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Posts posted by PSPR

  1. 7 minutes ago, rled2005 said:

    When paying that kind of money, why should anyone have to "Gerry rig" or modify anything? These manufacturers should concentrate on quality instead of quick production. Hopefully this is why Minelab has waited this long.

    I agree.  But those who already own it need to do something in certain cases.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, UtahRich said:


    ......And a controller that can be knocked off the search rod rather easily in my hunting conditions. Come on XP, you can do better than this for a "water detector"........


    I've heard people say putting a little clear silicone jell in the D2 slot that holds the Remote Control will keep it from falling off.  Just give it a day to setup after applying.

  3. 21 minutes ago, UtahRich said:


    So GB, are you thinking the Minelab Aurora would be a good choice ?  I like the Minelab Meteor, easier to pronounce and has a greater impact.   ?


    Rich - 

    I think they wanted the name of a fierce creature to slay the competition just as the detector will.  LOL

  4. 8 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

    So does the original Deus. 

    Chase and I own the Equinox, Legend and Deus 2. We know how good they really are. We aren’t likely to snap at you for taking a jovial swing at any of them. Others on this forum might however especially some Deus 2 high powered owners or people who are going nuts waiting for their beastie. So get ready to duck if you disparage Deus 2 or the Mantis.  

    LOL.  Did you see my post where I ordered a Legend (The Lagard? Just Kidding) while I'm waiting for my Manti (Or is it the Mongoose now)?  I've been reading about your park hauls with it!!  I ordered the Pro Pack so I would have a machine with a small coil incase I find a place to search where I would need it.  I'll see how it goes.

    I think you are in the Denver area.  I should send you the coordinates for that silver dime spill I found 40 years ago that I left some there.  Its probably gone by now though.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Carolina said:

    Has nothing to do with a perceived assault of the superiority of the Deus ll detecting ability. Others have tried to explain to you, from day one, it is simply a jab at a truly funny name for a metal detector. And no one can compare the two detectors as one is out in the wild and one is not. Most everyone no matter what they swing agrees, it’s a weird a$$ name. ?

    I believe ya!  I said I was just messing with ya. :blink:

    • Like 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    See below.  Ignore the fact that the TID stays constant at 78 regardless of the target displayed.  The more stable the target ID the more "linear" the "oval" remains.  I think slope in either "hemisphere" corresponds to target ID.  I don't use the feature because I get more information from the target audio, but I might experiment more with it, in the future.


    That's interesting.  One would have to experiment with it to see if it has value.  Since the oval isn't always an oval it could provided some very useful ID info.  Funny that nobody ever talks about this.  I didn't even know the Deus II had this feature.

  7. 14 minutes ago, steveg said:

    PSPR -- don't take too much offense, LOL! 

    Not offended at all, Steve.  I realize it is just a playful messing with odd names.  I too thought Manticore was an odd name when I first heard it.  But I do see the variations come from more people who have a Deus II and must feel the Manticore is an assault on the detecting superiority of the Deus II right now.  Psych 300 is interesting.  :rolleyes:

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 56 minutes ago, Carolina said:

    Again JMHO. MY $1500 fairly new machine is killin it so no Montycure in my future. 

    I think most here with a new D2 would probably do the same.  You can't just go around dropping $1600 every time a new detector comes on the market.  If I had bought a D2 I wouldn't be in the market for a Manticore right now either.  But I do think giving silly names to detectors you have no intention of buying is a bit childish.  Should we call the Deus II the Dump2?  LOL  (Just messing with ya)

    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    I seriously recommend not drinking the marketing hype kool aid.

    After reading some of what happened during the Equinox release, I've lowered my delivery expectations for the Manticore.  I'll now be surprised if I see one before Christmas.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but the battery life of the Manticore on the Minelab website specs has been changed from 9 hours to 10 hours.  I guess 9 hours sounded too short.  I doubt there has been any physical change to the detector reflecting that change.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 hours ago, cudamark said:

    What....365 days? ?

    I've been reading some old posts from when the Equinox was released and it doesn't look good for the Manticore.   Minelab even made some release announcements in December 2017 about "coming soon".  Then they said shipping by late January.  Then they announced they were shipping detectors on February 2nd.  But I think it was late February before your normal Joe pre-order saw his Equinox.  :blush:

  12. 11 minutes ago, rled2005 said:

    In the video the rep kind of side-stepped the waterproof leakage issue. She just said it is more rugged. So, that would indicate that the equinox was not rugged enough. If you look at a video from gigmaster on YouTube, he shows around the charging port as a weak area that leaks. So, ruggedness may fix the issue?

    Yeah, she was asked specifically about leaking around the charging port and she sidesteps answering that directly.  I hope it was redesigned as well but maybe not.  I'm not going to submerse mine in water beyond the coil until I see what happens to some others.  Maybe I won't be going in water beyond wading anyway.

    I was at a beach in murky water up to my chest with a CTX3030 shortly after it came out.  I couldn't see where the coil was so I would scoop and nothing.  Check again and it was still there.  Scoop again and nothing.  Check again and scoop and now it moved.  This went on for about 25 minutes until I gave up chasing what ever it was.  That was my last water hunt up to my chest.  LOL

    After that summer I sold the CTX and gave up metal detecting.  I couldn't find anything with it.  A couple friends had Garrett At's and they would detect circles around me.  I don't remember there being a graph on the CTX but I'm sure there was.  I just didn't spend enough time with it to learn it and I had to keep switching arms with it because of the weight.  It was just a frustrating summer detecting for me.

