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Posts posted by tboykin

  1. 2 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

    The mom and pop operation shows that mom is out of the kitchen and someone there is spoiling the soup. Maybe she is out hunting.

    That is funny, but also the kind of comment that will drive people like me away from this site. White's treats their employees like family. If I talked like that about your family you might take it personal. I won't take it personal this time, but I'm not a glutton for punishment and will walk away from DP if it continues.

    I've done nothing but try and help. Please don't disrespect me or the company I work for.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, gambler said:

    Tom, I think you have to realize, this forum has the smartest detectorists around. No monkey see monkey do, that's why I open ears and close mouth. I will learn from these guys, but I don't sweat it too much. Take care tom, but don't forget to check in here once in awhile, it might prove to be  in your best interest.

    I'll check in from time to time and respond to pm's. Just going to focus on the main part of my job (and actually going detecting).

  3. Thanks for the kind words! We're trying to keep that reputation going.

    I don't remember saying anything about the number of versions for the firmware. Just that after the initial update nothing performance-related has changed. Our tech has records of the firmware versions, but there isn't a version number on the detector as far as I know. The important change is the tone smearing. That's fixed as of 3-25-16.

    I try to keep the big picture in mind at all times. So the best advice I can give on this (and don't take this as an insult) is to let the computer take a nap and spend some time with the MX Sport. If something seems wrong - contact White's to let us know. If everything seems good - enjoy the outdoors and find some treasure.

  4. 2 minutes ago, gambler said:

    I'm still here. But I have nothing constructive to add, except I found a dime at 6 inches. I don't know how to evaluate recovery speed, and I still don't understand the term "tone smearing". (does that make me the perfect mxs user?:))

    Thanks tom for participating in the forum. I'm sure everyone appreciates it.

    Anytime. As long as you are finding stuff that's all that matters. That and enjoying God's earth.

    Sales on the MX Sport have been pretty good, and in PA I heard a lot of positive chatter from folks about it. I know the firmware seems like a HUGE issue on here on DP, but I always have to remind myself of the "echo chamber" on various forums. You ever seen a chicken with a blood spot on it? The other chickens will peck it to death. 

    Thanks to all on this forum for the help. It has made the MX Sport a better detector and given us some good insights. I'll still jump on here occasionally but since the fire's been put out it probably won't be as much.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/19/2016 at 3:30 PM, Hexx said:

    Link deleted since Findmall Forum update broke all old links

    According to a poster (Old California) on the above link, the MXS was accidentally given the wrong firmware update and a few were sent back to the owners. So apparently there might be a version 3.0? The poster explains in the thread what to look for if you've gotten your machine back with in the last week or so. My MXS is on it's way  to me this week from having it updated, and now I'm concerned that it may also have the wrong firmware update as it was shipped on the 14th. I'll know better on the 21st when it's in my hands for testing. I know tboykin has been inundated lately, but if he or some one can shed a little more light on this matter it would be appreciated. I think I'll just try and enjoy the spring/summer/fall and send it back next winter. Good target seperartion will be a huge advancement from my prior firmware version.

    Thanks Tom and everyone that contributes to these threads, it's helped immensely.

    If your detector is working fine the best thing to do is enjoy it. We've been on the same firmware version for a while now, and it's not going to change again since it's in good shape. I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna try and enjoy the sun as much as possible this spring.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, bowwinkles said:


    you said " We tested the new firmware and have heard from users that confirms the update has no ill effect on depth." 

    Please tell us which version of the "New firmware" did they test? Seems from the reports there are more than one version. That is the type of data the users/owners need to know in order to to get real support for their issues.  

    The only performance change on the firmware was the tone-smearing. Everything else hasn't been performance-related - VCO pinpoint, more levels of SAT in Relic, etc. So any version of the new firmware will be the same on depth/target separation.

  7. John, I'm trying as hard as I can to catch up on stuff after I got back from PA. I do different things here and spending time on the forums is an extra "job" I came up with (which may have been a mistake). Nobody asked me to but I feel like it's a smart thing to do.

    VDI readings are interesting. Basically the scale goes from -95 to +95. Normal ground is low on the scale, usually below -80. Iron reads above that with salt coming in at ZERO. So "highly mineralized" can mean different numbers depending on if you're talking salt or iron. To me -40 would be "hot ground" since that's getting pretty well into the iron range. On the MX Sport the GRND number is the VDI, it's just missing the minus sign. 

    Please remember that I'm doing this at will, not because someone told me to. I want to help as much as possible, but it's an extra thing that I do. The phone is the easiest way to get a hold of the company, or Facebook message (which I manage) if you'd like to use a computer.

