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Everything posted by schoolofhardNox

  1. Come on Bob.... milk that site dry of all targets. πŸ˜„ You know we are all chanting - go in deeper!!!! That's where the gold is. Again a nice amount of older coins. When you V's outnumber your Buffalos, you are on to something.
  2. Do me a favor, Keep that flag up for a bit, I may be a while before it goes up again. 😏. I was content having pulled the silver from there. Never thought of gold. Only my second gold ring from there. Your tired of looking and I'm tired from digging.😯 Cleaning for a living, I'm pretty acquainted with the "Hoover" effect. πŸ˜… I'm sure when I found the ring I was thinking - good it's silver. Throw it in the jar and keep going. Keep going,there has to be gold here somewhere. πŸ€”
  3. That's the kind of beach hunting I like 😍. Looks like you hit the early wheat days, with plenty of Barber and V's still in circulation. I wonder what's still in the water. Prime gold ring area if you cared to get wet. Great hunt!!
  4. Beach hunt # 5 is two days after the last hunt and back to the beach I was just at. This time I brought the GPX to get some depth over the Manticore. I just had a hunch that this was the best spot on this beach, and I should (hopefully) get some silver. I worked my way from the car to that spot, digging some small aluminum targets in the process. Finally, I reached that saturated muck section. It was target rich like I hoped, and my anticipation was rising after finding a couple of the early (1962/63) pull tabs. All the rest were the 1970’s, early 80’s tabs. The modern tabs were found elsewhere. Soon the coins started to show up and many were severely degraded. But so far no silver. Finally, a small silver earring, followed by a couple of silver dimes and tons of nickels. I remember bitchin’ - wondering how many nickels do I have to dig before I get a gold ring??….. Apparently a lot of them. πŸ™„ After a while I got a blaring signal and down about an inch or two, I got a black colored ring. Nice, another piece of silver (or so I thought). A silver dime or two and more clad and I was done for the day. I was happy to get all of that and prove to myself that I was right to think the pulse machine should find a lot more here than the other day. Walking back to the car, I heard the unforgettable sound of the shaft snapping in two on my machine. It snapped right where the holes for adjusting the length of the machine are. A weak point for sure - thin carbon fiber. 🀬 Oh well. As usual, when I got home I rinsed off my good finds container and looked over the dimes for dates and other items I kept in that container. I also cleaned up that dark black ring and noticed a hint of gold under that black film. That black muck sand really colors some of the items black. It just took a slight rubbing to expose the true nature of the ring. 10K gold on that fairly old looking signet ring. I got gold and didn’t even know it. πŸ˜… Apologies to all you true gold hunters on my ignorance. When you only see gold in your dreams, you tend to not recognize it 🫣 A way better day than I had hoped for.
  5. OOOHHH, is that plum gold?? Nice! There are still some nice targets even though they are far and few between. I bet you worked hard for that one. Are the other ones Tungsten or Titanium? Don't say Stainless 😬
  6. Well, what do you know....It has the LV on the bottom and also says Louis Vuitton on the small flat section on the top of the V (not on the face of the V, but looking down on the top of the V). I did way better than the person that bought it πŸ˜„ I payed nothing for it, but someone was willing to pay a ridiculous amount for a gold plated over copper "V" on a bit of leather. 😝 Thanks for the info on it. Let me know how it goes. πŸ˜‰ But if you find gold then neither of us will ever rest again. Thanks Jim. I wish the newbie would go there before me and save me the trouble. πŸ™‚ I wish I liver closer to the coast. I dread the drive home.
  7. Beach hunt # 4 is back at the beach I found multiple silvers. The tides were really low, and I was hoping the Manticore could pull some more of those deep silver dimes. Well, a week went by since my last hunt and it may have been sanded in a bit too much. That made it hard to find how far down on the slope to hunt and find that coin line. No luck there, so I decided to roam around and see what I could find. After a long time, just finding clad seemed like a good idea. This beach is small but old, so I need to find the deep targets if I want silver. Along the way I noticed the Manticore grunting a lot in the iron range, so I decided to dig one of the loud low tones. It was a bottle cap, and I was happy it didn’t false into the nonferrous range. But after traveling around to a promising area I hit a couple of iffy targets which turned out to be coins at about 6”. I was a bit surprised they did not come in stronger. I then decided to dig some low grunts and found almost all of them to be either aluminum or coins that were very undersized from beach wear. For some reason the Manticore did not like this section. It was a damp and stagnant section that was loaded with decaying seaweed and just below the surface sand it turns to black muck. I did not get any silver coins, and finally my time ran out. I had one dime I was hoping was silver, very different from the other ones, but it was a more recent clad. ☹️ It wasn’t the day I had envisioned, but still nice to get out. When I got home and started to sort my finds I did notice a small star that was part of an earring that had that silver color. Can I be so desperate that I have to count such a small piece of silver to continue my streak? πŸ™„ I guess I am that desperate. πŸ˜‚ So, turning a deaf ear to the crowd, I counted it. But in the back of my head, I could not forget how bad the coins sounded so I knew I would be back there, - this time using the GPX. Spoiler alert - that post is coming soon.
