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Posts posted by tboykin

  1. 1 hour ago, strick said:


    Goofing off instead of building metal detectors :rolleyes:....I like this one better.....



    No reason a family-owned company can't do both. Life is too short to not laugh and smile. Especially when you're an underdog...

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    A friend has a set already and this is no joke. Before we start doing any kind of work he'll pull them out.. When I was working for the phone company I'd use them to find cable in the ground and they do work.

    If white's sells them they will have to pay a lot of us royalty.

    Good joke for April fools Day. Here is a good one for you Tom. I married my first wife on this day.


    PS this is better yet. The guy next door has been married 10 times. 

    Yeah, I'm not sure about divining rods. My grandpa used em for his well. But you can put a well almost anywhere in some parts of the country. I do think if they worked on gold we'd see some video proof on YouTube.

    • Like 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, argyle said:

    Hey Tom...did you help put the clip together, or the guys thanked at the end, Bob and John I think it was?


    Anyway, a hell of a good way to start the morning, well done!

    Miner John and Digger Bob were our "actors." And I'm using that term very liberally... I direct, shoot, and edit all of the videos (since I started in January). Thanks for not taking us too seriously!

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, argyle said:

    haha.. good one!


    Actually a really good promo. More thought went into this than a lot of manufacturers promo's.


    I'd get fired immediately for posting this "edit," but that is HILARIOUS. I actually spit some water on my keyboard, ya jerk!

    • Like 1
  5. Is it ok if I make a new thread about the White's DR-PRO? If not please delete. Figured people might want to discuss this new product from White's Electronics.

    Will be releasing the announce video at 1pm PST today (just got approval to do so). I'll post a link then for all to see.


    • Like 1
  6. 50 minutes ago, ElectronicAdventures said:

    I've had ZERO complaints and ZERO issues with the unit's I've sold. It takes one loud voice to start drama like this.

    Compared to other machines I sell, the MXSport is one of the best 'first releases' I've personally experienced.

    Out of about several hunnit units sold I've heard 3-4 complaints about this issue. Everything else has been "check out the Reale/seated/relic I found." But it's still a valid complaint.

    People who are operating at a certain skill level will notice something that 99% of people won't ever see. That's true with cars, computers, and metal detectors. The reason I pushed for a response after the first report of this (which wasn't from this forum) was for that 1%. The hardcore guys spend more money than the hobbyists. And as a company we need to take care of everyone.

    The hardcore guys will notice the improvement. Not sure about the hobbyists but we'll reprogram anyone's MX Sport for free if they feel like it needs it.

    I'm throwing this in the DONE column for now. Just got back from the trash park. Guess who's paying for gum balls in clad found with the MX Sport...

  7. 7 hours ago, Dingo Qld said:

    a "TOTAL RECALL" would be the only solution to amend this problem to any problems a rising in the future.

    I appreciate your thought Dingo, though I disagree with your car analogy. The old version of the firmware won't cause any fiery 'splosions on the highway, and most users seem satisfied with the MX Sport as-is. We jumped on this issue so quickly for YOU GUYS (specifically on this forum and one guy from Carolina)- the power users. Like I said, we owe it to you but also don't want to take perfectly usable detectors from people who have zero problem with their machines. But we'll gladly help anyone who does experience problems, always have and always will.

    7 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Frankly I have had enough drama for now. I will wander over to the factory with my unit in the next couple weeks and can get it sorted out then. Time to visit the new folks - if they will still have me!

    You're welcome here in Sweet Home, you haven't said anything wrong. Just know that when you have a problem we are listening, and if you feel someone isn't listening just ask for Tom and I will do what I can. It's taken a bit of time from my other duties to deal with this so I may not be as responsive to this thread over the weekend and next week (got grass to cut and coins to dig). Your call on whether to close it or not, but feel free to refer to my previous post regarding anyone wanting to return their MX Sport. Don't want that info getting too buried in replies (copy below).

    We stand by our detectors but more importantly we want you to know we stand by YOU guys. 


    MX Sport Owner Firmware Update

    We have updated the Sport firmware to address a concern related to audio on targets in close proximity. In some programs closely spaced targets will lock on as one long tone. This issue has been addressed and the resulting audio now sounds off for each target separately. 

