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Posts posted by schoolofhardNox

  1. 20 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    No, pretty clueless on cleaning coppers. Silver no problem, done lots of them. So tips appreciated!

    Always start with the least aggressive, pray a lot, and hope below that dirt there is still something left to show. 😄 That series usually cleans up well.  Getting the correct tone after cleaning (for me ) involves a wet rub with #0000 steel wool, followed by a rub of (premixed) Vaseline and sulfur, to get a nice toned coin. Unfortunately, removing the dirt layer can show the real condition of the coin including some pitting. Some people just brush lightly to show some more details and leave the dirt on. Either way works.

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  2. Nice condition copper. They usually hold up better than earlier coppers do. Heavy strike on that type of large cent. If you decide to clean it, I clean mine with a toothpick and just dry (no water) Rub it down with your fingers to even it out. If it looks nice leave it. I'm sure you already know that though 😄

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  3. 2 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

    I'm afraid I will probably never know the answer to that 🤔 

    Sure you will.... have faith. Some storm will rip 6+ inches from that beach sooner or later. Or maybe somebody can make us a low cost pulse machine that can go down 30" and discriminate out all junk.😅 Come on manufacturers, take me up on that challenge please. 😏

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  4. 4 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

    That's pretty much what I do, most times the river is calm but sometimes there are some decent waves, so it's good for training. When I clean it out of clear stuff, I dig everything and anything 🤪 So far with the D2 and 13", if I get a 90's if and mid to high tone, even at 14" it's still a coin. Except for when it's not, like a beer can bottom. 🤣

    14" is a good depth. I wonder what is down 20"? 🤔 Beer can bottoms suck 😄

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

    Thanks VL,

    This beach is so small I'm lucky to get much of anything, but I've scored two rings so far this year, one tungsten and one gold plated. Those were in the dry. One thing that makes it good is the fact that I keep it clean, dig everything so the good stuff stands out.

    I haven't got many Hot Wheels this year. Maybe it's also because the river isn't salty enough. I'm wondering if the amount of cars is proportional to the amount of jellyfish stings, that might make a kid forget about them. 🤔 🤣

    Nice to have a small beach like that. I visit one beach that is small, and after all targets are dug up, I try and dig very iffy threshold warbles. Sometimes it's nothing, other times deep coins. Good luck at that one!!

    • Like 1
  6. I would do a voltage check of your battery pack to make sure nothing internally is broken on the pack. Ideally trying another battery pack would rule out batteries completely. Then next would be the power switch, like mentioned before. The CTX battery packs never sat real well in the chargers, so sometimes they didn't charge well. Like already mentioned, YouTube the heck out of it before you send it in. If all else fails, then sending it in will probably still be cheaper in the long run.

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  7. "Designed with user comfort in mind"  Seriously? ? There's a lot of fluff in their advertising of it.  Comfort is not one of the things I feel from running it. Fear, that something is going to snap off,  is more like it. But the quick response is one of the features I do like from it. With the other "new" pulse that just started to be released, for less $$$, I think the sales will go that way instead of the AQ. They waited too long and did not do anything to keep us interested in the refined version that was what we all wanted. Time goes by and there is another serious, low cost pulse machine on the horizon.

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  8. 7 hours ago, MD4V.org said:

    Super finds - Congratulations! I am brand new to the thread, and just wondering why you are using Pulse Induction when you have the premier SMF detector the Manticore. Please forgive my ignorance on this one. I used the Tesoro Sand Shark for years, but hesitated to take my GPX to the beach, fearing the salt air corrosion. - Terry


    I use a pulse machine on my New England coastal beaches because of the black sand. The Manticore is a good machine for most conditions, but where I hunt the depth is greatly reduced. Also the numbers tend to go negative (for non ferrous targets) in certain sands. I always worried about ruining the GPX from using it at a beach, but after many partial seasons of hunting, it still works. I do have to mention that you do have to use a good electronics spray on the knobs and toggle switches to keep them from seizing up, but so far the electronics are surviving well. If you get a chance to see the circuit board of a GPX, you will notice it is cover in a tough white coating. I think that helps a lot. I need depth and a pulse in tough conditions gives me the best depth over VLF/ Multi machines.

    4 hours ago, Gold Seeker said:

    That UN blower bulb had a hollow stem with a brush on the end, it's made so you can wipe dust and blow it away at the same time by squeezing the bulb.

