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Posts posted by NCtoad

  1. 7 hours ago, phrunt said:

    To throw a spanner in the works there is a highly modified Equinox on the market in Russia, they seem to gut an Equinox and use it's electronics in their own housing and it is waterproof to 10 meters (32 feet).  They incorporate 3 batteries to extend battery life in it too and use their own touchpad with what they say are better buttons.  They also supply headphones with it they say are better than the Koss ones that Minelab sell.  I've got the Koss ones although I've rarely used them ,they seem OK.

    this second video is in Russian but shows pictures of it a bit better

    The only reason I know about it is a guy I know in NZ bought one and it's just arrived. 

    Here are the photos he shows of his one, good on Steve for giving it a shot though, if it works out for him he's now got himself a nice diving detector with an extended battery life.



    I'm considering getting it but now with the Deus 2 on the market is there really a point trying to improve the Equinox waterproofing? Maybe not, all comes down to the Deus 2 performance.


    I remember reading about the sea wolf mod a while back.  I thought I might send my nox off to them some day, but that was before the new deus got announced.  My nox is almost four years old now and hasn’t given me any problems but you never know.  To send it off for the sea wolf package and have something totally unrelated to the sea wolf mod go bad is not a chance I want to take.  I’m all in for the deus II with it’s five year warranty and (what looks like), better performance than the nox.  As an aside, I really like the way sea wolf puts all of the buttons including the user program button on the face of the unit so everything’s accessible with one hand.  

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  2. 13 hours ago, Ogliuga said:

    Made a quick depth test video some days ago. Sorry for the bad quality and for my poor english. First part is in italian and second part in english from 1:34. Soil is very low mineralized and put 50 euro cent coin on the bottom of a 14” hole. Deus 2 and 11” coil. It was the very first time I turned Deus 2 on. 


    Thanks for the video!   Your English is very good.  

  3. 3 hours ago, brys said:

    finding something like this in UK soil is like winning the powerball lottery the odds are not good

    even when you have the ground to search its very had to make good finds

    theres a smalll army of detectorists searching but most make no finds of any value

    week  in week out

    When something like this is found in the UK isn’t the finder only entitled to half the value of the item found?   Or is that for multiple coins found (a hoard)?

  4. Hell yeah! Sounds like you’re killing the silver halves!  I’ve only dig two halves in five years of detecting.  Halves seem to elude me, but I always read of other detectorists having trouble finding standing liberty quarters.  I got four of those last year.  It’s weird what coins were dropped in different parts of the country.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, strick said:

    Nice work.... theres more in there! I have one of those buttons with the wings (military) somewhere. 


    Thanks Strick!  I hit it pretty good today.  I went “low and slow” lol.  The button actually came from the exterior where the front porch was. 

    1 hour ago, GaryC/Oregon Coast said:

    Nice Finds!  If it had a floor heater, that's where I find most of my coins in torn down houses.  Also every corner seemed to have something also.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

    Thanks!  I don’t know if it had a heater or not.  The finds were scattered randomly all over the floor. 

    25 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

    Excellent effort, and the results show it.  Did this house ever have a wood floor?  Did you get a chance to detect any of the structure before the wall facia was removed?

    Do you know what the jar is at the top of your first photo?  (Metallic?)  Given the amount of surface iron (and alloy), did you 'sweep' it with a magnet?

    I agree with strick -- there's likely more there.  Hope you get more chances before it comes down (leaving even more iron trash from the nails, etc.)  But even after it's completely gone, as long as it doesn't get backfilled you should still be able to do some fruitful searching.  I'm envious!

    Thanks!  Yes it had floor joists and floor boards.  And no, I didn’t get a chance to detect the inside before any demolition was done.  

    That jar is made of wood and there were 3 or 4 others scattered about.  No writing or identification marks on any of them.  I could have and should have borrowed a magnet we have at work.  I used it before on an old commercial building floor tearout a few months ago and it really helped.  I just didn’t think to bring it with me.  On this floor, just like the commercial bldg floor, everything was very shallow; only an inch or two deep.  

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  6. 38 minutes ago, Hombre91 said:

    I can just imagine the Deus in stubble compared to the Anfibio. But I don't have to because i tried it. The Deus bounces off of stubble like a pinball machine going for a record score. Lol...

    End all be all my arse!

    Are you talking about the deus II?   Because the deus II has an adjustment for coil knocks so it won’t sound off when the coil gets bumped.  

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  7. 29 minutes ago, GnshpCSO said:

    Good point, I was just referring to the event where somebody knows they will be buying both coils for their different abilities. The 11" for general detecting and the 9" for better separation in high trash or iron areas. That's kind of what I'm trying to figure out- is there a significant enough difference between a 9" and 11" XP coil to warrant planning to purchase both (depth, seperation abilities, VID abilities, etc.)? I could see a considerable difference between a 6" coil and an 11" coil as with the Nox, but how much of a difference between 9" and 11" coil with similar tech? I'm probably splitting hairs here, but I really am curious. 

    Calabash might be able to answer that.  Other than that The nine incher will be a little lighter and easier to swing. 

    • Like 2
  8. 20 minutes ago, GnshpCSO said:

    Thanks for the input. My line of thinking is that it might save some money to buy the D2 with the 11" upfront since it is the same price as with the 9". My reasoning is that the larger coils tend to be more expensive than the smaller coils when purchased individually, so it might be less expensive to acquire the 9" coil later. What do you think? I still plan to keep my Nox as a backup and for family members to use when they hunt with me. 

    For me it boils down to which coil would work better not the price differential.  I can see your point though, but if the 9” coil will work better for you is it worth the hassle of using the 11” to save $50?    

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sandheron said:

    A distributor in the UK has stated that the 9 inch option will be much harder to get hold of to begin with. The majority of the first machines imported are 11's. Personally i'm after a 9 so I may have to wait a bit longer. I have checked a french dealers website and the 11 inch is in stock. The 9 inch says available in February.

    Damn!  For my sites I don’t see a need for the 11” coil.  I have a 9 “ on pre order.  If, once I get the 9” version I may sell my equinox and purchase the 11” coil for large fields and such.  But I guess I may have to wait a wee bit longer for my 9” version.  

    • Like 1
  10. I just weighed my nox. It has an Anderson carbon fiber shaft and their metal armrest, home made counterweight, deanos control box cover, and a coil ear stiffener.  Guess how much it weighs?  Check pic below for the answer.  The counterweight makes it more comfortable for me to swing but it’s still heavy, especially after 4 or 5 hours.  9555AF43-B834-47B0-A7A8-C8D0211820D3.thumb.jpeg.aaee5409dac956b80a3f18a6e733a347.jpeg

    Now the deus II can be set up in several configurations, but if we go with the heaviest setup with the nine inch coil which is what I have on pre order, I believe it’s around 1 kilogram which is 35.27 ozs.   That’s a 22.83 oz savings!04EA1763-D3D7-4B2F-8523-826DF6496369.thumb.jpeg.f110ce6ab31cab4df9f7b3db98a17a27.jpegFor those of you using a counterweight, have you ever weighed the entire rig?  If so, please post up some weights.  

    • Like 2
  11. All the headstamps I dig ring up right in the nickel/gold ring range.  Some a little higher.  This is with the equinox.  Some may have a bit of ferrous in the primer part, but most are all brass.  I doubt if xp could do something like the bottle cap reject on shotshell headstamps.  

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