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Posts posted by midalake

  1. 2 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    If you are thinking complete rod replacement, think again. Look at the lower rod again - brand new yoke design, you will not find it anywhere else but Fisher at this time. And that upper rod assembly? The power and audio routes through the handle into the sealed end cap behind the elbow. You just don't remove the handle and put on another rod, you need to rewire everything and recreate the power and audio outlets.

    OK, well that covers it. Sorry to hear about your breakdown. [ugh]   Do I need to go to headphone school with this machine too??  ?  lol...…..


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  2. On 6/19/2020 at 11:18 AM, Badger-NH said:

    Too bad the stock shaft is so short. I'm six feet tall and it sounds like the LTD would be way too short for me without that middle rod.

    Well  am on the list and since I am 6'4 sounds like I need to buckle up.  Does anyone know if the Equinox rod will fit the coil????  Other aftermarket rods??/ I guess it is just the norm in this day and age to have to get/replace stuff on new products? 

    Thanks Dave


  3. On 6/19/2020 at 9:11 AM, GB_Amateur said:

    I can't answer that question, but the standard (factory warranty) is 3 years.  From the Minelab website:

    All Minelab detectors are engineered in Australia, manufactured to exacting standards in ISO 9001/2000 quality accredited facilities, and backed by up to 3-years transferable warranties.

    Well that is what I get for not proof reading!  Yes!   So again, how is that warranty extended past the three years????   How?  Through who? 

  4. On 6/17/2020 at 8:19 PM, Phillips_R said:

    If you are planning to buy and to use it under water,  that extended warranty for an additional year is perhaps pretty cheap if available to you.  I generally don't buy them for electronics but I do plan on submerging the darn thing if I ever get to the beach.   I think the extra year cost me $45 USD

    Extend past the 2w yr warranty?  How?  Through who? 

    Thanks Dave


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  5. 13 hours ago, Rick N. MI said:

    I got it a week ago. First water hunt. The first one I got when it first came out and used it for 2 years in the water with no leaks. Disappointing.

    Welcome to the club!, Heck mine was only being lightly showered off! 

  6. 2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Dave, out of 100 chains, how many do you think are clean signals versus crappy signals? It’s rare to be able to ask a person who has found enough to really be able to make a sensible answer to that question, and sounds like you are the man!


    Well except for the last two years all of them were found with a Sovereign working in All Metal Mode. So you either hear them, or not. no such thing as choppy with the Sovereign. 

    With the Nox so far, there have been no choppy/surprise targets.  From what I read, my hunting style is also different with the NOX. I am hunting in ONE TONE, and using that tone and the numbers in conjunction with all metal mode [if needed]  to make target decisions.

    I like the raw information with one tone and I believe it lets me concentrate on targets that want to "ring in".

    So far after digging MANY targets that I have decided were already "junk" I have yet to be surprised to find something of value.

    Maybe because it is a Salt Beach, Maybe it is just not enough experience with the machine? But for me I do not find my self missing much. For me the machine either locks or it does not [so far].     


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  7. On 6/7/2020 at 10:34 AM, Againstmywill said:

    I have found a few silver chains on the football field close to me, but a gold chain has eluded me. I'm sure there is one there, but I will need some guidance from others. Might anyone know what a thicker gold chain would come up as on an Equinox? Thanks for any help you can provide. Please see pic for about what I'm thinking.

    I am going to go out on a limb and say few have found more chains than me. It is in the 100's. Of course not all gold.  I did pull two gold wrist chains this year with the Nox. BOTH chains rang solid. One at 8 the other at 3 both chains were found unclasped. I never went to all metal or did a 90 degree listen. Just locked and dug them. I doubt either were far down [tuff to tell at the beach] 

    For a look at the two chains see this site HERE: https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/topic/12207-winter-finds-with-nox-800-and-sov-gt/



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  8. On 6/6/2020 at 9:20 PM, Chase Goldman said:

    All I am saying is that for whatever reason, ML felt the need to put the extra bracing in there, knowing it was going to be used in the water. 