    Here's a photo of a complete UN Blower Brush.


    ? Well that's a far cry from what I thought it was ?. Thanks for finding that. I would have never guessed that. I think I'm still going to try and light a fire with it. It really does put out a lot of air for such a small bulb. One of the oddest plastic things I've found detecting.

    41 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

    Great hunt, looks like you're getting back to typical now ? ?

    Ok, I didn't know what your going to do after this, but the thing you asked about is indeed lead, it's a Shamans' medallion. ?

    I already dug an Indian artifact that may have changed the rain to the work days, but that thing may put it back on the weekend! Yikes! ??



    Apparently they have different configurations, but the central figure from yours is missing. ?

    I don't like typical ?. I like unbelievable better ? Yeah back to normal. I think that was the beaches way of saying "enough is enough - go somewhere else for a while".   Shamans' medallion. ???. Ah... it's missing the center part, so it was already cashed in ?. Thanks for finding that, I figured it was older than it appears to be. Besides how much magic can you get for $6.00? ? By the way, watch out for the asteroid that I conjured up that is scheduled to hit your area this weekend....Sorry about that. ?

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  9. Beach hunt # 29 was again at my favorite beach. The plan was to go over the area I did well at last week with the 5000, but this time with the AQ. I should be able to get some more low conductors, especially nickels. Again, it’s a very tricky sand composition with black/purple sand and a clay layer from 1” to 8”, varying as you move. It has some deep little holes and caverns, created due to how the clay settled or eroded. Nice little areas to trap coins and small targets. Now previously I ran the AQ after the 5000 and did very well on an adjacent section. This time, I could not get either machine to settle down. I lifted the coil up to get away from direct contact with the sand…. No luck. I lowered sensitivity to 8 on the 5000…. No luck. Same for the AQ, sensitivity 2 all frequency delays, ATS settings, all metal – Volcanic…. No go. It would either false a wide signal, or worse a nice, tight, repeatable signal that disappeared when you got down about 4”. I could not figure out what had changed. It's the same area, unaltered from the previous week. I did my best and finally as the hunt progressed, things settled down with the 5000. Eventually I figured out that all the recent rain had saturated this sand thoroughly. It did not have time to dry off enough to allow for detecting. So, the hunt was mostly uneventful, with just a Buffalo nickel and one silver Roosevelt dime. Some cool odd finds included a lead circle with strange symbols that can be broken off. Voodoo I think !!!  ? A nice older design key, a small brass item I can’t ID, and a surface find of what appears to be a small air pump for starting a fire. Works great actually. I’m assuming the UN is either an old school clickbait, or maybe a product that the UN lists as a survival tool. Other than dealing with people that want to talk to you for hours, ? it was a pretty nice day to be at the beach. ?




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  10. 17 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

    Man, back in stride! You sure needed this after the last hunt.

    I like the Philippines coin, not necessarily rare but not one you see often, I didn't know it existed ?

    Guess you should hit this beach until you can't ?

    Thanks. I was very happy to get some results again from that section. The Philippine coin threw me for a while because it's smaller than a dime. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew it was silver. I definitely will be back next time out. 

    16 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

    And you worried you couldn't beat my hemostats ?  ?       Just the spoons beat that thing , on usefulness alone.. 

    Every time you start to hunt , the beach finds get nervous ?




    Come on, hemostats are hard to beat ? Spoons are a dime a dozen. ?. I'm getting nervous, that about 1/3 of that beach has been detected to the clay layer by me. ?. Eventually, I will need a pretty big storm to rip enough sand from the lower sections of the beach for me to get into that kind of groove again. It seems 1/2 of the beach gets slammed, while the other half doesn't see the same damage for some reason. I need a spy that lives close to the beach to let me know when the time is right ?

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  11. Beach hunt # 28 was back at my favorite beach. This is the beach that produced a lot of silver and a ton of clad. The goal was to hopefully get 1 or 2 silver coins, but also to just relax after last week’s hunt. I got there late at around 10:30 and headed to the area I did well at, hoping I missed some silver. When I got there I noticed the area adjacent to my spot seemed to lose some sand. This was an area that was too sanded in to hunt. So, I opted to start there instead of going over ground I already did. It immediately started to produce coins and lots of iron. I spent about 6 hours there and was very happy to have a way better day than I expected. It actually turned into a battle of the spoons vs tent stakes. ? How can people lose so many spoons? I did have to deal with a lot of big iron, which unfortunately did not fit into my pouch, so I left it high above the water line. My car was simply too far away to bring it there.

