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Gear In Use:

  1. Does anyone have a source for these connectors? A 90 degree connector would seem to be best...either either soldered or screw attachment. I muffed my 15" coil today...just ordered a replacement, but I'd like to rebuild this perfectly good coil and have a 15" backup. I've found HIGO connectors, but I'm not sure about the screw collar size... The exterior diameter of the Minelab Equinox collar is 15 mm...the internal threads...maybe 12 mm...these appear to be larger than the HIGO "silver" connector.
  2. Given the improvements in target separation in the 900 and the already proven Equinox ability on small gold, what are the reasons to own a 24k over a 900 for purely nugget hunting? The 24k has an edge on price, but when you include an extra coil and wireless headset that gap is pretty much closed. There are the obvious differences such as frequency, ability to configure the machine, waterproofing, etc, but when the machines are out in the field with all this thrown in a blender is there still a reason to go with the less featured 24k? Is the 24k performing better in more soil types? Do people see more depth given similar coil sizes? Thanks in advance for all your thoughts.
  3. As chance would have it I have recently received two new in box detectors through unrelated trades. A Garrett 24k goldmaster and a Minelab Gold Monster 1000. I would normally just take them both out and use them to see what I like best as my VLF machine but since they are both new in the box I don't want to hurt their potential value. I'm stuck considering keeping one of them or perhaps trading in both to get a Nox 900. Not sure if they could snag me one together though. Points to consider that are important to me are 1: I primarily prospect for gold but do like to coin and relic hunt when I come across old 49er cabins. Would ultimately like a Manticore but a Nox would be good if I could trade these in and come out even without having to spend more. 2. If I can't find a sale or trade that allows me to get a NOX 900 without spending more I would want to just keep one of these detectors and sell the other. 3. I don't mind extra setting like the 24k has so if it's better on gold and trash than the monster than I'm ok with that. In other words I want performance over ease of use. I have experience with the NOX and Monster but never the 24k. I know this forum has some knowledgable folks so I appreciate any experience you wish to share. I suppose the variable is what I could get for these unused detectors because I imagine the NOX is what I really want as it can fulfill my protecting needs and relic/coin desires. Thanks Chuck
  4. This is a semi in the ground test on a 0.1 gram gold nugget for anyone that would like to use one of the "do it all" simultaneous multi frequency VLFs for gold prospecting. For the "fairness" police, please don't complain about coil sizes. The smallest coil available for Deus 2 is the 9" coil. So blame XP not me. XP include a simultaneous multi frequency "Gold Prospecting" mode on Deus 2. I would like to use it. This video shows why currently I will not use it. Video starts with checking the test area ground for targets, ground balancing, showing the target and how it is placed in the ground and then the test begins. Deus 2 uses customized FMF Goldfield and customized single frequency Mono program both with sensitivity on 95. I wanted to use the Hi Square audio, Pitch tones and the absolute zero discrimination for both programs along with a slight threshold. That is why I did not use stock default programs. All settings are as identical as I can make them except for the new Audio Filter feature which is on setting 1 for FMF Goldfield custom program 16 and it is on 0 for 40 kHz Mono custom program 15 which was an oversight failure on my part. I did retry it after making the video with FMF Goldfield custom program having Audio filter on 0. It made zero difference. Legend starts at 3:25 of the video. It uses its 6" coil with sensitivity on 23 in Gold Multi and Gold 40 kHz. Equinox 900 starts at 6:00 of the video. It uses its 6" coil with sensitivity on 23 in Gold 1 Multi and Gold 1 40 kHz. All settings are clearly shown in the video for each program being used on each detector. The ruler sticking up out of the ground behind the target is 5 cm high and the target itself is 2" deep or roughly another 5 cm deep. Legend and Equinox in the Gold Multi modes can hit this target 5 cm above the ground. They can hit it at 4 cm above the ground using single frequency 40 kHz. Deus 2 using its 40 kHz Mono program also hit this target at 4 cm above the ground. We could debate about whether Deus 2 in FMF Goldfield is actually hitting the target even with the coil bumping into the target holder. Deus 2's mineralization meter is between half and 3/4th full so moderate to high mineralization which all three detectors struggle with when ground balancing in selectable single frequency 40 kHz. This video is being sent to XP. I sent XP an email and they replied within 24 hours which I really appreciate. Thank You XP!!!!! This is the email exchange between me and XP: HI Jeff Thanks for this feedback. Yes you have right the 40khz of the DEUS II would perform very well if available also in the gold Field Program, as the mono frequencies from the DEUS II are more powerfull than DEUS 1. We will think to make this availabe in the next version. Regards XP TEAM Message : XP, thank you very much for the Deus ll software update version 1.0 and for making it Mac compatible. I am a gold prospector. I use VLF and Pulse Induction detectors. I use a VLF detector for detecting the smallest bits of gold in the 0.5 gram and much smaller size range. I have used Deus 1 and ORX for this. They work very well in their Gold modes. I would like to use Deus 2 for gold prospecting. However, even after updating to version 1.0, Deus 2 FMF Goldfield sensitivity to very small gold nuggets 0.5 gram and smaller down to 0.01 grams is extremely poor. Deus 2 Mono or Fast 40 outperform Deus 2 FMF Goldfield on these types of targets by up to 5cm. One of my test nuggets is 0.08 grams. It can only be detected using FMF Goldfield at 3cm. Fast 40 and Deus 2 Mono will easily detect this same small nugget at 8cm. Being able to use FMF technology in highly mineralized gold prospecting areas would be really beneficial. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, FMF Goldfield's insensitivity on small to very small bits of easily detectable gold using Deus 2 Mono is still very disappointing.