    I like your enthusiasm Chase!!!!  However saying Minelab engineered anything on this coil with the amount of them that have broken [and will break] is a joke.

    I can tell you though I have an ENGINEERED solution. When I get my fix done I will post. There is no way in Hell it will break after I get done with it!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Rick N. MI said:

    Thank you, I'm not the only one lol. I have seen other coils trimmed too and have heard others say they would like to trim there Equinox coil. I did it. Add Steve's graphite rod and it is noticeably lighter.

    Here's a brace for the coil $15.00.

    That particular coil ear brace IS JUNK. I broke that with the ear on mine. The one from "detectingdoodads"  is made out of hollow plastic and is junk.  I now own supports made out of solid plastic. 


  10. 21 hours ago, Rick N. MI said:

    True, I probably shouldn't have done it. It was a brand new coil. It will be fine though. 

    Hi Rick

    I was thinking of dong something similar to you, but only taking out two braces. I too feel the coil is "over-braced" and UNDER mount strength. Actually removing a little weight might help the coil tang breaking some.  I do feel the extra bracing does cause extra drag on the beach. 

    On a side note , Minelab replaced my modified broken coil.  I have lobbied pretty hard to get it back to use for a spare when I break the next set of ears off, but so far Minelab will not send the old coil back. 


    HH Dave


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  11. On 4/11/2020 at 2:26 PM, DukeBoxer said:

    For someone who's never found a chain I have to bow to you! That is a crazy amount of chains and bracelets you have there! What is some advice for someone in the field trying to dig a chain or two? Do you use all metal or do you discriminate iron, I'm guessing you dig everything as you probably should when jewelry detecting? How do the chains and bracelets sound when you go over them? The ones I have at the house all sound a little choppy when I test them. I was told of a gold chain and a gold charm in the sand at a salt beach and I managed to find the charm but I never found the chain.

    Hi Duke

    Well lets start with the why's. The beach I hunt is rough. There are almost no days you can be in the wave break. People body surf and use boogie boards.  The wave break would either give you bruises or kill you. Sadly there were three deaths on the beach this season.
    These conditions allow for chains to be lifted right off your neck. Also when people get tumbled it makes for conditions to lose wrist chains as well. 

    How's, I have over 20 years experience on this beach. Experience helps. I can tell what I am finding on a given day and the conditions dictate that there might be chains in the mix. I am an advocate of hunting low tide and being as far down the slope as possible. As I get older, it gets more difficult to be where I want to be. My body is not taking the pounding as much and my strength is starting to diminish.  

    Signals, Both of my gold wrist chains this year were found with the Nox. The smaller a soild 3, the larger a solid 8 both chains were just below the surface. I rarely find chains with pendants. The GT sovereign in all metal pinpoint mode will find ANY chain any other detector can, and will find MORE chains than other detectors. 

    I hunt with the Nox in Disc. mode, and the GT Sov in all metal pinpoint mode. I do dig everything with the Sov, but am able to tell and pass on a few junk items. 

    And yes. I do find plenty of charms that are chain-less. Hope this helps.


  12. On 4/1/2020 at 12:17 PM, lost said:

    I am thinking of buying a nox 800 would like to know from anyone who has used it in Washinton State and Oregon. Would like to know how it preforms in my areas (I have a Sovereign GT and a AT Pro)the GT to heavy for me to use anymore. If you do use it what setting would you use. I hunt mainly for coins schools old parks. Thanks for the Help

    Hip/chest-mounting that GT is the only way to go. I own them both and the GT chest mounted is the lightest by far. 



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  13. 1 hour ago, Jaxson said:

         Hello. I have detected for 4-5 years off and on..... upgrading when I can. I now have the Equinox 800. Here's the hard part, I suffered a TBI as a result of a vehicle crash and while you couldn't pick me out of a lineup, I have trouble with certain things... mainly.. reading directions and applying them or watching videos and applying them. Most videos don't answer my questions.

    My questions...what does frequency have to do with what you're looking for or where you're looking at? Recovery speed...what is this? Sensitivity? Do I want it all the way up? When do I want it down?

