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Posts posted by rvpopeye

  1. Welcome and  come on in , you're out ! 

    My first detector was a Micronta from Rat Shack in the 80"s ?  I still have it ,  it's a 6Khz.

    Mine had 4 knobs ,,,and today I actually know what they do ! Oh my goshk ..





  2. I haven't used mine that much and don't have any exp with other brands so no advice on that . There are other things to consider , for me anyway..

    I know the bigger ones are more likely to get the target first try...but I got a smaller one cuz I didn't want to lift the extra weight a ? times every hunt.  (Bad elbows , old pirate !)

    I also use a short D type handle off an old garden spade I had and just pull instead of pry .  Great price and less weight than the 4 foot ash one !     Prolly upgrade to fiber some day ... SO many to choose from , so little time. 

    I didn't think I would use it that much either but finding out me elbows like the beach better for diggin' treasarrr too !

    Good luck on yer huntin' matey .



  3. An unregulated solar panel can put out up to 20+ volts no matter how many watts it's rated for..

    The solar controller regulates that to battery charging level 13-15 volts  depending on sun exposure , how well it charges also depends on how many watts the panel (s) puts out.  

    A battery is a good buffer  for the voltage swings plus---- !!!! the solar controller needs to see a load or the panels could easily destroy it . IE: release the magic smoke !

    A USB outlet is 5 volts.  

    You can get 12 volt powered ciggy lighter sized unit typically with 2 USB outlets and maybe a digital voltage readout that will replace that ciggy plug socket for about $15 US , not sure of where you might source them? but you can find them on amazon. or any of the usual places like that. Look for "fast charge" types. 

    This would save the need for a 12volt inverter plus wiring , and the resulting conversion loss of the extra stages inline.  (unless you need mains power for something else ?


    Use fuses .

    Hope that gets you going to keep on going.>>>>>>>>>


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