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  1. I recently lost my dog’s ball over a park fence and into the national forest land. I’ve failed to find it so far. It went into an area that is probably perfect snake habitat. My wife had seen one there in the past. I’m wondering what time of day is better to search the area - morning or early evening? I have good boots and snake guards.
  2. I run mine at 31-35 quite often but I have ferrous limits set to minimize a lot of the random tones and I’m more apt to use the 8” coil.
  3. Amazing no one else hears this. I’ll have to record it. I experience it each time I go out to Laguna - but don’t notice it back at home testing settings.
  4. Unfortunately last time out with the AQ at Laguna I didn’t find any good targets. And Laguna has less black sand than Newport where I got the sand. Gold is so scarce that I get the feeling I’m missing stuff. True that I am using the Bigfoot coil so depth is less, but it sure does find the tent stakes - even deep ones. Got 25 last time. One of my beaches has been trashed by workers refurbing the hotels dropping all sorts of hardware and iron. Maybe the AQ could ignore that-but the beach goers are not hitting these areas because it looks bad with all the scaffolding etc. Plus we had big wave surges that made things difficult. I tried the Manticore last trip with the 11” coil but always have a time locating the target. I’m putting the 8” back on and trying that again perhaps tomorrow. Really like it. There are some targets - found a Hermes H bracelet last time with the MC.
  5. I “test” at the beach every other weekend. So far no chains like this, although thinner ones with larger clasp.
  6. I was forced to move to a better location by the CTX. It was picking up too much EMI - I couldn’t find a quiet location near where I tested the AQ and MC. Same results with all at the new location - which given what you say in your referenced thread is what should be expected. If there is no clasp with a bit of mass to it the necklace will likely not be detected.
  7. This gold chain has a 585 mark. It is not attracted to a magnet. Neither detector sees it. Manticore vs Impulse AQ on gold chain My CTX and Dual Field also don’t see it.
  8. I uploaded new YouTube videos showing AQ vs Manticore performance on a nickel and a gold ring in black sand. Also one on a small possibly gold earring and another on a necklace (neither sees it!) Minelab Manticore vs Fisher Impulse AQ, black sand, gold ring
  9. The TDI is not tuned for gold like the AQ is. So you’ll get more of a broad range of targets with it vs the AQ. I am hesitant to support this tuning because I don’t really know what it misses as a result - but it does. I get less coins that a Manticore came behind me and got. It’s not a depth contest - the AQ goes deep, and works well in black sand. I never tried a TDI, just had/have several whites PI’s. The AQ probably runs very quiet for a PI too. The TDI has no issues prospecting for gold nuggets, the AQ does. Once set for the beach conditions the AQ is a pleasure to use. Just sometimes it gets sensitive when you hunt parallel to the waterline and I have to start tweaking knobs to settle it down to withstand my fast swings. You can put a variety of coils on an AQ but not many do - the connectors are unique and expensive. I am running a Beach hog 18x4 - but use the Manticore much more often.
  10. Seems like a lot of guys now finding stuff, but most of it is plated and/or not worth much. It’s got to be out there though. Hurry before the YouTube teams hit your beach.
  11. I’m reading through this thread but only on page 10 so far.. has there been any suggestion of seeing if a CF shaft alters the ID of the target? We know how black sand does, I’m just curious if a CF shaft does.
  12. You say batteries so it sounds like you are using the alkaline pack. I’d say check it with a dvm and get new batteries just to be sure. Cheap route is to get your battery pack to someone to try on their CTX and/or their pack on your CTX. Really rare to have a good battery and no power up start. You could try disconnecting and reconnecting the control head cable (next to the coil connection ) Also check for a break in the cable where it exits the plastic. Sometimes they get pinched and cut.
  13. Hmmmm, I delayed looking at this topic as I wasn’t interested in buying any lower rods. But finally I look and see what is being discussed. I brought this up (probably on Geotech) after getting my CTX. My carrot sounds off on the CF. No one seemed to care - there was more concern about coil cable sensitivity. It all seemed hypocritical to me. Anyway that was something like 10-12 years ago so Steve’s not the first to discover it. 🙂 My carrot is a bit flakey and sometimes unresponsive to targets so I place it on the shaft to check. Have to power cycle it to fix it sometimes.
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