  5. The manticore "deal" currently running that includes 3 coils got my juices flowing once again. I have owned a EQ800 and 900 and Deus I in the past, I was not able to dedicate time to adequately learning the machines and ended up selling them all and migrating back to my MXT PRO for a turn on and go machine. Realizing now that any of the others could fill that role as well if I kept my fingers from gerfloppen around has gotten me thinking "time to upgrade". One noted idea that began to move me is that there was a time when Steve had the MXT as almost legnedary, but sometime recently kinda downgraded it as past its prime due to its single frequency. So I am looking for a multi frequency machine for the broad range of detecting types of which gold and relics are more limited endeavors but nugget shooting is in my future as a western US guy with retirement coming into view. I have looked high and low and can't really find any definitive discussions on who has the best ground tracking/elimination system which is on top of my list as well as the multi-freq. capability. Being west coast based, my general range includes mostly difficult soils, and I am not close enough to salt water beaches where people are all that willing to jump in or lay in the sun (when it infrequenctly does shine)although I do get some chances to hunt inland lakefront beaches from time to time. I prefer old parks and campgrounds and am planning a backcountry trip into the Bitteroots and Rockies to do a bit of prospecting in the not so distant future. I have diligently read comments from Steve, Jeff, phrunt and others so have a pretty broad understanding of what's out there, but most of the comments about comparisons etc. are a year or so old and am hoping to hear some thoughts on how things have been progressing with better coil selections, user experience, factory updates etc. I realize that gains to "depth" transferring from my old MXT to more recent detectors will come from great ground handling, faster recovery speeds and other refined tools so am not looking for a holy grail, just an entry point that will keep me going for the next 5 years or until sombody really moves the bar up. I am intrigued by the manticore 2d display as it seems reminiscent of my etrac and V3i visual feedback. I just can't seem to settle in on a choice, but the current ML Manticore deal seems pretty attractivfe... anybody want to shine some light??
  6. What are most of y’all using these days? Which one is deeper? Better on small gold?
  7. IYO----Which one is the most effective gold (nugget) hunter----the Manticore with 5X8" coil or the Equinox 900 with 6" coil?
  8. I tested 50 gold pieces, rings, pendants and anything gold, with the Equinox 800 and the Deus 2. The Dues 2 numbers were jumpy just by two or three, but it did sound good on most. The Equinox hit strong on everything with a solid number. On odd shaped and small objects of gold even a small gold chain the Equinox sounded much better. Both were in Park. Why?????
  9. So, I have had the 800 for 4 days now and only used it for about 3 hrs total. This morning, I went out for my first prolonged use and decided to deviate from the default settings. I went about setting ground balance in both park 1,2 and field 1,2 profiles using Auto Ground Balance. Park 1 and Field 1 worked as expected but immediately after releasing the accept button in Park 2 and Field 2, the display flashed Cd and the unit powered off. During the next two hours, the unit displayed Cd and shutdown four more times while in pinpoint mode. The manual states this is a coil disconnect error code and to check the connector, cable, and coil for damage but all appear fine. I guess I will be calling MineLab to see what they say. Has anyone else experienced this?
