Well, I've been reading everything about the vortex in the forum and how many of me felt a little disappointed but I think it was because of the way Garrett has promoted it. Looking at it, it's not so bad, submersible, multi-frequency, a new patented system to discriminate (we still don't know how it behaves in real life), several search modes and most importantly at a good price. and without commenting on the way Garrett has decided to pay for upgrading and not having to buy a new detector, which I also like and if you don't like it, do it as always, just as simple as that. Until we see comparisons, especially of depth, I don't know why he is being criticized so much. I'm only going to put one drawback in that the Equinox 600 also had it when it was marketed and that they solved it with an update and that is the backlight. I only see an on and off mode and if it lights up too much it will be a problem for those of us who hunt at night on the beach. Having said all this, I think it is a good machine and at a good price.