          What I did find was a lot of clad including 3 bicentennial quarters, one Liberty V and two Buffalo nickels. But the silver stole the show. 9 silver coins including the Walking Liberty half, and the US minted 10 Centavos coin from the Philippines. Digging was rough as this area is packed with rocks. I usually don’t scratch coins when I dig, but this time I scratched 3 of them using the spade or screwdriver. Just unavoidable unfortunately.

          A much better hunt than I was expecting and very happy to find that many coins. I’ll probably try and be back there again next week, and maybe give the AQ a shot there. Or just a smaller coil to navigate the big iron better with the GPX.

                A nice, fun, and relaxing day at the beach





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  12. On 3/19/2024 at 9:49 PM, rvpopeye said:

    I'm a musician so I have an airtight excuse....

    I just realized I posted my beach hunt in your beach thread. ? No charge.

    I'll move it as best as I can...........

    Post move due to me being a dum bass (not to be confused with dumb ass.)?

    But I did leave you a couple of likes ! 




    I read that post. You should have left it there. That way it seems I would just have to find a couple of pull tabs and some zinc pennies to beat you ? Now I have to actually find something good on my next hunt. ? Spoiler alert, I did. ☺️ I hope you do well if you did get out to the beach today. ?

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  13. Nice first hunts on a new permission. Them winds can be brutal sometimes. They are the same way beach hunting, you are out in the open. But you ended up with some silver and more cool relics, so a good hunt. Sometimes farms are scraped of some top soil to sell. Maybe that's what happened many years ago and they took a lot of the goods with them. Although, if you have an excess of iron, then it was probably cherry picked for high conductors.

    Did you get hungry while you were out there? ? You didn't have to take a bite out of that Lincoln cent. What did it ever do to you? ?

    • Haha 1
  14. Stunning buckle. There are 2 kinds of spectacle buckles - Crude and Cruder  ? Yours is the cruder (older). ? As for the gnats, do you have a drop down net hat? I've been save many times with a net on. Kind of weird at first with a net right on your eyeballs ? but after getting some of those gnats in your eyes, nose and mouth, you'll be reaching for that net :angry:

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  15. 7 hours ago, phrunt said:

    Thanks Chase, that was a great post, my lack of understanding of iron is due to my lack of ever really finding iron targets.   Nails are about it, and tiny little shards off digger buckers in gold areas.  The odd old metal matchbox from the miners or broken-down tin can from their foods but really, not a whole lot of iron targets in my life. 

    "Not a lot of iron targets in my life"? --------- You truly live in paradise! ?

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  16. Wow, some nice finds. Great button. ? 2 Flying Eagles shows you when that site was active. Being only produced a couple of years, they do not turn up very often.  Watch out for that Z phone. I have the Z 3 and the screen already cuts out when I open it. Just under 2 years old, so it's getting replaced next week. No more flip phones for me.

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  17. 16 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

    Hey Gerry is in Idaho.? bet he already has at least one though.

    They don't make mashers like they used to anymore.

    Still no beach action , just the fairgrounds. 



    Maybe Gerry needs another one? Or maybe I can expand his business to MA? ?. How are the fairgrounds treating you? I miss digging in the dirt!

    11 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

    Hey, come on.  You have to admit that with all those silver coins you've been finding, you've been lapping up the gravy.  Now you've got to pay the piper and settle for the potatoes....

    But silver was like a new found girlfriend, very attentive from the start. Why did she have to just up and dump me like that? ? I like gravy..... but I guess mashed potatoes are fine every once in a while. Seriously though, It was a longer and well appreciated silver run. It also makes the next hunt more relaxing knowing I can't do worse. ?