  10. At times of the year, I really struggle with Black Sand in my location. This year was no different. I have done more comprehensive testing on updated machines. On many days I hunted half days on each machine so I could tell differences in same conditions. [thanks to my wife delivering machines] I want to outline a few general recommendations: 1. Slow Down, 2. Use Tracking GB, 3. Sensitivity set so you hear just slight Black Sand interference. 4. Look at your fringe targets with a couple more points of sensitivity. 5. Don't trust your machine is working well with moving water, wave wash. [do checks]. D2> So much to unpack here. First, the D2 is a tale of two machines. One [the devil] in Black Sand, the other, [the angel] in non-Black Sand. The positives> Light to hunt. Fair separation of iron from non-ferrous. Good separation of targets. Good at noise canceling. The negatives. Noisy. The Menu. Clipped target sounds at depth for non-ferrous. Moving water takes D2 out at any depth. Must look at many targets from Mutiple directions[time consuming] . Equinox 800> Not much to unpack. The Positives> Better Black Sand handling. The Menu. Good separation but under the D2. GOOD sounding targets [not clipped]. MUCH better target sounds at depth. Better and faster deciding iron from non-ferrous. Works with moving water unless target is deep. The Negatives> Lousy noise cancel. Heavier to hunt with. Waterproof issues. Sometimes loss of targets in the hole. Hunting summary> For about a week I hunted the D2 exclusively, I really wanted to get a gold chain hunting in Beach Sensitive [which I think is better than Equinox Beach 2.] [no gold chain] Then had the Equinox out a few times. Then updated the D2, and started hunting both machines daily. Every day I started with the D2 and switched to the Equinox. There was not ONE DAY that I wanted the D2 to remain with me. I find the D2 ear exhausting, both in how it handles Black Sand and in deciphering targets. The clipped and bite-y sounding nonferrous targets at depth are a real PIA. The range of pull-tab numbers are ridiculous. Tough to make headway with the interrogation needed on some targets. Not much difference in hunting with a max frequency of 24 or 40. Maybe 1-point sensitivity lower with 40. ANY moving water would completely wipeout the detection field of the D2 in both Beach and Beach sensitive. At best I could only pull a 91-sensitivity setting, but most detecting was done at 87-89. The Equinox> So MUCH better on handling Black Sand. Most hunting was done at 21 even with water contact. Detection field works in moving water but not on targets of depth. With the Horseshoe mode on telling the difference between Ferrous and nonferrous is MUCH easier and quicker. The unmistakable double ring of iron is clear and smooth. Target investigation time is cut down. I don't think there is a winner in the small bit category. Both machines seem to find small bits well. While I did not do any head-to-head burying of targets. Both machines seem to have their moments of man that was shallower than I thought and also the holy crap, that was deep moment. NOT trying to make this a one is better than another, your conditions may provide different results. If you have compared other machines to the ones I have PLEASE post! I will answer all questions of settings or conditions or ??? In the picture: ALL of the larger jewelry was found with the Equinox yesterday. Only a few small bits with the D2. This has been a bit of a trend. I give the nod to the Equinox's ability to tell ferrous from non-ferrous at depth. Most of this jewelry was deep with negative numbers but had clean one beep hits. My D2 will be in the closet until the black sand subsides.
