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  • Location:
    North of France
  • Interests:
    MD since 1998 ( coin & relic hunting , inland )
  • Gear In Use:
    XP Deus2 WS6 9" coil + Nokta shaft, Quest Xpointer Max

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  1. I dont get false hits with my D2 even in high iron trashed areas . I just have issues when I am close to powerlines where SMFs are more sensitive to EMI than monofreqs. Hopefully there are very few powerlines over here ... For me false hits mean a detector issue , either a faulty component ( coil , coil connector , electronics ) or a wrong design ( software signal processing , bad connectors , etc ... )
  2. I would be interested by a new generation of coils , thinner and lighter ( even if the current coils are already light ). Perhaps elliptical like the Vanquish coil set ( 12X10 , 10X8 , 8X6 ). With a new charging coil device to replace the tricky butterfly charging system
  3. Looks like the prices are going down in the MD world, even for XP ... 🙂 The prices now start at 599euros for the D2 in France ( migration kit ) : https://www.maisondeladetection.com/196-detecteurs-xp-deus-2-fmf
  4. Hi , I have not used-tested either the Legend or the Score3, but as the Score3 is more recent ( 2 years ) than the Legend it probably uses more recent electronics components like the microprocessor . Personnaly when I have to choose a computer , or a car , or a detector etc I very often choose the newer technology because it is usually more performing than the older , example a faster electronics processing speed for a detector Just my opinion HH
  5. Personnaly I just hear a single scratchy signal at 08:43 and nothing else ... I know that the audio is a personal feeling and I have probably missed something ... 🙂
  6. Look at the video at 08:43 with the Nokta , at the "pretty crazy" sentence moment . Well if I had to dig such scratchy signals I would end my day with tons of ferrous targets ... 🙂 The pb with such tests is they are biased because the tester knows there is a target there. Then he will always tend to say that yes the detector has located the target even if he would have never dug it in the field . . Field tests are statistically much more valid because they are blind tests where the tester has no idea about the target's location , then no bias at all . The true reality ... 🙂
  7. I agree . I live in an area where the soil is opposite to yours , infested with irons after 2000+ years of human presence . These soils have a complex structure this is probably why static separation air tests often give different results from the reality in my area. And why we have to use specific detectors ( high freqs , very fast processing etc .. ) which may be different from those used in other countries with milder-cleaner soils. This recalls me that at the beginning of the 2000s the Tesoro Lobo Supertraq(*) was very popular in France because someone discovered that it is excellent to pick up very small coins in our local nails beds ... Funny because it is a gold detector which had probably initially not been designed to become a coin hunter ... (*) : called "Le Redoutable" in France
  8. The pb with these static separation tests is that they only show the signals ON a target , but they never show the detector behaviour BETWEEN targets . For example I have tested a few years ago a Vanquish 540 using a similar test as in the vid and yes the Vanquish was much better than my Deus1 on the static test . Bad luck, once in the field it is completely the opposite and it is light and day between them .. The Vanquish is very difficult to use in the field on my local nails beds , very noisy , unstable with a lot of false signals , while the Deus is almost silent on the ferrous and only beeps only on targets ... This is the same when comparing the Vanquish with other detectors like a T2 , or some Tesoros etc .. This is why I dont trust these static separation tests . Ok the result looks impressive on a video but in the field it is often an other story .. For me the reality and and the field are much more complex than what can show static separation tests like the one of the vid .. When I have to compare 2 detectors I always spend several hours in the field with them on the same area and I compare the results at the end . This the only reliable method I have found to assess detectors since I am in the hobby ( only 26 years ago ... 🙂 ) ..
  9. And here is the 3rd coin id , Blanc au K , Charles V : https://www.cgb.fr/charles-v-le-sage-blanc-au-k-n-d-ttb,v11_0734,a.html
  10. There have been reliability issues with the Apex ; unstable VDIs and sometimes unstable electronics , coil connector too tight , from what I experienced . Garrett has probably solved these issues with the Vortex . I hope so .. The Vortex is waterproof and not the Apex which is a very good thing even for inland hunters The Vortex seems faster than the Apex as it is able to pick up and display 2 targets at the same time which means a very fast signal processing . To be confirmed in the field of course ..
  11. I have tested the 5X8 on the Apex . It was by far my preferred coil , very light and accurate . An excellent coil , I hope it will perform on the Vortex
  12. Hi F350 , Thanks for your searching but mine is even older , it is a Louis VII denier ( 1151- 1174 ) . The legend is LUDOVICUS and not PHILIPUS . They look very similar and it is very easy to mistake them... 1151- 1174 ,the King on one side and Laon's bishop on the other , that was a long time ago ... 🙂 https://www.cgb.fr/louis-vii-le-jeune-denier-c-1151-1174-laon-tb-,v20_0290,a.html
  13. Last Wednesday my cousin proposed me to go detecting in a forest around 20 miles away . There are many 1st WW German camps in this forest and we were hoping to find 1st WW relics there. We had not been here since 2010 for different reasons and we were happy to be back after such a long time as it is a very nice area with a very easy to dig sandy soil . I dont remember the detector I was using here 14 years ago but it was not a Deus . Perhaps an XP Goldmaxx. But there is no doubt that we have now much performing detectors with the Deus1 for my cousin and the Deus2 for me. As I have been quite unlucky during my previous outing I was not expecting anything this time . Then I was very surprised to find an hammered billon coin at my first signal 🙃... Unbelievable ... This was a very good start .. And may be half an hour later an other hammered silver coin among the 1st WW modern trash ! .. Well one hammered medieval coin is something , but 2 in the same day is very unusual ... And it was not finished . I finally ended with 2 other hammered silver coins 🙄! One of my best days ever... My cousin found an english 1st WW button and a few 1st WW relics . 4 hammered medieval coins : how can I explain such a score ? For several reasons I think , first we were detecting along an old road which has been used since the medieval ages , second our detectors and especially the D2 are very performing and able to locate very thin coins that we missed 10 years ago , and probably because we are more experienced now than we were in 2010 .. What a day ... We will be back .. 🙂 Oh yes I was using Tekkna with disc set at 38 ( instead of 42 for the "official" Tekkna ) 1) An hammered coin on the 1st signal , not yet identified: 2) An other hammered : 3) An hammered again , the carbon lower shaft ( Nokta ) is not an issue even for these thin coins .. 4) 5 coins today : 4 hammered and 1 modern : 5) the second coin after cleaning , date end of 12th century 6) 3rd coin , not yet identified ...
  14. I understand this and this Garrett upgrade is a good idea . But the Vortex has first to show its performances in the field . This is just what I wanted to say ..
  15. Except that the D2 has proved himself in the field since 2 years now. And at the moment there is only marketing stuff about the Vortex .. I hope that the Vortex will be a ( very ) good machine though. With or without upgrade .. 🙂
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