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Posts posted by tboykin

  1. Thanks John, I appreciate that.

    I don't think you'll be disappointed with the MX Sport after the update. Thanks to you guys we got on top of the issue early and things have been solid for about a month now.

    Depending on which forum (and even which thread) you read, people will have various things to say about ANY detector. All I can go off of is my own experience and the feedback I get from customers. I have a pretty good feel for what's out there. BUT, I also know that the first thing some people do when they're unhappy is take to the internet to voice their concerns. Then people jump on that (it's called "concern trolling" on some boards) and you end up with a large amount of negativity in one thread or one board. I feel like DP is pretty balanced in this regard.

    From what I've seen and heard, the silent majority are outside, detecting with their machine and enjoying the hobby. They share their finds, and share what they like about the MX Sport, etc... This kind of input is awesome, but doesn't help us make a better detector (except to know what to continue doing). So I appreciate negative input as much, or even more than the positive. But it's important listen to both, and that's why I'm not too concerned about the MX Sport right now.

    Having said that - I'd still like to know what issues you have with it.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm doing what I can to help Chuck and anyone else with a problem. So are other people at White's. I just wanted to share the improvements in the new firmware with the forum. Something positive. I think that's ok, though if it's against the rules I will remove my post.

    I can accept the fact that you don't like the MX Sport. But I like it, and so do others. That should be ok, too.

    • Like 2
  3. People are really enjoying the updated MX Sport - 

    Links deleted since Findmall Forum update broke all old links

    The number one thing is our customers. Releasing a new product is always a big leap of faith, but White's listens to the people that support the company and will always make things right with them.

    There's nothing wrong with waiting to see how a product is received before buying it. Now it's out there, and we've adjusted the detector to initial reactions from users. The big issue now is building enough to catch up with orders. We're almost there....

  4. 46 minutes ago, V3i/MXT Pro said:

    Very impressive, I never realized how much work is actually done in-house. Many other companies today outsource almost everything and only do the final assembly. White's manufactures a truly American product... One of the best! 

    Thank you. It's one of the reasons I'm so proud to be a part of this company.

  5. 3 hours ago, Rick Watkins said:

    Very good video,i have drove past whites many times but haven't had the opportunity to take a tour yet.  US.made is a big thing to me anymore,the layout is much bigger than I expected. I will always buy White's detectors, keep em coming.    RICK

    Thanks Rick. You ever get up the Calapooia prospecting? Looking for some good spots to test a particular machine that's closer than Eastern Oregon/Nevada.

  6. Steve, thanks for sharing this. We'll always try and adapt to customers needs - whether that's with our video content or our products. Thought it'd be nice for people who can't make the trip to Sweet Home to see how much goes into making our beep boxes.

    Re: the bananas.... The fact that you're talking about it months later lets me know it was a good idea at the time....

    • Like 1
  7. Chuck, got it. Where I hunt the 10" DD is fine on the MX Sport, I can run it wide open with no problems. But I know each area is different. Sometimes a machine just isn't a good match, and when that happens there's not much you can do about it except for move on.

    Check out the MXT All Pro with the 950. It's a proven detector, easy to use, and a usable backup gold detector to boot. About the same price as the MX Sport, but has years of history behind it so you shouldn't have any problems with firmware. I can't guarantee the EMI problems you're experiencing will be any better with it, but YMMV.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Right now I'll do without a waterproof detector and won't get my feet wet. Just give me a great coin detector and I won't darken your door again. If I want to beach hunt I've got PI detectors to do that and one is waterproof.


    Chuck, I talked with Mary and we will send you a brand new detector with the correct firmware since you've had so much trouble. Please give us until Wednesday to contact you. If you don't hear from anyone by then please contact me directly Thursday morning and I will help further.

    • Like 3
  9. 21 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Well Tonya from Treasure Electronics in Ok. has went on vacation. The lady that did answer the phone said she really didn't  know and it would be best for me to call White's.

    I believe Tom and Tyler will read this today and will contact me. If not for any reason they don't I'll  send them a PM on here and they always answer. They may not like what we say but they have never turn their back on us. 

    Here I am again I like the MX Sport but I don't want it with all the bugs it got. I don't want it back until everything is fixed. The trouble is I don't want to have to wait how ever long that takes. I need a coin detector now not a month are a year from now. I order this one 3-14-16 so you can see I've been at this a long time. For the time I've had the MX Sport has been spent testing not coin hunting. Now with the new one here I'm again testing.

    Right now I'll do without a waterproof detector and won't get my feet wet. Just give me a great coin detector and I won't darken your door again. If I want to beach hunt I've got PI detectors to do that and one is waterproof.


    Chuck - man, I am so sorry for all the headaches. You know about Murphy's Law? Guys like you and me are living examples of it...