  11. Both of these machines have been out for awhile now.---Would like some opinions.---Which one is the best/most effective (for relic/coin hunting-- working in mineralized/iron/square nail proliferated sites)?-------Thanks--------Del
  12. During the last month I’ve been taking my new 18’’ Nox coil along to compare it to both the 15’’ and 15x12’’ coils on wild targets.. To keep the swapping around to a minimum, the 18’’ coil is always kept on a Nox 600 and the others are swapped around on a Nox 800 on alternate days.. I realise this doesn’t make it a fair comparison as from one day to the next I’m comparing the 18’’ coil to either the 15’’ or 15x12’’ coil, never all three at once on the same wild target.. In my defence I can only say that I’ve found that both the smaller coils are pretty similar in performance.. Some days one might sniff out a target that the other one’s missed, on other days it’s the reverse.. In terms of depth and sensitivity to targets there’s no real noticeable difference between the two.. What I’m after here is a comparison between a very big coil (for a VLF detector) and its more modestly sized cousins.. Is bigger really better? As far as added hassles go, it’s been worth the effort of walking back to where I left the other detector as for me wild target comparisons are the best way to get very intimate with the latest addition to my coil harem.. So far there’ve been no ‘Wow that’s deep!’ moments but I wouldn’t be surprised if the knockout blow is yet to come.. I’ve still got a gut feeling that given time the 18’’ coil will sniff out deeper targets than the other coils, just not sure if that’s gonna be by as much as 30% as Coiltek claims.. Having said that, the 18’’ is surprisingly sensitive for such a big coil.. It didn’t pick up a small gold ring that the 15x12’’ coil sniffed out, but to my big surprise it did hit on two silver 6-pences, a copper 1 cent piece and bits of junk that the other coils couldn’t find - despite cranking up the sensitivity.. Not even a faint iffy signal or a quick flash on the target ID, whilst with the 18’’ coil all these small deep targets screamed ‘Dig Me!’.. While I can see the large coil missing a low-conductive target, I didn’t expect to see the smaller coils missing high-conductive targets.. What voodoo is at work here? On wet/dry salty sand I’ve been running the 18’’ coil on the same settings and sensitivities as the smaller coils (between 21-23).. In bays with layers of black sand beneath coral sand or in moving salty water I’m using lower sensitivities (between 18-21).. In trying to make the coil run ‘better’, I haven’t noticed any real depth loss or gain by mucking around with the sensitivity settings only between the Beach 1 and 2 programs.. Which is the same as the other coils.. I’m finding the same amount of targets at the same depths running within the same sensitivity range I’d normally use in that situation.. The only real variables for me are black sand and moving salty water but these just make the coil a bit noisier compared to the others and don’t seem to effect its overall performance.. In bays with high EMI it sometimes squawks its head off.. Coverage wise this thing is a monster but it’s not much heavier to swing than the other coils.. It’s been great for making sure I’ve covered long stretches of beach as best I could without missing anything too glaringly obvious.. I haven’t used the under-the-armpit-around-the-neck-along-the-arm harness yet but that’s mainly because I’ve been swapping around with lighter coils.. After a long day swinging this coil you’d definitely be a bit sore by sunset.. While I’m waiting for it to stun me with its touted knockout depth, I’ve got no regrets so far about buying the 18’’ Nox coil.. Whatever voodoo it used to sniff out those small coins when the others couldn’t makes it worthy of its place in the toolbox..
  13. I wonder if Minelab could make an update for the Equinox that would make the Vanquish coils compatible with the Equinox. If it could be done, it would be a masterstroke that would surely bring them more benefits. I myself would buy a vanquish just for the coils
  14. Just read in the Manticore section that a possible second update may be coming. Meanwhile those of us with 900s are wondering if there will ever be an update . Back before the first Manticore update someone had posted from the e-mail response they got from Minelab about an update for the 900 and their reply was it would be released when ready. Implying that there was an update coming. Well since the first Manticore update which came with mixed results, it seemed to work well for some and then not so much for others in different parts of the country. So I have to think Minelab may be reworking the updates. SO MINELAB if You're READING, along with addressing the seriously way too jumpy numbers, better target Id's and other issues could you please include in the update, 1 the long noise cancel feature that the Manticore uses. 2 a mineralization meter and 3 please, please, PLEASE a third party headphone option. Thanks in advance. One other issue with the 900 that seems to be constant for me is deeper targets. After 60 + hunts with the 900 I have yet to hit deep coin sized targets, deeper than 4 inches. I thought it might be the ground I hunt but just recently I took the Xterra Pro to one of the same fields I hunt and it started hitting 7 & 8 inch pulltabs right away. As A matter of fact too many if you ask me. In the past I've hunted the same areas with the 800 and had no problems hittting coins at 8+ inches. Has anyone else encountered depth issues with the 900 ? Also a note of interest, in my area, I would say 90 % of the time the 800, 900 and Xterra Pro severely up average the Id numbers. Particularly pennies whether they are Ihps, wheats or memorials doesn't matter. And with the 900 and Xterra, they seem to lowball the numbers for dimes. Minelab help us out, we're waiting.
