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20 hours ago, kiwijw said:

Very Nice Lanny. ? Congrats to you & your son. Would have been a blast with the pair of you working & sharing in the excitement together. Awesome. How old is your son?

Best of luck out there

JW :smile:

Hey, great to hear from you! Hope all is well at the other end of the globe, and I trust you'll chase the gold and continue to post those great pictures of your golden adventures.

My son is in his 30's, and he started chasing the gold with me when he was about 12,  but then he got busy with life and took a long break. However, now he's been dedicating some solid time over the last couple of years to learn all about nugget shooting, and he's doing great!

All the best, and always great to hear from you,


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18 hours ago, Northeast said:

Blimey!  Very nice indeed.  Well done and good hunting with your son  ?

Thanks for dropping in, and many thanks for the kind words. 

Nothing better than chasing the gold with family, and my wife loves to go with us as well, so I'm pretty much set up perfect.

All the best,


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14 hours ago, IdahoPeg said:

Very nice haul there! Glad you could enjoy some “golden” times with your son! ?

Thanks so much! We truly do enjoy our time together, and the gold nuggets are a bonus to the true gold we've discovered in something we both love.

All the best,


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12 hours ago, oldmancoyote1 said:

Wow!  Any clues to how you were so successful with a Gold Racer?  I'm still looking for my first hit.

Thanks for stopping by, and as for the Racer, I invested a good chunk of time reading and rereading the manual, kept top rod/box-combo by my bedside with the manual, powered it up and practiced all of the various switch and toggle combinations until I had them down cold.

So, when I hit the goldfields, I was ready to truly focus on sounds and not have to worry about trying to remember what I had to do  mechanically with the machine in changing detecting conditions (more of a learning curve for the Racer than some other machines, but a great machine regardless). I wanted to see how sensitive it was to smaller gold, so I ran it over bedrock I'd already cleared with the Gold Bug Pro and was amazed at the concentrations of small gold the Racer hit on. Of course, it hit on the bigger stuff too, but so did both of my other machines (the Minelab 5000 and the Bug Pro), but by the time I was finished checking the bedrock, I'd recovered half again as much fine gold as the coarser stuff I'd found with the other two machines.

So, by reading and rereading the manual (pretty low-tech), by keeping the rod/box-combo handy to power up until I'd learned the various operating steps of the box-unit, and by being able to focus intently on changing breaks in the threshold to find the fine gold, that's what worked for me. Nothing special, yet I should also mention, that once I started swinging the coil, I invested time learning the different sounds the Racer made for various hot/cold rocks; that was important so I didn't waste time chasing strange signals. 

It's a great little detector that does what it was designed to do well, but there was a bigger front-end learning load for me than with some other gold-getting VLF's. Having said that, if you get it over the gold, even tiny gold, it's mighty handy at sniffing it out.

All the best, and good luck chasing the gold,


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11 hours ago, oneguy said:

Nice stuff....!!!!  Lots of hard work there...…….

You're right. It's always hard work, yet it's fun, which kind of comes across as fun work, which seems like a bit of a paradox. Regardless, when I'm hunting the gold with family,  any work invested in the effort pays off in timeless golden dividends worth far more than the yellow metal we recover.

All the best,


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2 hours ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

Lanny,  Your gold recovery is amazing and those are some fine looking nuggets.  Being able to spend quality time with your son outdoors chasing gold with a good machine (Makro Gold Racer) certainly makes for lifetime memories.  Thanks for sharing your photos and success stories.  Hopefully 2019 brings more enjoyable dad/son trips of gold.

Gerry, that sure is a great response! Many thanks.

I'm sure the outings will continue as he's already planning more trips to the mountains with me for the 2019 season. The nice thing about my son is he's a dedicated learner that listens intently to any tips I give him, and then he head right off to implement them; that's what makes him so successful.

The older I get, the more I realize I don't know (not like when I was younger). He's at the point in his life now where he realizes I might know a thing or two about finding nuggets, so I'm not going to let him know how much I don't know because he's doing just great with the tips I've given him of what little I do know about nugget shooting.

All the best, and thanks for stopping by to say hello,


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