    While the update will be especially helpful to experienced users, the current version's long-tone "lock-on" audio may be preferable for some users. Updating is at the user's discretion. If you aren't experiencing any problems with your MX Sport, no action is needed. All MX Sports manufactured after 3-24-16 will automatically have the latest firmware.

    If you would like to have your Sport re-programed, here is how to return to White's at no cost to you:

    1. First, box up your Sport, preferably in the original box. Send the control box and search coil. Please include a note labelled "FIRMWARE" in the box.

    2. If you have e-mail and access to a printer, e-mail sales@whiteselectronics.com and we will e-mail you a printable label. If you don't have access to e-mail, call us at 1-888-666-6121 and we will mail you the label. 

    3. Affix the label to the box with clear tape. Drop off at a UPS Store or other UPS shipper.

    4. Once we receive your detector, we will reprogram it as quickly as possible and return via UPS to the same address. Normal turnaround is expected to be 1-2 weeks.

    • Like 1
  8. I try to be a man of my word-

    MX Sport Owner Firmware Update

    We have updated the Sport firmware to address a concern related to audio on targets in close proximity. In some programs closely spaced targets will lock on as one long tone. This issue has been addressed and the resulting audio now sounds off for each target separately. 

    While the update will be especially helpful to experienced users, the current version's long-tone "lock-on" audio may be preferable for some users. Updating is at the user's discretion. If you aren't experiencing any problems with your MX Sport, no action is needed. All MX Sports manufactured after 3-24-16 will automatically have the latest firmware.

    If you would like to have your Sport re-programed, here is how to return to White's at no cost to you:

    1. First, box up your Sport, preferably in the original box. Send the control box and search coil. Please include a note labelled "FIRMWARE" in the box.

    2. If you have e-mail and access to a printer, e-mail sales@whiteselectronics.com and we will e-mail you a printable label. If you don't have access to e-mail, call us at 1-888-666-6121 and we will mail you the label. 

    3. Affix the label to the box with clear tape. Drop off at a UPS Store or other UPS shipper.

    4. Once we receive your detector, we will reprogram it as quickly as possible and return via UPS to the same address. Normal turnaround is expected to be 1-2 weeks.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

    Tboykin, Get Steves address and give it to your boss and get one of the new and improved units (with return shipping labels) in an over night box so he can get yet another review started. He can use the box to put his in and have it on the way back to where it was made.

    Think your sensitivity and threshold might be a little high as mentioned in the comments for your video. Usually when I hear a beep one way and not the other it's junk OR I need to ground balance as the soil conditions can change pretty quick depending on where you are. Coins will repeat on left and right swings unless they're on edge or really deep. Beep. Beep. Dig. You can give us a call here at the factory to talk to some one if you'd prefer that.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

    Hi tboykin

     White's is a old detector company and a great one that has been around for a long time. I've had a White's detector in my hands from mid 60's.  This is a problem that can be fixed but not for all of us over night.

    Just sit back and give them time to form a plan of action. The only thing I don't understand is how we here are the only people having trouble. If I was to go coin hunting now I'll take a detector I know and trust. Just on the air test it won't be MXS.

    You're right on a small coil in high trash area but some may want to fight it. Sometimes it takes a lazy man to find a easy way of doing things.:wub: haha



    Thanks Chuck. I believe in honesty and personal responsibility. From what I've seen in my few months here - White's does too.

    One thing I know from working with electronics (specifically audio gear/guitar amps, etc) is that what some people don't like others will see as a feature. So I think people who really need every millisecond of response time for target separation will notice the tone smearing more than someone who just wants to go find coins in a place that doesn't resemble a subterranean garbage dump. The targets have to be pretty close (like 2" with the stock coil) to replicate the problem with the old firmware. And the fact that the audio "locks on" has been helping people find deeper targets. Really don't want to take detectors away from people who are satisfied with the performance.

    I talked with my boss in the middle of writing this- we'll be providing return labels for anyone who'd like their machine updated. So it seems like the old White's Electronics hospitality is still alive and well. Will post the info as I get it.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, SavingThePast said:

    What about all the current stock at dealers/distributors? Is that going to be allowed to just go ahead and enter the market?