  15. This afternoon I got in a quick hunt and saw some really nice local waves. It was a great day for them and I remembered my surfing days from Florida and Hawaii. I pretty much gave it up when I moved to California's cold waters. While watching out of the corner of my eye I was looking for a patch. My normal spots were not giving up anything so I moved along until I found a few quarters in between all the pennies. When the new 'hits' ran out I returned to work everything a the spot. It was the best chance I had. There was no time to go to another beach. As luck would have it I got just enough to keep me going without saying 'enough is enough' and out of a scratchy sound came this ring. It is 6.6g. That is for certain. It feels like gold but I really can't tell because the mark (which includes an 'N') has been written over with an inscription. It says "B + C Always 1-20-93" which makes me wonder the materials most in use in 1993. The stone reminds me of glass more than precious but who knows. The break at the resizing area made it sound real scratchy. It didn't have the full tone of a normal ring. It reads 8-9 on my 800/15. There is a green corrosion at the break area/resize area. Could this have been a ring someone inherited and then they resized if for a wedding? That would make the manufacture date and materials somewhat different. It was a good little hunt none the less and I think I go back tomorrow. This was a little 'target' I found before the ring. It really slowed me down a bit as pinpointing it and scooping it up became a problem. Just as I was about to move on I spotted it and felt it with my fingers. It sounds good in the lower teens but to my surprise it has a stone in it or ?? It weighs .25g.
  16. I have not been able to determine the usefulness of the EQX 900 iron bias setting. It appears to only suppress the overall target signal. In the attached video the Nokta Legend has an iron filter, bottle cap reject plus an iron stability setting. It appears the Legend “iron stability” setting isolates and actually addresses false positive signals. What do you think?
  17. Looking at the chart it appears that modern Canadian coins would be discriminated out like a nail or screw, what would be the best setting for these? Any Canadian Equinox hunters out there? I’m a retired complete newbie with a 600 looking for any tips to help me along. Also plan to do some snorkeling in lakes and ocean. Thanks
  18. Have been looking bck. at past post on waterproof headphones for 800 NOX. Just wondering if there is a clear winner ?
  19. Here is the video I did comparing various metal detectors on the buried gold nuggets. You can see in this video which ones do better on various size nuggets. Take this test with a grain of salt. Mineralization, nugget shape, target depth and site conditions will all effect detector performance. This is just a test I did in Arizona so your area could be much different and the nuggets were freshly buried.
  20. Minelab, What the bleep did you do to my Equinox? This is going to be a rant. Hopefully I will be able to keep it clean and factual. Today, April 25, 2023 I completed the first 100 hours of moderate to high iron mineralization turf hunting for coins and jewelry with the Equinox 900. I also have 30 hours of gold prospecting and 10 hours of saltwater beach hunting so far with the Equinox 900. I thoroughly enjoyed gold prospecting with the Equinox 900 using the 6” and Coiltek 10X5” coils. It performed like I am used to with the Equinox 800 using its two Gold modes set for multi frequency operation. My saltwater beach hunts at Los Angeles and San Diego area beaches were inconclusive, mostly because of bad weather (very few people out) and sanded in conditions. So I am going to try to give a review of the Equinox 900 from my experiences with it on land for coin and jewelry detecting in moderate to high iron mineralization at local parks with varying degrees of steel alloy and aluminum trash where even modern coins can be down to 8” deep. I really like the upgraded shaft system, new hand grip angle design, new arm cuff, thicker 11” coil ears and hopefully the new waterproofed control housing of my Equinox 900. I also really like the vibrating hand grip feature along with its customization provided on the 900. Plus, I really like the seemingly improved iron handling and the definitely improved target separation and recovery speed. Depth seems to be a bit better. Sensitivity has been increased from 25 to 28. EMI mitigation is similar to the 800. The ML85 headphones are a slight improvement to me as far as being less muffled and bass heavy compared to the ML80s. They do not offer the best ambient noise prevention compared to some other manufacturer provided wireless headphones or the most balanced sound quality. They do pair easily. I do notice some wireless signal drop outs if I turn me head quickly, etc. The display, backlight (red) and user interface are mostly unchanged from the 800. I still wish the 900 had more than one User Profile. The onboard pinpoint function is much more stable than the wonky pinpoint activity built into the 600 and 800. It does have a form of real-time target ID also while in pinpoint mode. The addition of Depth Tones or ferrous/non-ferrous 2 tone VCO audio for the Park, Field and Beach modes seemed like a nice addition. I have no problem with the VCO ferrous tone. The VCO non-ferrous tone sounds really bad through my ML85s with lots of incongruous drop outs and strangled, inconsistent, ridiculously high tones. Alright, anybody that knows me personally or knows me from these