  8. I saw that after I posted 🫣 But I was too lazy to change it 😏 πŸ˜… Well then, you will just have to get gold hammered. There has to be something very early going on there that hopefully is referenced in some old history book or papers. Someone probably stayed there a short time and moved on. I hope you can figure it out.
  9. Some interesting early stuff coming out of that field. There may even be a hammered silver hiding somewhere in that field for you. Them lead ball are giving me nightmares lately πŸ˜„ I find so many now at my hunts that I fear them 😢😱
  10. Thanks. Beaches are stingy lately.... at least the one I pick πŸ˜„ No such luck on the chain.... junk just like the cross. Yeah, I never check the tangled fishing line, but I spotted the cross. You know how it goes.... now I will waste my life checking every single tangled mess in the hopes of finding a gold chain. It will never happen πŸ˜“ You should follow after me and get the deep gold. πŸ˜‹ I'll clear all the junk for ya. πŸ˜…
  11. Beach hunt # 3 is over. I was torn between going back to the beach where I found the last-minute silver coins or going to my favorite beach and look for deep silver. Since the tides were questionable, I decided to go for the deep stuff. I switched from the 12 ½” Detech DD coil to the Colitek 14” anti-interference coil for the GPX. Since there was a decent amount of EMI, I was hoping that the Coiltek would allow me a better and deeper hunt than the Detech running in cancel mode. I was wrong.πŸ˜• I find that the Detech is a much harder hitting coil, even in cancel mode that running the Coiltek normally. I struggled to find anything deeper than when I previously hunted with the Detech. Plus, the unusually high amount of different coil impressions in the sand from other detectorists did not help my cause. πŸ˜… I could not find one single silver coin and was just clad hunting when I stumbled onto a broken ring which had lost whatever it had mounted to it. It’s not pretty by any means but it did keep my silver streak alive…barely. πŸ™„ A decent amount of clad considering the competition, a Russian iron core coin cemented to a rock, some bling and an out of place colonial flat button, which I unintentionally put in the copper cent lineup. I also found a clump of fishing line, which I usually take and throw out so it does not tangle any sea life. This time I spotted a small cross in the mix and when I got home I noticed it had a chain with it. Not silver, but it did make me take note that I should look them over before tossing them out. Next time it may just be a silver chain. So, not the best hunt but I always enjoy getting out to the shore. Next beach hunt will be at the beach that gave me silver. We’ll see if the Manticore can do its magic there again.
  12. i got the same email. I thought about it and decided I do not want to spend any more $$$ on the AQ. I have one of Joe's short run batteries and that works well for me. What I really wanted was a redesigned, rock solid, final version of the AQ. I guess I must have missed that e mail πŸ€”. If you don't have one of Joe's batteries and you do a lot of water hunting, I guess that is a blessing, but for me I am more interested in other areas now and not for another battery for the AQ.
  13. That must have been an exciting project doing Montpelier. At any moment you could turn up something special that can add greatly to the story they are trying to tell. I hear you about the "nails" thing. πŸ˜‚ When we first started, they wanted us to dig everything, especially nails, since they can tell you a lot. We quietly explained that we would need 9 lives in order to dig it all. One listen to our machine gun sounding detector and they quickly updated their want list. Giving them a starting point on where to dig greatly increases their odds for success. We did the same thing at a virgin 17th century native hamlet. We found metallic targets, but also while digging found some shell from their middens. That gave them the location of structures where field school students could dig their test pits. It was a huge success with a lot of non metallic items found. I've been doing these hunts since 2009 and I'm a bit uneasy, as I now get excited to find the mundane stuff like they do πŸ˜‚
  14. You're certainly in the gold club! Great job finding it. I hope you get the rest of the chain, but that will be tough. You did the right thing by giving it to him. It belongs there to be passed down to the next in line. I bet he never tells you NO, you can't hunt here anymore πŸ˜…
  15. Just an update to the King Philip War project I am working on. It's been a crazy couple of months chasing after the retreat of the English back to Deerfield, MA. I haven't posted a lot about it, since most of what we are looking for are lead round ball. Seen one you've seen them all πŸ˜„ Unfortunately, this project will be ending in a couple of weeks. As usual it comes with a lot of twist and turns, never doing what we envisioned happened. Every time we feel we have determined the parameters of the retreat, we find the boundaries expanding in the most unusual way. This picture is just a small part of almost 100 round ball that were found when a fellow detectorist located just one 69 caliber round ball beyond our established boundaries. It would have been a 150 yard shot from the battle zone, beyond what we figured they would do. It's a fast paced, horse driven retreat, but somehow a small diversion developed leading us to this location. Who says metal detecting is boring? πŸ˜…
  16. Yikes, why did they have to bury that ring to tease ya? 😯 It's always sad to see those burials. Someone lost some one special that must have loved the beach. I often wonder if the people burying it realize that people can find it, or does the thought never cross their mind. But what's more concerning to me is that you put a zinc penny with your trash??? 😲😲😬......πŸ˜‚Rightfully so. Looks like you had some fun during those trips and got some silver as well as a lot of clad.