    • Like 2
  8. Chuck,

    I spoke with Bob and a few of the other engineers here. We are hitting coins deeper in the ground than you are getting with your air tests. But your ground number (40s) is pretty hot. You might try balancing the MX Sport over a different patch or use a piece of ferrite to get the GB number closer to 70-90.

    We tested the new firmware and have heard from users that confirms the update has no ill effect on depth. So you might try ground balancing the detector over milder ground, and try a slow swing over the coil with SENS set to 8 or 9 and see what happens.


  9. 1 hour ago, bowwinkles said:

    In the MXS tune video, it would seem more appropriate at this time to spend those much needed funds on maybe some more talented programmers in order to get past this recent adventure. Then their loyal users could be creating their own tunes. 

    Sometimes people make mistakes. What matters is how you fix them.

    But feel free to send us your resume - http://www.whiteselectronics.com/about-us/jobs


    • Like 1
  10. Steve has it nailed. There are 2 different groups of people to hit - insiders and outsiders.

    All the insiders really need is a product that works well, is well-supported, and vouched for by the community. They like "nuts and bolts" videos from what I've seen - INFORMATION. They share these videos with other insiders. It's a tight-knit community with limited reach. This forum is a good example. 

    Outsiders may not be involved with detecting at all. Or they may be interested in the hobby, have an older detector they don't use much, etc. The goal is to make them insiders. And something that catches their interest - ENTERTAINMENT - may tip the scale in favor of them getting involved with the hobby. 

    The MX Sport World video does 2 things - it's entertaining, but also showcases the MX Sport's abilities. An insider might think it's "cute" and share it to a friend, who hopefully gets a spark of interest in the hobby. But there's also some "information" embedded in it - recovery speed, tone id, target separation.

    We could have spent "Minelab money" on a techno music video, but that's not really our style. And you guys (the insiders) would likely call BS on something with that much fluff. So the aim is to stay true to our roots - genuine, real, sincere. To make you guys proud to swing a White's metal detector.

    FWIW I love that carrot video... Cheeky!

  11. On 4/12/2016 at 8:31 AM, Fleng said:

    Got an invitation to work an old mine in SE AZ. It has a +200-foot deep shaft and I'm looking for a quality entry level detector.

    My thoughts are that in a mineralized medium like this a Gold Bug Pro might be good. Don't think that this one is going to be used for wet salt, underwater, coins, or jewelry. Probably going to get the new Minelab pinpointer to go with it.

    What are the best choices for prospecting for nuggets in an underground shaft?

    Full disclosure - I work at White's. If you're interested in a machine made out West please give us a call - 1-800-547-6911.

    GMT is about as easy as it gets for gold. Simple, rugged, reliable. Finds the smaller stuff. They go for about $729 online.

    TDI is a pulse machine, might be best to save this for down the line. Also more susceptible to interference (you mentioned power cables).

    MX Sport is our new detector. Lower frequency than the GMT but we've gotten decent reports on it for gold. It is waterproof, has a backlit display, and the disc/vdi might help you skip digging some of the trash. With 20+ hours of battery life you should be ok. Priced similar to the GMT.

    Our gold machines don't have as many bells and whistles as some other brands, but some people like to keep it simple. There's less to learn and less things to go wrong that way. As always no one can tell you the right machine for you, it's best to research and lay hands on a few different ones to figure out what works for YOU.

    BONUS - Here's a few recent gold videos we have-


    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:


     You have just found the new you. What a hidden talent you have and to think you just found yourself. If you leave White's be sure to take other detectors with you so to advance your career in music.

    This video may have done more on the sale of the MX Sport than others in the past.

    Thanks !


    LAWL- I worked in the entertainment industry in LA for 8 years before signing on with White's. After "retiring" back home to Oregon in 2015, wouldn't go back to it. Some things just aren't worth the money.

    Maybe the MX Sport will start taking some requests. But the GMT and TDI are about as tone-deaf as I am...

  13. 2 hours ago, Paul (Ca) said:

    That's pretty neat Tom, I bet that took you a long time.

    Enjoy your trip back east, take plenty of bug repellent.

    HH, Paul

    Yep, took a while to go through all the coins. I had to use one bolt for the low G towards the end, the rest are coins from different countries. I never use bug repellent, skin's too thick to bite through. Hope to catch some great finds on camera, should be a big hunt from what I'm hearing. Although I'd rather head down to NV or eastern Oregon for gold...

    • Like 1
  14. Been awful busy here. Shooting some more videos and getting ready for a trip to PA this weekend. Colonial homestead!