forums knows how much I like to outright rabidly love the Equinox 800 even with its questionable waterproofing, stock shaft build quality, pinpoint function/non function and its compressed low to mid conductor target IDs. I hunt in many public areas that are drought prone so these municipalities only allow coin popping/screwdriver target recovery. Big fines and possible confiscation of equipment if a person is caught digging with a shovel of any kind in these public areas. Accurate target IDs are essential for me in these areas along with accurate tones and accurate tone quality. So, I spent another 3 hours of my life today, using the Equinox 900 at a very modern trashed park that I have repeatedly hunted over the last four years. I will give the Equinox 900 credit. I did find 11 clad dimes and 13 pre 1982 copper Memorial pennies which were in the 4” to 8” deep range. These could have easily been silver dimes and earlier pennies. I have pulled many silver Roosevelt dimes out of this park along with some Mercury dimes, wheat pennies and Indian head pennies. I also found 6 modern nickels that I had missed. I will chalk those finds up to the improved Equinox 900 target separation and recovery speed. Did I have a good time using the Equinox 900. Absolutely not. If I had been blindfolded and someone handed me a detector that I could only use 5 tone audio for target ID, I would have guessed the detector I was using was a Garrett Apex or the new X-Terra Pro in 5 kHz. Target audio was all over the place even on shallow targets. The actual numerical target IDs were too of course, even on shallow targets. I had my 900 setup for 5 tone operation with tone breaks set at -19 to 0 for iron, 1 to 23 for low conductor aluminum foil, small can slaw and small gold jewelry, a small US nickel bin from 24 to 27, all sorts of pull-tabs and aluminum trash and zinc pennies from 28 to 69, and the rest of the US high conductor coins and silver jewelry bin from 70 to 99. I also double checked many of the clad dimes and copper pennies before digging using the AT full tones audio setting. I was using Park 1 Multi, sensitivity 25 of 28, ground balance and EMI noise reduction performed, accepted -9 to +99 target IDs, 5 tones, threshold tone OFF, iron audio volume level set high enough to clearly hear it through headphones, recovery speed 5, iron bias 1 which was enough to make most steel crown bottle caps have some iron tone audio and tonal breakup. This is what I experienced…….. - 4”+ deep flat laying clad dimes and copper pennies were triple beeping during left/right DD coil passes as if they were on the surface. - Target IDs for those 24 high conductor coins were ranging from 68 to 98 during normal sweeps circling those coin targets whether they were 4” deep or 8” deep with very little possibility of telling the difference between a clad dime and copper Memorial penny. - Those target audio responses were crossing over a user set audio tone break. - The wide target ID range was not caused by co-located targets…..it happened on every one of the 11 clad dimes and 13 95% copper pennies. - Soil conditions were slightly moist but nothing unusual. - Surface to 4” deep US nickels had target IDs from 23 to 28 during sweeps around the targets so tone audio encompassed three user set tone bins. - Switching to full tones had zero effect on tone accuracy or target ID accuracy. - Similar audio and tone behavior happened on various types of pull-tabs, can slaw, aluminum bottle caps and of course steel alloy bottle caps. Basically, I could have had similar results using the Equinox 900 set on 10 kHz. Target ID and tone stability were non-existent compared to the Equinox 800 in Park 1 with similar settings. The kaleidoscope of sounds produced on beginner level basic targets in 5 tones or all tones was a joke. Single digit notching might as well have been 5 digit notching since basic targets had at least 5 or more different but repeatable target IDs instead of the 1 to 3 standard target IDs seen detecting the same targets using the Equinox 800. Sure, I wanted a slightly expanded target ID range update on the Equinox 600/800. Nokta got it just about right by adding an extra 10 target IDs between the ferrous/non ferrous tone break (ID +11) and the mid to high conductor tone break around +40 on the Legend. Minelab, why did you instead go from 50 total target IDs to 120? Whose bright idea was that? Who field tested these detectors for overall target ID accuracy and stability? This hunt today WAS NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT or one off. It has been this way for me since hour number 1 of coin and jewelry detecting in my area. I still have an Equinox 800. I have used the new, improved coil ear 11" coil that came with my 900 on my 800 with no issues. Using the 10X5" Coiltek on my 900 does little to improve target ID accuracy and multi tone stability. There have been rumors and some indications that a software update may be in the works for the Manticore. For heaven sakes Minelab, offer one on the Equinox 700/900 too for target ID stability! I am not looking for answers or advice from anyone on this forum about what I wrote and experienced. If you want to agree or disagree with what I have experienced, that is totally fine. Just don't try to theorize, pontificate or otherwise tell me I don't know what I'm doing. Even though I only have 100+ hours on the Equinox 900, I know how to use this detector. Minelab, you are welcome to write a response explaining this detector behavior. thanks for reading if you made it this far. Sorry for the long post and the rant.
