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UT Dave

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Everything posted by UT Dave

  1. For the record, @abenson has posted pictures before, that I immediately knew exactly where they were taken. I'm sure I'm not the only one. And I know I have posted pictures that he knew exactly where they were too. It's just good policy to be cautious about that stuff. - Dave
  2. Woo hoo! Oh, man, oh man. Way to put in the work and make it pay off! - Dave
  3. Awesome find. And great identification. I wouldn't have known that's what that tool is for. - Dave
  4. Wives that enable our fun are priceless. My Wife just giggles at my excitement over what I think are killer finds. She always asks if I found anything good, and when I say yes and show her an old silver dime and a junky piece of .925 jewelry she really does just giggle. She thinks it's just dumb, but cute ?. I think some of the silly stuff she likes to do is just dumb, but cute too ?. It works for us! - Dave
  5. The school is over 100 years old. Which is what got me there the first time. But of course, the current building is from the 60's, and who knows how much dirt moving and reconfiguring have gone on in more than a century. Finding indications there were oldies at detectable depth has had me going back. Like I say, nothing but wheats before this morning. But, deep wheats, well, you know ?. - Dave
  6. A school I've been interested in for a little bit. Today was the fourth time I've hit it. But even including today, only about 8 hours total. Had not found old silver, yet, before today, but enough deep wheats that I felt there had to be some silver waiting. I have found a couple nice .925's there the three previous hunts. With the days getting shorter, I only had about an hour and a half of daylight to hunt this morning before the soccer army arrived en masse and it was time to go. Just a gorgeous morning to be out though. Cold enough to be comfortable in a hoody. Nobody there but me until the soccer horde descended. I don't mind the soccer horde though, they are no doubt the source of the fairly consistent .925 here. Running the Manticore in ATHC, sensitivity 20, recovery 5, one region all tones, finally pulled a silver coin out of this field, a '39 Merc from 7" deep. That's pretty good depth for any machine in this dirt and it gave a definitely dig me signal. When soccer is done soon, and before the snow flies, I need to spend some more hours here. Also pulled a .925 cross, that I initially thought was probably junk. It was balled up in mud and I thought it might be some sort of stainless steel clip or something. But I also thought it there was a chance it was some sort of bling so I put it in the keepers side of the nail pouch. And after rinsing the mud off at home saw it is indeed a silver cross of sorts. Truth be told, I'd MUCH rather be out in the desert ghost towning. But things have not lined up for that lately. Nobody else wants to go and I'm getting just old enough that going by myself on longer trips isn't as much fun as it used to be. But, even though I'd rather be doing that, I'm sure not unhappy getting in some fun turf hunts when I can! Seeing silver in the dirt is always a good feeling! - Dave
  7. With the age on those pennies, I think I'd tend to agree with @TripleT I don't think that spot has been hit hard. Curious how deep those pennies were @KDX and maybe what sensitivity you were running with that much ID splatter? - Dave
  8. I could try taking a much better photo and doing some processing to try and bring out details. Something like Dstretch might actually bring something out. - Dave
  9. Turf hunting (as opposed to relic dirt), I do normally cherry pick coins, to include nickels, but not to include zincs. Partly just to play the odds and partly just to avoid digging more than needed on manicured turf - I do my best to leave no trace. Depending on the exact location and my mood, I will often include digging anything above square tabs and below zincs that sounds clean and round. I don't use disc on the machine though. I hate the way it clips the audio, particularly when trying to scrub in heavy non ferrous trash. I run 1 region all tones, normal profile. Sometimes all metal, sometimes with Manticore default disc which is like 0-5 only. And let my ears do the disc. - Dave
  10. Found this at an 1870s silver mining camp last weekend. I believe it's a Chinese coin. But can't say for sure. Too weathered to make out the markings if any remain. It's 24mm and weighs 2.41 grams. Coin? Thoughts - Dave
  11. Have not got out for a park hunt for a week or two. Got in a fun one today though. The weather was just so nice. Park wasn't crowded at all. Lots of dig me signals. Just a very pleasant morning. And... Scored two .925 rings, both very plain but pretty chunky with the biggest at 8.85 grams. And... A silver Washington! And a wheatie. And $9.25 in clad. Dug only about half a dozen trash targets. Just being very selective and cherry picking hard. And this is weird. My phone automatically cut out the background. I don't know how to do that on purpose. Weird. - Dave
  12. I'm finding the Manticore a fantastic coin cherry picking machine. But I'd hesitate to suggest settings. Not only your soil may be very different, but your ferrous coins are something I've zero experience trying to cherry pick. You may want to actually try raising the recovery speed on your test targets. Can't hurt to see. Not sure what mode I'd want to use for the Loonies and Toonies, those are compositions I don't dig. But I'd definitely try ATLC. When cherry picking turf for coins and silver jewelry, I've got to where I almost always run ATHC. With sensitivity usually 19 or 20, rarely any higher but down as low as 16 is not rare. Recovery speed, in my conditions and the way I like to run, I usually end up with a recovery or 5 or 6. That's tuning for TID stability, basically, and letting depth take care of itself. But I've gotten very good depth with the machine in hot park turf. The machine really scrubs the clad and silver out of the trash in the parks around here. - Dave
  13. The two coils M8 and M15 were announced more than a year ago and none of us can buy them yet. Fourth coil... Maybe someday, maybe never. The M8 still seems like maybe never. Waiting on Minelab for coils is unpleasant. - Dave
  14. So, no sarcasm here, no trying to be funny. What does a Bigfoot call sound like? A little context for my question... I have recorded a number of wildlife sounds that have been used by a leading predator caller manufacturer. And, some years ago, actually heard/saw on a TV show, a sound I recorded being used to try and call a Bigfoot. I have called in literally thousands of animals, everything from jackrabbits to mountain lions with that sound, myself. But no Bigfoot. - Dave
  15. That looks like so much fun! And the Ice Palace pendant is amazing. - Dave
  16. Don't ask me. Double secret probation jinx or something. But three more today. I like the sterling BSA rings. - Dave
  17. Just ship the dang M8 already. Ship the dang thing. Okay, I'm actually hoping for Christmas and have totally written off using it this year. But, ship the M8, yeah? - Dave
  18. Very nice! I did a similar u-turn for a sidewalk tear out on one side of the state capitol about six weeks ago and got nothing worth mentioning. - Dave
  19. So I probably did jinx myself. After posting this, I hunted I think 7 times with no silver... So why not jinx myself again? Got three this morning! - Dave
  20. First I have heard of an M9. Very odd. No word on lower shafts, I guess? Thanks Gerry! - Dave
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