    We're able to turn most of the MX Sports around in a couple days' time. The issue is always ground shipping time. So the process is going smoothly (all things considered) and we're making good progress. I just walked through repair, and though there are MX Sports lined up there aren't as many as I was thinking there'd be. Which means a lot of people aren't sending their machines back. Still getting lots of good finds on our facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/whiteselectronics/

    Here's a sneak peak of what you can expect when you get your detector back (took me long time to figure out)- 


    • Like 6
  15. 2 hours ago, Roughwater said:


    That's the ticket if your a do-it- yourselfer. More than one way of looking at things. As you say, If you don't spend a lot on a vehicle you won't have a big car payment so you don't need to worry about the MPG and can afford the gas and extra toys.  I don't think an old couple could manage all those alternations to the vehicle though.  If one has to pay someone else to do all it don't come cheap.  

    The Subaru's are kinda low compared to a lifted vehicle but per previous post you can lift them if you like.  

    But when you ride in a Subaru you feel so close to heaven you just glide over the rocks and ruts!  

    I have an older 90 something Dodge Ram Dakota Sport 4x4 Manum V8.  It has 200K on it but I don't trust it to take out of the county.  When I get back from my long vacation out west I'll look at going over it good, maybe even replace the engine as it has pretty low oil pressure.  It sets up real nice and has good sized flotation off road tires on it. I only paid 2k for it and had it a couple years now but added a couple new tires, exhaust and new battery.  It's my local hunting truck.  





    Nice truck. My dad taught me "you take care of your rig and it'll take care of you." Definitely not everyone has the time or ability to modify their vehicle. But the plus is if you put that time in you will know how to fix it when something goes wrong.

  16. I  just can't convince himself to spend over $5000 on a vehicle. I'd rather buy something cheap and fix it up. More money for other toys....

    A couple affordable options for sub-$5000 camping/overlanding vehicles-

    AWD Astro Van - can be had for a couple grand, lifted for a couple hundred (a build thread with lots of info)

    You can find Astro's for dirt cheap locally, and though they lack clearance they actually have decent HP and room for dirt-bound adventures. I've thought about making one into a mini-RV but haven't pulled the trigger yet. NOTE- there is nothing cool about driving an AstroVan, so keep that in mind. Function over form.

    My favorite is my daily driver, 1996 Cherokee.

    Couple reasons I've owned a few of these - You'll never pay more than $4000 for a clean XJ, and can find them for less than 2k if you look hard enough. You can lift it as high as you want but it's more than capable stock. HO versions put out 195 HP and can tow up to 5k lbs (try that with a new JKU). Classic American boxy construction, looks, sounds, and smells like an SUV. Easy to wrench on, gets about 16mpg, and just will not die. My '89 went over 300k before I scrapped it, the '96 isn't even broken in at 150k.

    The previously-mentioned Subies are great, not much clearance though and you'll have to scrape off the "CO-EXIST" bumper sticker.

    You can also buy an older E350 Van and add the running gear and suspension from a Ford truck or older SUV if you have the tools and knowhow. Bit of a project though... 



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  17. 14 hours ago, dbsmokey said:

    Well I called White's and had to leave a message with the repair department.   I didn't get a call back.  I'm beginning to wonder if  this is going to go sour.  I hope not!  

    We're still a family-owned business in a small town, so our staff is limited. Connie is only one person and if she's on the phone with someone else or at home (we close at 4:30pm PST) you might have to leave a message. The sky is not falling.


    12 hours ago, Roughwater said:

    A good question for Mr Boykin might be to ask if they need to dissemble the detector to reprogram it?  I would hope if they were thinking ahead when they designed it they can just plug into it somewhere without disassembly?  

    The techs currently have to open the unit to reprogram it. Then re-seal after the firmware flash. The plug and play updating has been on their radar for a while, and that's all I can say about it.

  18. Our factory has been cranking. Usually the parking lot empties out by 3:30. I leave at 4:30 and it's still been full most days. But they're building new machines there, don't think they're flashing the firmware on the line. I think the updates are happening in repairs. I've been checking in with Todd every day and he says they're keeping on top of things. So chin up!

    The main reason for 2 week turnaround is shipping times I think. East Coast to West Coast takes a while in a round trip.

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  19. 19 hours ago, RickP said:

    tboykin.. I've been planning on buying an mx sport since I first heard about it, decided to hold off until some of these bugs were worked out ( which I knew it wouldn't take long) but how can I know before I order one if I am getting an updated one ??

    also... I heard rumor of a package deal with detector, two coils, detector carry bag... Etc..  Has that been released yet ?

    Herschbach has the details for the "Sport Pack" in his post above mine. Everything that's rolled off the line since 3-24 has the update. So you should be good to go. If you want to be double sure check the serial # - first 4 digits should be over 6087 with updated firmware. Hope this helps.

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