  21. What is the differences between the “range of simultaneous multi frequencies” utilized in both the Equinox 800 detecting modes and the Nokta Makro Legend modes? Here is my attempt to explain my concern: Per the ML Equinox 800 user manual the Equinox provides four (4) detecting modes: Park, Field, Beach, Gold; plus eight (8) profiles divided in two (2) pairs per mode: such as Park 1, Park 2, Field 1, Field 2, etc; and one (1) custom user profile side button. Park 1, Field 1, Beach 1 & Beach 2 are “weighted” on the “lower simultaneous multi frequency range”. Park 2, Field 2, Gold 1 & Gold 2 are “weighted” on “ higher simultaneous multi frequency range. The NM Legend has four (4) detecting modes: Park, Field, Beach (dry & wet) & Goldfield; zero (0) profiles such as Park 1, Park 2, etc; and four (4) user custom modes. All the detecting modes, per NM all modes are optimized for depth. Currently NM has not addressed nor is there a specification “weighing” the range of simultaneous multi frequencies (low, mid, high) utilized in any of the NM Legend’s detecting modes. The YouTube video “Pasture 1” find of a thin coin indicates the “Field mode” may be utilizing a higher SMF range. When the Legend’s user manual is available online perhaps Nokta Makro will explain how simultaneous multi frequencies are utilized or weighed specific to each of the NM Legend four (4) detecting modes. Do the math 4x2 =8; 4x1=4; 4-8= -4. Certainly an answer I will be looking for prior to placing a pre-order or purchase.
  22. Hi Everyone. I am new to this forum but have been gold prospecting and metal detecting for many years. I have used machines from just about every major maker of metal detectors with except XP. I recent bought a Equinox 600 and have been testing it out. I have been making a lot of test comparisons with my fishers etc. And I realized today that the 600 does not have a true all metal mode like my fishers. Closest setting is Park 2' with iron detect turned on, but thats it. The 600 is not as sensitive as my F70 on small gold either when using the 15 hz setting. It says in the manual that single freqencies (machines) may have an advantage over multi freqs in certain situations. That fact really Shocked me. What's the point of using a multi freq machine if it is not superior in all situations? I tested the 600 against my Fisher F44 and F70 using the standard 11 in Dd coils on the fishers and the standard 11 in dd on the equinox 600. The fishers out performed the 600 in just about every test. The one exception was on wet sand saltwater beaches, The 600 was slightly better there using beach 2, but that's it! The F44 with sensitivity turned down was almost as good. The F44 is lighter by a half pound, which matters a lot in all day hunts And finally it may be my familiarity with Fisher products but the fishers handle much better then the minelab 600 (coil wabble) That said, The minelab is not a bad machine but I'll take the fishers over it any day.
  23. Just a quick post about some weights for recently released detectors for those that want or need to pay attention to swing weight. I weighed all of these on the same scale. Your scale may give different results but the difference between different detectors should be close. All weights include coil covers. Deus 2 with 9" FMF coil, WS6 mounted on the shaft with the XP Neoprene shaft mount = 33.2 ounces Deus 2 with 9" FMF coil and full remote mounted on the shaft = 35 ounces Nox 900 with stock 6" coil and stock lower shaft = 37 ounces Nox 800 with stock 6" coil and Detector Innovations Tele-Knox shaft system 37.7 ounces Nox 900 with Coiltek 10X5" coil on the Detector Innovations 18mm Tele-Knox lower shaft which fits the Nox 900 shaft = 41.6 ounces Nox 900 with stock 11" coil and stock lower shaft = 44.1 ounces Legend with stock 6" coil = 45.5 ounces Legend with 10X5" LG24 coil is 46.1 ounces Nox 800 with stock 11" coil and Steve Goss one piece carbon fiber upper shaft (no counter weight) = 46.5 ounces Legend with stock 11" coil = 52.6 ounces
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