    I guess the biggest question is who is going to be footing the bill for shipping back to whites if they arent happy with their unit?

    Current stock at dealers/distributors is LOW or non-existent. We're in the process of filling back orders so everything that goes out from the factory will have the updated firmware. Will update you later after we discuss shipping options.

  12. Just a few updates before the rest of the crew rolls into the office this morning. I got to test both the lil D and the 10" D with the updated firmware last night. Will take it out this weekend to an old barn/homesite that I call "NAIL CITY." We still need to test it as it might be too fast for some people (i.e. newbies) and speed can sometimes kill depth. With the feedback on depth we've been getting from customers, we don't want to sacrifice the MX Sport's depth since it's really good right now.

    Mini DD - Speed is excellent, recovery time in coin/jewelry mode is unfair. I can't swing the detector fast enough to get any smearing with coins placed 2" apart. And I was whipping that thing over 7 coins with 7 tones singing out.

    10" DD- Speed is good, not as fast as the mini but that is to be expected. Target separation is much improved but not as fast as the smaller coil. Still way better than before. If you hunt trashy areas you are likely going to use a smaller coil anyways, so for general purpose hunting it's awesome, though maybe a tad too fast for some.

    Somebody mentioned a recall. I don't speak for the whole company here, like I said, I'm just a regular Joe who works at White's and loves the hobby. We've gotten overwhelmingly positive feedback from people who've bought the MX Sport. Maybe it's the way they use it, or where they hunt, but the theme of the feedback has been that the MX Sport "locks on to deep coins." Which could be the source of what a few of you in this thread have a problem with. I'm not sure why we would rip it out of their hands if most people who bought an MX Sport are happy with what they have and are experiencing success on their hunts.

    People who only use the MX Sport in trashy areas are going to want their firmware updated and a smaller coil. That's a given. But if a company contacted me and said "GIVE US YOUR MACHINE BACK, SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT!" when I was happy with that machine...? I'd tell them they can pry it from my cold dead hands. I think a better option is a lot simpler. You aren't happy with it? Send it back. We'll take care of it for you. But I'll run this by my bosses either today or Monday when we have our meeting.

    Either way, it's YOU, the customers who are most important. That's why I'm here.

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  13. Thanks Bill, appreciate your input. We do let hardcore users test our detectors but everyone has different needs. 'You can make some of the people happy all of the time, you can make all of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all of the people happy all of the time.'

    We're trying, and for higher-end models it's definitely worth getting more heavy metal heads involved. The MX Sport has a pretty broad appeal, but we don't want to leave our power users out of things.

  14. Alright, just got back from "the pits" where we test our gear. We're sending out a few units for further testing and tweaking, but the engineers figured out the issue. The dev unit they re-programmed didn't have any of the tone-smearing I experienced with a unit that had the issue - audio response is snappy and accurate with the fix. So there won't be a problem with hanging/locking tones on any units produced after today.

    If you're having this problem on your MX Sport (only had 2 or 3 reports of it so far out of several hundred shipped) then we will need to re-program it at the factory. Which sucks, but we owe it to anyone who's not happy with our products. I'll talk to the team tomorrow to see what that process entails. In the mean time we're still getting positive feedback and a lot of finds on our Facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/whiteselectronics/posts_to_page/

    We don't censor people's feedback (unless it's really offensive), and luckily haven't had to contend with any bad reviews yet. I count Steve's as an "airing of concerns," not a bad review. And hopefully, since we learn from and FIX our mistakes, we'll keep you guys happy.

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  15. Luke - We're on the case, our two best guys Jacob and Brian are going through the software right now. If there's an issue they will find it. It's much easier to respond to direct input (phone call, email, Facebook message) than have to sift through forum posts to find people who are having a hard time with a machine.

    The whole reason I started working at White's was how they treat customers. Stopped in one day and knew they were real people listening to what I said, and not just waiting for their turn to speak. We're trying to uphold that legacy while also moving forward with new technology and being more present online since that's where our customers go for information and to share the hobby.

    I don't speak for the whole company but consider me a "representative," along with Steve Howard who is pretty active on various forums. I'm on our Facebook page throughout the day so that's a direct line to the company during business hours - https://www.facebook.com/whiteselectronics/


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