    I'm gonna give your phone number to Mary and have her give you a call to fix this. We will send you a brand new MX Sport from the factory with the correct firmware. Even if I have to buy it for you myself.


    • Like 4
  10. 16 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Okay Master Tom I'll do as you wish. I don't care what they say about you even if it is true but I still like you.

    We should should sell all this bull we shoot. I know if they kick it out of me I wouldn't be over two feet tall.

    I should come to see you being I got a Grandson going to college in Portland. The poor kid has to drive a new BMW. Oh well I've been told you can't take it with you.

    The Best to you Tom.


    Back at ya Chuck. Hope you get your new machine tomorrow and it's all you wanted. You guys'll be some of the first to know whenever we get more coils finished.

    P.S. - If you're ever visiting your grandson in Oregon stop in for a beer (on me) in Sweet Home. Not many BMW's out here, but I have a 1963 CJ5 with a built 350 that'll smoke rubber in 4th gear.

    • Like 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Hi Rico

     I too hope the new one does the trick. That's a long time when waiting on something you want so bad. A detector is like buying a car in  you look read and look some more. Then you tell yourself this is the one for me. You put the money down and the air rush out of you and the high is over. It can be the detector are the car but it's time to take it out for a drive and a long one over days. You want it all to be what you expected. I've yet known anyone to make a buy and want it to be bad.

    I'd  like to have a concentric coil but smaller than the 9.5 inch coil. Right now that's not to be. The DD has it's place but I can do without it around here. If White's would make a coil 6 to 7 inch round I'd jump on it with both feet.

    I've been told it's some testing going on a smaller coil but I can't get a direct yes out of the people that is in the know. If and when my wish comes true I'll make the buy. I'll never understand why they always put a detector out with such big coil but they do it every time. If they would give you both I'd be willing to pay the price. I guess it's like lots of the videos on the MXS showing the great thing about it being waterproof but you don't get the headphones to go with that waterproof. Then out comes a great package but again no phones to match in it.

    I'm not asking for something free.

    Chuck   .

    We have waterproof headphones, just took a while to build enough - http://www.whiteselectronics.com/sport-headphone

    And here's a 6x10 DD that's faster than the 10" - http://www.whiteselectronics.com/sport-6x10-coil

    As far as smaller coils- we know there's a demand for them. But if recent history is any indication, it's smart to fully test things before releasing them. So - patience grasshopper.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:


    I'm one happy camper. Another good thing about all of this is I get my new detector before I have to send my old one in.

    Tonya is the Lady I've been talking with and she said to test out the new one to be sure I'm happy.

    I just couldn't ask for more.

    I hope this detector is so great like one time fishing. That was the fish was biting so fast I had to stand behind a tree just to bait my hook.


    Tonya is awesome, she works at Treasure Electronics and I talk to her about once a week. Class act all the way! Hope the new machine works out for ya Chuck. Speaking of fishing - I go on my lunch breaks some days since the factory is right on the river. Today was one of those days... 

  13. On 4/19/2016 at 11:09 AM, JAMES MC LERNON said:

    Hello all

    OK. firstly not talking about dedicated beach machines like EXCAL II, CZ21, AND THE TIGER SHARK.

    What would be the best top 3 (decending order ) normal, single freq, prospecting, vlf machines that would be good on wet salt water beaches. I know they wont be as good or as ideal as a dedicated beach machine, but having this capability on a general purpose or prospecting machine would be nice. I'm assuming 14-15 kHz maximum freq, ruling out the AT GOLD, FORS RELIC & GOLD+.?

    I'm thinking:-

    MAKRO RACER 2, WHITES MXT & MX SPORT, GARRETT AT PRO, FISHER GOLD BUG/F19/T2, etc,etc. How much are they giving away to the EXCAL II or the CZ21? 20-30% in depth?

    Looking ahead, is this where the new multi frequency NOKTA IMPACT & FISHER CZX/MOSCA machines might be even better all rounders?



    We're starting to see some videos pop up of the MX Sport in the salt. Like others have mentioned salt and black sand give single frequency machines a workout.

    Here's a video I've been watching on our MX Sport in Florida - she's a newbie but is learning fast:


    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, tvanwho said:

    I held off on buying this new machine due to the problems I had with a new AT Pro which Garrett got me for $200 in repairs for THEIR faulty parts......works great now.....almost like buying a brand new model of car, let somebody else buy it first and the factory will fix the bugs later mentality.....