    I know there's a couple more but bed calls. Thank you so much.


    What type of hunting  U doing?




  14. 12 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    I’m very impressed especially by the number of chains you are recovering!

    Yes, and most neck chains I find are still attached. It is very rough where I hunt and the waves just lift the chains right off their necks. I had numerous reports of gold ones missing but could not find one. It never really roughed up enough to move gold around. 

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  15. For me at the beach the PP button is worthless.  By the time you hit the PP button, I have the target out of the sand. 

    Besides it appears [to me] the PP function has a broader signal than regular detection. It is one of those rare "F" scores for a detector.  



  16. H

    2 hours ago, groundscanner said:

    What is the current fair asking price for a used 800?  I can't find one online for sell as a price reference.



    I just bought a used one for $700 with warranty until Aug of 2021.  You will have a hard time beating that. In my HO. 


    • Thanks 1
  17. 42 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    And units like Midalake's above are falling apart after a couple years of intense surf usage.   Make them honor their warranty to you and in the mean time consider a more robust third party alternative armrest and shaft for the long haul.  It is one of Equinoxes not so secret shortcomings and it is not pretty nor satisfying, I know.

    ? Well......lol...…  Won't be 2 years old until July. Not so sure about the intense surf? Yes we have intense surf  [here] but that control head has not been under 1" of water once!  But that is why I have a metal arm cuff and custom carbon fiber rod. I can tell you when I get my new coil, my coil ears will NEVER break. [will provide pictures].  AND YES, there is no secret and the shortcomings are not pretty.

    Speaking of rough surf, yesterday a swimmer died from a broken neck when getting dumped by a wave.  

    Going out for the next three days starting tomorrow, gonna be some good digging!


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  18. 12 minutes ago, Sourdough Scott said:

    Omen for what. The 1st frickin thing you thread on breaks. So you tell me. This aint my first rodeo with detectors. I know the routine. But minelabs technology is the best hands down. But the strength of it's outer body components are obviously getting thinner and less strong. I just stated my opinion. Really don't need your opinion back. 

    Well I just broke a coil ear, AND when I rinsed the unit off that day enough water made it inside to fry the unit. So minelab will be sending me a new unit and coil. ?



    • Sad 1
  19. 58 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    I’m sorry to hear about your problem with the detector. After having a Tesoro Stingray, White’s Surf PI, and Garrett ATX all fail on me while on trips I long since have never traveled and hunted water without a backup detector. Not to make light of your situation, but it seems all water detectors eventually fail. The only real insurance is a backup. Just a thought for the future.

    ? Who said I am machine-less?  Sitting next to me is two GT Sovereign's [I learned that lesson 25 years ago]

    But more importantly I was just getting ready to share what I have learned over the last 5 weeks. [now this complete mfg. failure]

    I have been running three different programs and comparing "iffy" signals and recording their composition. [Will have to wait]

    But one tidbit on the Equinox and  Sovereign comparison. So, determined to learn the Nox I had not hunted the Sovereign till the Nox failure yesterday.  One POSITIVE with the Nox is amount of target digging. For instance, 3.5 hour hunt yesterday 68 coins, and about 12 pieces of trash.  Total 80 Digs. 

    To get 80 digs with the equinox it would take me 5 times out or more. THIS EQUATES to more sand and space covered, which could and can mean more items of higher value found. If I can get a used machine to my wife to bring down in a month I should be able to complete the rest of my findings.



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  20. 1 hour ago, nordic said:

    I think it was mentioned somewhere, apologies for repeating if so, the water can get either through a ruptured speaker (salt water, etc) or battery compartment seal. Either way, it should be under warranty.

    Yes I am under warranty yet. Just really frustrated in the fact a detector that is supposed to go down 10ft under water can not be rinsed off without getting water in it. I have ZERO confidence this machine is manufactured to water metal detecting conditions. I already have an RMA on the coil and was working with them to get one sent to Mexico......It now looks I can wait for next years season. ? 

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