  17. It looks so easy when I watch other people do it πŸ˜‚. It would take a very specific, unhit location for me to do this anytime soon. I just can't justify the time vs the little I could get from it. I can do much better being on shore. Luckily this beach is rather calm. My favorite beach would be a no go, no matter what day you go there. Those that do water hunting deserve all the gold and silver they get. πŸ™‚ I think it is a 1903 quarter. Corroded right where you would see if the last digit is an 8 or a 3, but I'm leaning towards a 3. Yeah, water hunting is rough on you. Good luck to those who successfully and regularly do it. It so much easier to lust silver over gold πŸ˜„ I can be rewarded with silver most times. I would go home empty handed most times if I hunted for gold. But I never turn gold down when it decides to visit me πŸ₯°
  18. Beach hunt #2 is done. I bought one of those floating water sifters and decided to do some water hunts at a beach that is a bit calmer, wave wise. I spent around 5 hours in the water, traveling around parts of the beach I knew were an older section. I used the Manticore for all of my hunt. It took me a while to get used to being tethered to a sifter while trying to blindly pinpoint and scoop up my targets. I must have been a sight to see from the shore. πŸ™„ But after sort of getting a system, I found that water hunting will be delegated to only rare occasions. In other words, I suck at it. πŸ˜‚ I must admit I expected more quality targets in the areas I was doing, but only managed a lot of aluminum trash and a couple of really thin Memorials. I found most of my clad at the beginning of the hunt for about 4 hours, waiting for low tide to get there. Only in the last 2 hours after getting out of the water did I get all the silver and a couple of partial coins. I found the silver dimes in 4 consecutive holes as the tide was rising fast. I ran out of space and time, as the night lights had turned on at the nearby building. A 10-hour hunt and only luck saved me at the end of the day. It’s always a good feeling to be able to just get out and hunt for a while.
  19. Free sunglasses. πŸ‘ At least yours aren't in mangled pieces like mine usually are πŸ˜„. Is that earring on the fishing weight silver? Looks like a decent piece of jewelry. I don't mind digging sinkers, since at least the lead is left behind. Possibility for gold maybe too. Nice going on picking up the small chains, they are hard to find.
  20. Even the Equinox has mineralization issues. My Manticore is the same way but a bit better. Unfortunately, mineralization is usually different for different locations, so it's easy to understand why some people have no issues, while others lose a great deal of depth. I usually just dig any grunt that pinpoints small when I get into the black sand. If that doesn't work, unfortunately a PI is the only answer.
  21. Well that was a good hunt πŸ˜… Days like that make up for the dry times. Surprised the large ring (onyx or jet?) was 14K. If I found it, I would get 10k or 1/20th πŸ˜–. Beautiful Citrine ring as well. What a hunt!!!! 😍
  22. You're not kidding - Corona is the main bottle cap on any beach I dig πŸ™„. I get paid every time I visit a beach ---- Sunshine, fresh air, a beautiful scenic view, the soothing sound of waves and SILVER πŸ₯° If you are ever in the area to dig a beach, just thank me for saving your back from all the pain πŸ˜„ One deep hole and you can tell if it's going to be a good day. If I hit clay anywhere from 12-15" I am in heaven. Shallower, and someone else is probably in heaven. πŸ₯Ί Deeper and all of us are in 😈 not heaven πŸ˜‰ It was a surprise for sure. Judging from the unaltered condition, I think it's only been on the beach for a short time. At the beaches I visit, we have had some planted (seeded) hunts a few years ago. I occasionally get some silver and foreign coins that were not found at the hunts.
  23. It's tough these days when everything is costume jewelry. πŸ˜” I get giddy when I see a China 925 ring. You would think I hit the lottery. Hopefully the price of titanium and tungsten steel rise up to $2000 an ounce soon 🀭
  24. I wish I knew. I found the same answer.... turn the other way. One of the drawbacks with Minelab machines is the screen. I hate to have a machine dictate what direction I go. You know all the gold coins are in the direct sunlight direction right? πŸ˜„
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