    Everything is solid now, we won't be making further updates to the MX Sport based on reviews or requests. White's will always will fix our mistakes on OUR dime, not yours. It's a good way to make sure we learn our lesson if it stings a little.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, Rico said:

    all new things you buy can have be bugs, look at cars.  look at game consoles new televisions, 

    its always, the same not tested enough.

    i know white,s created a fine detector this time, 

    its one of the best i had at this moment for the stuff i use it, 

    but iff steve did not post the problems big on the forum, i dont think white,s called them back,

    shall it be arogant off white,s? 

    im a car damage repair or panelbeater, iff you deliver bad work, the custumors would talk and stay away.

    but iff you do your best to make a car nice and shine, and you treat your custumors iff they where a king or queen, you get more custumors,

    bad promotion is not good for a company even with a call back, the hurt is already done, 

    it was better to announce it worldwide, to the dealers even a few weeks back my distrubutor did not knew it,  i send hem the link and he contact white,s  scotland, they dindt know nothing they called oregon,  and there is the problem not good communication, 


    but ok i quit about it :)

    i think white,s is a good company we are all people we make mistake,s and i hope white,s make a lesson out off this, 

    ill wait till 14 may to get my mx, and now, i quit sleep time, sleeptight folks.

    Thanks for being forgiving. We're trying to get better at communicating (both with our customers and dealers). White's is a unique beast - family-owned since 1950 but in competition with more global corporate entities like $$$$lab. White's has a legacy that we do our best to uphold, but also see the need for modernization in our niche industry. All I can do is promise that I'm doing my small part and that the company is headed in the right direction because we're listening, and want to give people a product they can enjoy. I think the company's timely response to concerns on this forum and from a few other power users is evidence of that change.

    In the big picture - this is just one forum of many. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I really appreciate the input on DP and thanks for letting me be part of that as a representative for White's. Looking forward to hearing more opinions on how we can improve.

    • Like 4
  16. 1 minute ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Just to keep everyone on the same page in the prospecting world it is convention that the higher the ground balance setting required, the hotter the ground. It appears you may look at it the other way around Tom, which could lead to some confusion. The reality is a ground balance setting does not indicate the amount of mineralization anyway, just the type of mineralization. 


    It's a little confusing as the numbers should have a minus (-) in front of them to relate to VDI numbers. So my ground at 84 is actually -84 on VDI, with 40 equalling -40 on vdi. So Chuck's ground is 40 points higher than mine, getting into the iron range. Sorry for the confusion.

  17. 49 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    I'm sitting here waiting in the hopes that Tom will say send it back. Now if that don't happen I'll send it back tomorrow on my own. I'll box up everything I received when it came new from White's. If the MX Sport can't equal my old Eagle 2. Then why would I want it back.

    Oh what I want and what I get may be two different things.



    That ground is still pretty hot - over the weekend I was using the MX Sport and my ground is 84. Your ground is over halfway to salt (0).

    If it were me I'd send it back. What you're experiencing is not normal. Could be the coil, though I'm not a repair guy so I'm just spitballing here. Call us up and we'll pay shipping. Sorry you're having to deal with this - most people are really happy with the machine (especially the updated firmware) and for the past 3 weeks we've been getting mostly one type of feedback on the MXS - pictures of finds.


    P.S. If you PM me or email me that is a faster way to get a response. On the weekends I do stuff outdoors and have a "no computers" rule, and when I'm at the office I'm doing so many different things it's hard for me to browse forums. But a PM or email gets immediate attention since it goes directly to my inbox. I try to do what I can to help people out but there's only so much Tom to go around.

    • Like 2
  18. On 4/23/2016 at 10:02 PM, Ridge Runner said:

    Sometimes I have to go back and edit some things of what I said. I guess on what I was thinking  I want to say but don't get it all in. Lots of time I'll look it over and see what I left out.

    The thing is this may have started out  to be a love story but it's not anymore. 


    Sorry you're having difficulties Chuck. If I understand your earlier posts you can't run detectors higher than 4 sensitivity/gain? I took my MX Sport out this weekend and was able to run it wide open the whole time. I'd guess that you have some EMI where you're running yours, but other things are possible too - bad coil maybe? But our techs check them out whenever a machine comes back. Better safe than sorry.

    The real bummer is that this sounds like it's keeping you from detecting. Which is the opposite of what we want here at White's - we want people out there hitting the dirt and finding stuff. Let me know how I can help further.

    • Like 2
  19. On 4/17/2016 at 9:44 AM, Paul (Ca) said:

    (Any other comments for White's?). Yes, Keep the videos professional. Tom's video with the musical tones was good, but some of the earlier videos were not. Keep it professional, many of us are pulling for you.


    Paul, this helps me a lot, thank you. The first videos we did were silly and we got mixed response. Some people loved them and others were offended. Since I'm the video guy (jumped in the lake) feedback like this helps me plan ahead.

    We'll still do fun short videos but try and keep them separate from the informational ones in the future.

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