  13. 1 minute ago, rled2005 said:

    Good tip.

    This video shows iron and a coin waved in front of the coil. The iron is discriminated, and the coin is not. Even though the iron is rejected it still shows both on the screen, which is pretty cool.

    Yup!  I'm excited for the Manticore to ship.  It's going to be awesome. 

    • Like 3
  14. 15 minutes ago, rled2005 said:

    Here's a good YouTube video

    If you go to youtube and do a search, minelab+manticore, then open Filters (above the vids on the left side) and select, Sort By / Upload Date; it will bring up that video and all the others pertaining to the Manticore sorted by upload date.  Bookmark the page after you have entered those parameters and you can easily check if any new Manticore videos have been uploaded.

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

    As I get more 'seasoned' in my detecting experience, I've realized that I've wasted enough money on accessory coils to afford a Deus 2 *and* a Manticore.

    Coils are EXPESIVE!!  I see some around $400.  There are probably others that are even more expensive.  I noticed the extra coils on the Legend are only a little over $100.  I'm not sure what that says but it says something.  I probably won't get any extra coils for the Manticore unless I have some specific reason I think it is going to help me find a lot more targets somewhere.

  16. 16 hours ago, strick said:

    Sources have stated release is imminent and just days away ?


    I hope you have a reliable source, strick.  It only been about a month since my order but I'm already hyperventilating.  LOL

    Jeff, I read your recent Legend posts in the Nokta forum and I ordered a Legend with the pro pack and even got a little bit more off from the current crazy low price.  I noticed on the product page that it says Pre Order, Aye Yai Yai, (I like that phrase) I hope not that again.  I've got a message into them to see if that was an oversite or if it will ship next week.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 minute ago, Jeff McClendon said:

    Used Equinox 600s and 800s or a new Legend are ridiculously inexpensive right now. If the release is delayed and you can afford it, pick one up as a backup to the Manticore and learn how to navigate it. 

    Exactly what I am thinking, Jeff.  I'm still hopeful that Minelab won't let me down but I'll decide soon if I want to go that route.  I can see the wife saying to me, "you've got a detector you haven't used in years and now you bought two new ones?  Are you nuts?"  LOL

  18. 17 minutes ago, phrunt said:

    It's certainly more normal for products to be late than on time, some products over a year late from when they said they'd come out. 

    Aye Yai Yai!!!  If we are talking about a year from August 25th you'll find me in the Psych Ward early next year.

    Maybe I should buy a Legend while they are cheap to tide me over if Minelab doesn't get the Manticore out this year.

    • Haha 1
    • Thanks 1
  19. BTW, I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here.  I know I can be very opinionated and sometimes I come across that way.  If anyone is offended by what I have posted anywhere here, please accept my sincere apology.  I don't intend to offend anybody.

    • Like 1
  20. Just now, Steve Herschbach said:

    Have you seen any detector releases in the last ten years? What you are saying is just common practice now. It's normally months between announcements and actual shipping dates, even been  more than a year in a few cases.

    No, Steve, I'm not familiar with new metal detector releases.  You guys are much more knowledgeable about this than I.  But the "release" you are referring to, I believe, was what happened in August.  The release coming, I would think, is the OK for dealers to start selling the product they where sent to customers.  I could be wrong but I'll go by the advertisement Minelab put in the "Gold Prospectors" magazine that Manticore will be available in time to be under the Christmas tree.

  21. 5 minutes ago, phrunt said:

    I wonder if they'll let Coiltek make coils for it, if they do it's going to be roles reversed, Coiltek won't need to make their 10x5" for it as it basically comes with that as a standard option with the 9x5.5 so it would be crazy to do a 10x5", they'd need to make a 6" alternative as that's what it will be missing sadly.  Perhaps a nice little 5" round solid could come our way.  I hope I'm not in fantasy land on this an it's probably a couple of years away ?

    We are almost mid November and no detectors have even started to be shipped from manufacturer to dealer yet, with none on their way it's not looking like November, times ticking for December and if they haven't started shipping by the start of December it's not looking likely before Christmas, then dealers start to close for a few weeks here so it's all over until late January.

    Even if Minelab used something super fast and expensive like DHL it would take 7-10 days to get from Australia to USA, although they probably ship direct from Malaysia.  I can imagine customs is slower this time of year than any other with the flow of Christmas gifts rolling in and stock for retailers coming in on mass from China.

    So my theory is if they're not starting to be shipped by the 1st of December, we are unlikely to get one for Christmas then I will be sad, very sad.  I also want the accessory coils for it at the same time!!! don't disappoint Minelab, you've done enough of that lately.

    I don't think Minelab can stop CoilTek from making their own coils for the Manticore.  Although, from what I've heard, it takes CoilTek a year or longer to get something into production.

    How do you know the Manticore isn't already being shipped to dealers or about to be shipped?  I suspect if the Release Date is November 30th that the first shipments will be in national distributors warehouses and maybe dealers hands before they announce.  It would be silly to announce release and have no product for customers to immediately buy.

    I don't think dealers close down for weeks on end here in the U.S. for the winter or Christmas.  The dealer my order is with said they ship directly from the distribution centers to the customer so the dealer never even sees the unit.   In Oz aren't you in the beginnings of summer there?  Surely dealers will be open over there.

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