of a sandpit by the track. Less than an inch down, it came in a strong 6 (similar to the sport during foil covers that I had been finding) using Park 1, 7 speed, and 18 sensitivity. The chain was latched, so it must have been set aside for safe keeping and dropped.












  12. Last week I had the opportunity to go back to Wisconsin and hunt my old homestead that was settled in 1845. Last year I found my first Barber Dime dated 1899 when I detected there. This year, the only old coin was a buffalo nickel from 1939 ( I'll post that pic later.). There were a couple neat relics, however. The Equinox 11" coil was used, Park 1, highest sensitivity possible, and speed of 4. Here are a few pics. The bell still rings, and it is a first for me. The lantern has a patent date of 1872, and the stove board has a patent date of 1878. 

















  13. I use the Seahorse case and use it as a carry-on on Southwest. Other airlines may be ok with it as well, but I know Southwest allows the size. It is solid and customizable as the pics will show. I have had an AT Pro, e-trac and the Equinox in it for transport. I don't put my digger in because it can easily be considered a weapon. As it is, it often gets inspected, or at least gets me extra attention from the people who look at the screen while being scanned. It would easily stand up to checked baggage if the need would arise. Note the 15" coil which is held firmly in place with the foam in the lid. The 11" also fits flat on the bottom along with the 15" on top.











  14. Went to the same location where I had 42 quarters. I used the same settings, but this time I swung the Samurai sword 15" coil. I had a bit more time today (11:20-1:20), but the humidity was really oppressive. No mosquitoes this time because they don't even want to be out in the Florida heat!

    I believe 55 quarters is a first for me in 2 hours. If I were not the one going up and down all those times, I would not believe these coins all came from 2 hours of detecting. Most were within the first few inches, so they were a quick dig. With all the stuff dug, that is an average of about 1 item a minute. I think I know what I can save up for...knee replacemnts!

    I left a scad of dimes in the ground, so there are still plenty of targets for my friend. 😁

    The bracelet was a STRONG 9-10. It looked amazing coming out of the ground, but it was not silver. There was also an iPod Nano, but my son snagged it in hopes of cleaning it up.

    Now, time to focus on the jewelry!







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