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Bill (S. CA)

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  1. Sorry for the one upside down picture - rats!
  2. I am selling my brand new, never out of the box Axiom along with 2 - accessory coils. This is the Axiom PN1142720 that comes with 2 - coils. Also included are a 13' mono coil and a 16" DD coil, both new. Retail price on Garrett Direct right now for all of these, not including tax, is $3704.97. I am selling the entire package for $3500.00 and I'll ship it free Fedex within the Continental U.S. My reason for selling? After field testing the Axiom for Western and Eastern Treasure Magazine and returning the unit, I got myself one because I liked the detector so much. My goal was to really get into prospecting. However, I have found that for me I just don't have the time while I continue to work 50 hours a week So rather than let this great detector sit in a box I figured it best to sell it to someone who will use it. A couple of things: 1. The price is firm. Period. 2. I will not part out anything. Detector and accessory coils, everything, all goes together. I'll take PayPal . If you prefer a different payment method message me and we will figure it out. Bill
  3. George, Please don't read unintended subtext into an innocent email. I just wanted to know if I knew him. The guys I've seen on the beaches over 40 years are a band of brothers so to speak but there have been a lot of them. If you feel i was interrogating you than please know I was not. I do recall several guys named Tom over the years and I think I remember this fellow from Burbank. He was nice man and may he rest in peace. Bill
  4. Then I 'm sure he hunted our beaches and I met him at some point in time.. But no one me or buddies have known over the years went by the handle Sandman. What was his name and what did he hunt with?
  5. George, Whereabouts in California did he hunt? Down here in S. CA no one goes by anything but their first name. Just wondering if perhaps I knew him. Sorry to hear of his passing.
  6. I do belong to the Friendly Forum and do know Tom CA who is a great guy. This is what I posted over there: "What an interesting post. It caught my eye because my Explorer II is probably my favorite and most productive detector of all time with my Sovereign XS being second. I ran mine with the Pro Coil that was originally only for the Etrac. As to the Explorer II nowadays, there are differences between it and the Manticore that are worth noting. First is weight. I recently took out my Explorer II and it kicked my butt. I had forgotten how heavy and poorly balanced it was. Second is nickels. The Manticore, like the Deus II and Legend, do not average nickels in with other low conductors and I find a ton of them. A nickel on my Explorer II, especially inland at a park, was like finding a gold coin they were so rare. The Explorer II also suffers in high trash. Yes, you can work it around but the Manticore is much friendlier. Depth? To me, no noticeable difference. I am astonished how many older shallow targets I find with the Manticore that I would swear were from parks that were totally hunted out. Great post, the kind that forums were meant for." For those of you who are interested, one of my last articles for Western and Eastern Treasures before they closed was called "Detecting Through the Decades" that does feature the Explorer II. I've attached the entire issue for anyone who would like to read it. Yes that is me on the cover, albeit after so many Doc Brown, Cryptkeeper and Einstein jokes I have had a haircut or two since then. dec.2022.pdf
  7. George, when it comes to sniffing out old cool detectors you have super powers.
  8. Really nice post on the Vortex, Simon. It very much mirrors my experience with it as well as Jeff's. In low trash and at the beach it performs quite nicely. If you dig it all the Vortex is fine. But in high trash it really struggles due to its current TID limitations. Garrett is working on that I'm told for the next update. Once they fix that I think the Vortex will prove to be a very productive machine in multiple environments. There is so much to like, especially the interface. I truly hope they fix the TID so I can use in my trash-laden parks. Bill
  9. Thank you for sharing that post about the Explorer II, probably tied with my Sovereign XS as my favorite detector of all time. If it wasn't so darn heavy I would still swing it nowadays.
  10. Leave it to Bob to summarize iron audio so succinctly: "Easily one of the most misunderstood concepts in Garrett's SMF detectors." Amen. Used selectively it is a tremendously effective tool in identifying bottlecaps, especially at the beach. I will avoid any commentary here regarding its use vs. a standard bottlecap reject but I will say that if you master it on either a Vortex or an Apex it works quite well. Excellent post, Bob. Bill
  11. Thanks for the tips, Dave. I'll have a talk with my ears and see if they agree to cooperate. Blll
  12. Like you, I really like the Apex for the beach but as we both know the drowning possibility is an issue. The Vortex offered performance similar to the Apex with one noticeable difference. It does not false in the wash like the Apex does. The Apex required me to GB in the water which was a bit of a pain. Depth to me was similar but it's hard to judge when you are getting clad over a foot down in the wet. Deep is deep, right? It is also very good at bottle cap rejection using iron audio. The only difference is that on the Apex you push a button to turn it on/off; on the Vortex you have to go into settings to do that. Last thing, the stock coil gives very good coverage. Funny that I have a Reaper for my Apex but have done better with the Viper coil. Not really sure why, may just be luck. I hope this helps. Bill
  13. UT Dave, I found your comments very interesting in that I have used both the Vortex and the Manticore. The Vortex, as you pointed out, simply cannot differentiate between a beaver tail and a nickel. The last time out with it I dug a dozen beaver tails and two nickels. Then I stopped digging 52's. Same with a dime and an aluminum screw cap. Solid 79 on both. If I can't even dig a dime I'm done. I put the detector back in the car and went home. I won't run the Vortex again until Garrett hopefully can expand the TID numbers. However, with my Manticore, which I am relatively new to, those aluminum screw caps are really tough. In my parks they read low 80's and I feel like I have to dig them. Can you expand a bit on how you recognize them with your Manticore? Thank you. Bill
  14. You're right. Sorry about that. Clearly I needed more coffee this morning! Bill
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