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Everything posted by NCtoad

  1. Update on the phone. I got the phone to fully charge and got the guy’s medical ID info off the phone. I contacted his mother and she’s going to contact him so we can arrange to return it! Edit: The guy called me and stopped by and picked it up!!
  2. Hell yeah! The nice thing about spots like that is that they’re constantly getting restocked! Keep hitting that site.
  3. Got back out on the tubing river this morning. Couldn’t make it yesterday and I almost didn’t go today because it’s been raining a lot lately and I figured the river would be up and the water would be murky. I was right. It was up and pretty murky. I didn’t let that deter me though. I just hit the really shallow areas. It was so murky that any deeper than 12-14” and you couldn’t see the bottom. About 15 minutes into the hunt I got a slightly scratchy signal with just a little iron grunting going on (I was in pitch tones). I’ve figured out by now that a little iron grunting doesn’t mean it’s a bad target, but that it’s probably ftom all the rocks, gravel and sand that I’m detecting through. The numbers pn this signal were pretty consistent and hovering around 84. The water here was only a few inches deep, but the target was down in the substrate about 5-6”. It was a really nice 10k 8.1 gram wedding band! Finding something like that so early in the hunt really got my juices going! Lol! I was really hoping I’d find another gold, but I didn’t. I did find two iphones. One is water logged but the other is a newer iphone 13 or 14. I plugged it into the charger and the screen lit up! Question: Is there any value to this phone and if so what do I do with it? I obviously can’t get into it because I don’t know the password. Here’s some pics:
  4. This is what I got to dig in those rocks. It works really well. The river where I’m at has mostly big rocks that can be from 2” to bigger than what I can flip over.
  5. Thanks Bob. Using the 9”. Couldn’t imagine trying to swing the 13 x 11, or even the 11 in that current. My right pec muscle is sore…and I lift weights 3 times a week. Plus my legs get pretty worn out by the end of the hunt. I did get all the sand particles out of the spaces in that silver ring. I don’t have a diamond tester, but whatever they are they’re tiny stones.
  6. Got back out to the tubing river this weekend, both yesterday and today. I only made it there on Saturday of last weekend but got a large 17+ gram tungsten ring. Yesterday I only got sunglasses, fishing lures, vapes and other junk. Today, however, was a different story. I hit a fairly solid 62 and out popped a 10k white gold Frederick Goldman ring. That was while I was working my way upstream. On the way bay back I got a bouncy mid to high 90s signal and out popped a nice 925 ring marked S 925 ALE 60. I usually don’t post pics of my trash, but here it is: BTW, even though I’m hunting in fresh water, I tried a modified Beach Sensitive program and it’s working really well.
  7. Thanks Pop! I took the knife apart and cleaned up the blade a little. I don’t know where all the corrosion is from as the blade is discolored but hardly any pitting, so some type of stainless. The bad part is the tip is broken off.
  8. Thanks Bob! The river (section where all the tubers go down) is probably 2-3 miles long. I only covered about 150 yards in 4 hours on this hunt.
  9. Unfortunately they’re aluminum ☹️.
  10. There’s a very popular river (I’m originally from Pennsylvania and up there we would call this a creek) that gets many, many tubers in the summer. I had started detecting this river this past winter on the warmer days and got a small gold ladies ring and several non-precious metal rings. It was cumbersome detecting there in the winter because I had to wear hip boots and warm clothing. However, today it was about 88 degrees fahrenheit so I just wore sneakers and swim trunks. You have to get there early because they open the dam that’s about 4 miles upstream to raise the water level for the tubers. So I had low water levels until about 11 AM. I went down stream to start. Found a bunch of fishing lures (mostly panther martin spinners), an old cell phone, a kershaw knife and then when I turned around and started back upstream I got a nice solid 64 which turned out to be a titanium ring. Then as I was getting close to where I had parked, I got a nice sounding 82-83 and after digging down about five inches through the wedged in stones and sand I got a 10K ring with a maker’s mark of TW in an oval. It weighs 5.2 grams. BTW, those Mexican coins were taped together in a stack!
  11. From the Garrett website it looks like the vortex will have four different sized coils available. The smallest being a 5”x8”. I was sorta hoping for something smaller than that; maybe a 5” or 6” round or 4”x6” or even a 3”x5”. I might consider buying a vortex once I see reports of how it does in iron and especially if they come out with a smaller coil.
  12. I use the root slayer nomad. I’ve been using one of these for about 6 years now. I’m on my third one. First two cracked at the top serration. Still a very durable shovel (I’m hard on shovels). With that said, I still love this shovel. I like the inverted V shape of the tip. It tends to cut through the roots rather than glance off to the side. These can be had for around $45 if you shop around.
  13. The four copper coins are United States wheat cents. The dates of those four are: 1930, 1934, 1945 and 1953. The silver coin is a Japanese coin. I’m not sure of the exact date but most likely pre world war II…probably from the 1930s era. So they’re not very old. But thanks for your interest.
  14. Thanks Bob! I did a google image search and couldn’t find an exact date either. I would guess that it was brought back with a soldier when he returned home from WWII. I am loving tekkna. I don’t know what it is but I’ll take Gary’s word that there’s some witchcraft going on with it! Lol
  15. More Tekkna finds. Yesterday I went to a different area of this park and first target was a nice low 60s and about 4-5” down was a silver bracelet. This with the 13x11 coil. Went back this evening after work with the 9” coil and hit the same area that I hit the other day with the 13x11. This spot is loaded with iron. Again, I dug some nails, but pulled 4 more wheats and to my surprise a Japanese phoenix coin that is silver! Three of the wheats and the silver were in a very polluted area within a few feet of each orher. The phoenix coin came in slightly scratchy but with numbers in the low 90s and a decent two way 90 degree cross signal. I think most of the coins gave a two way signal. By two way signal I mean a good signal in one direction then turn 90 degrees and I still get a decent signal. Hard to believe I’m still pulling coins from this spot! The only changes I made to tekkna was lowering the iron volume to 8.
  16. I wondered the same thing.
  17. Hmmm, I remember watching a video of his where he modifies the mi6 to be louder. He said the volume was too low. Maybe you’re onto something with the red disc.
  18. The D2 also has over twice the VDI range of the nox, so I would expect a little more fluctuation on any target, especially something not round or not in the shape of a ring.
  19. I think Paystreak has a battery glued in there. I don’t think I want to do that, but that is an option.
  20. Is there a reason that XP made the end cap with a hollow cavity? Unless I’m missing something, I just don’t see any reason to this as it collects mud and debris.
  21. Yes, I did lower the iron volume. I had forgotten about that. It got a little annoying at time when at 10. I think I put it down to 7. Even though I’ve hit that site many times with the 9” coil, there are instances where a larger coil will unmask a target when the smaller one won’t. And vice versa. It depends on the distance between the good target and the junk target and the width of the coil. I learned this from one of Loren Lemke’s (not sure if I’ve spelled his name correctly) videos. Eventually I’ll get out there with the 9” and the tekkna program and see if anything else pops up.
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