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  18. I like the expanded scale, coming from a White's before owning a Minelab, but I don't like the fact that the new machines expanded both the pull tab range and the gold range, so they blend a lot more than previously. On the CTX, a large number of women's gold rings came in at 6 or 9. I never found a pull tab at 6 or 9 on the CTX, so I would get excited to see those numbers knowing it isn't going to be a pull tab. I guess I'm saying that previous technology seemed to better group targets, but now you can dig a zinc cent from anywhere 65 different numbers. I've had them read as low as foil and as high as just above an Indian. I may pull out the CTX if a lot of sand is removed or if I want better odds in cherry picking small rings in a field. I'm all for more numbers, but a better classification of targets would help.

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  19. 1 hour ago, mn90403 said:

    I can match those bad days with recent days of my own!

    It's amazing how cruel a beach can be ? But generous as well at times ?

    1 hour ago, F350Platinum said:

    Aww man, I have the same thing happening here, many of my spots are drying up, I'm not getting the quantity of stuff. It's back to the pounded sites with a different program and attitude ?

    That is an awesome potato masher! ?

    Congrats! ?

    It is an awesome potato masher. ? I'm renting it out if anyone is interested. If there are no takers, them I may have to move to Idaho where it should get some good usage. ?

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  20. Beach hunt # 27 is history, but the pain will linger forever.  ? So, after many generous hunts in a row, reality can strike you hard. This was to be the lowest tide probably until fall, so I have to pick the correct beach. I waffled between my area beaches and NH beaches and finally picked NH. I must admit, nothing can reset your expectations better than a day spent digging this. ? So here it is, in all its glory – my stellar hunt. Spoiler alert……….. My best find was a potato masher. I kid you not. ?




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  21. On 3/10/2024 at 7:43 PM, F350Platinum said:

    Looks like that spot is winding down a bit. ? Still got silver, and I haven't found a silver thimble yet ? your relic count is good!

    Got more wind coming, maybe some more will be uncovered. ?

    Great job!


    Thanks. It is getting sparse but nothing prepared me for this next hunt ?

    On 3/11/2024 at 7:54 AM, rvpopeye said:

    Impressive finds count as always ! 

    Silver well represented .  Lead count confirmed the settings .

    Ya shoulda got a gold there ! That beach owes you one now ! 

    The "private" beach will have less depositor observation on a rainy day.... 

     Extra  low negative tides here too , hope I can manage a visit to a beach .

    I know, that beach mistakenly though I said lead, when I clearly asked for gold. ? I hope you had a chance to get out during that low tide. You would have beat my next hunt just by stepping out on a beach. ?

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  22. Beach hunt # 26 is at a new beach. This is beach #1. I had high hopes for this small beach. Research shows this beach may go back to the early to mid-1800’s. I was a bit leery since there is a limited number of parking spaces and houses are very close by. I arrived and parking was tight. The beach is even smaller than I thought. People were already eyeballing me, so I opted to go light with the Manticore. Not my primary choice, but I figured that I should be able to at least see if any coins show up. I really didn’t feel comfortable at this beach right from the start, but I decided to just concentrate on getting a solid target and see what comes up. If I get kicked out, I can get to another beach in 15 minutes. I must admit, the Manticore struggled there. It has a lot of iron and bigger exposed rocks, but I was able to get depth to about 6”. Raising the coil to get above the rocks greatly altered the response, especially the target ID’s. Luckily, coins were rather shallow, in the 3-5” range. Realistically, even with the great amount of iron there, my GPX with a smaller coil would have been ideal. But the Manticore did produce a lot of coins, so I’m thinking this place has not been detected since the 80’s at least. For silver, I found 2 Washington quarters, a mangled older style ring, and some kind of small teardrop shaped piece. Most copper cents were Memorials with a couple of Wheats thrown in. A lot of lead at this place too.

          Beach #2 was another small beach that I had previously done ok at. I used the GPX for this one. Time was now limited and unfortunately, they had already repaired the damage to this beach. That can be a good or bad thing. I was able to get a silver Roosevelt dime and what’s left of a silver thimble. Judging from the things I dug, prior to them repairing the beach, it would have produced a good number of older coins. Looking over at the water line on the concrete wall, about 1-2  feet of sand was removed. That is a huge amount for this beach. I’m sure someone was able to get some shallow old silver from there. Good for them. ?

          So not a bad day at the beach, and I did get some more silver, so all is good. I may get a chance to do one more beach on Monday. It is going to be a really low tide. Now I just have to pick the right beach. I won't even tell you about the crazy people I was approached by at the first beach. Scary. ???




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