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  1. Okay, this time more than celebrating a period of good production, I am keeping in mind the worst dates of this summer and taking action for next year.... Although we are only a month away from peak beach attendance, to date, I have encountered more than three weeks of bad swells and have spent few sessions on the bottom and more time at the wetsand. As expected, the result is that the fresh drops are probably too deep to manifest themselves and a few pieces of really old gold, perhaps not caught in the obviously eroded spots, is all I can take away for now. Last Monday this very old ring, now devoid of stone, was the only prominent piece on the seafloor besides several coins dug out at three different beaches on the wet sand. In miles of sand on which I have walked and checked, not a single piece of gold and a very small amount of coins when diluted over so much space. The prevailing wind is screwing up "my" coast with a majority of inshore and bloody filling in more sand. I am tired beyond comment and have started using my left arm to lead the detector. I fear I have epicondylitis. Have a great weekend everyone!
  2. I have read and consumed this forum for quite sometime in the sidelines. I like what I see and read too. Things in this hobby have changed dramatically since I started in 1977 here in England. Not for the best in many ways, so refreshing to be part of this quite unique forum. Appreciated Steve & every contributor. Here's my little offering which I hope some find interesting. No matter what type of other detecting I do, always will i return to my favourite type of searching in big iron, I love it! There is an old saying in England, 'Where there's muck there's brass' I first came to this shoreline in 1978 at 14, mentored by an old friend whose knowledge knew no bounds, sadly gone now. Been working it ever since on a regular basis. I've been down here with a vast array of detectors over the years, the last couple with a d2 & Manti. I used the latter today, as I love the M8 coil. Hopefully, XP will release their 10x5 next year. Small coils & concentrated searching is a necessity here. As the tides were so darn small, I was quite restricted to the area I could look at. The small spot I picked is low generally so always does produce something, but I normally head elsewhere to more productive spots. I spent three hours here until I was pushed off by the water covering over the area once again. The sand & stones are covered with large iron covering the surface and hidden below like an iceberg. in 1997, the whole area was dug over for sea defense work and masses of iron from the old dismantled pier were exposed. Best way is to remove scrap as much as possible & pile it out of the way, even though there's more underneath. As the spot was relatively small I worked it back and forth many, many times from all angles continually for the 3 hours. And the non-ferrous targets came, slowly but surely. Due to the iron bars, plates & other stuff, all the signals were extremely narrow and very easily missed. Hence my slow re-working over & over again finding targets then more again. Not in profusion, but enough to tell me to stay put and work it hard with the M8 coil. Since the dire lack of concentric coils on modern detectors, I prefer elliptical DD in these situations. Even so, its not easy - you have to give it full concentration to the constant ferrous audio signals trying to pick out any good targets that you can. By the end, there was a good number of coins from the Victorian era to the 1930's which is normal for the area. A silver sixpence cut in half from the 20's (hard target in these circumstances) was the only silver coin found, but several other coins encased in iron always interest me as it shows the beach bottom is close. Best find is the WWI sweetheart brooch given by a Royal Tank Corps soldier to his lady. Its one of my favourite finds this year as I really like Military stuff. One of my all time favourite detectors works really well here, a Compass Scanner from 1990. Manticore does well, but frankly no better than that classic machine. Laws of physics apply now just the same!
  3. Week started not great when I think about the fact that for about 15 days bad waves kept me out. It wasn't until yesterday that I was able to dive safely when I discovered I had a serious instability problem with the coil. The M9 was making terrible noise at whatever level I set the Manticore and by pure chance I managed to pull out three stainless steel rings before leaving the area in despondency. Back home, it was not until yesterday afternoon that I was able to see that I had a cut on the coil cable with the wires exposed. This morning with the M8 back at work, in disbelief, I unearthed an 18K snake ring among the same holes as yesterday, where I had most likely passed by without noticing the signal among all the perceived noise. Ever since I started visiting old spots with the M8, this has been the longest period without seeing gold also accomplice to the bad wave energy. Monday, it's back to the drawing board. Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!
  4. Interesting read and video. Any members experience with any locations on list? https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/2024/06/04/metal-detecting-beaches-florida-sebastian-vero-fort-pierce-treasure/73880538007/
  5. Well, I started my beach season a little bit early. Hunt #1… It’s been a while since I got out, so I decided to try a very small beach that I’ve done before. It usually produces some Buffalo nickels, and sometimes some silver, although not in any quantity. I split the time between the GPX and Manticore using the GPX for the upper beach and wet slope, and the Manticore for the low tide area, as well as the wet slope. I’m most comfortable using the GPX on beaches due to the fact that it doesn’t struggle with the changing sand composition or the wetness of the sand. The Manticore takes more adjusting to keep it getting the same signal width. I had to adjust the recovery speed from 6 to 4 depending on which section I was hunting. I spent about 8 hours hunting and did fairly well. 2 silver coins and a silver ring were the best finds. A bunch of change with a decent amount of wheat cents, made for a good day. I thought I was going to be detecting most of the day in rain and some thunder, but fortunately it never ever rained on my parade!!. Great to get out and start detecting a new beach season. I’m also about to start a King Philip’s war project 2x a week, so I go from not detecting for months to detecting 3x a week. ? I can feel the soreness already. ?
  6. Being far from the seabed for over a week and forced to appreciate the wetsand work, I honestly loved the things I found in these days and kept a good pre-view of the lower eroded slope meanwhile hunting the upper side. After one small ring and a necklace last monday and another ring with a diamond yesterday, it was clear that a precise point remained unhunted or at least not so well explored by others. Doing the maths I checked a time window of three hours this morning to go underwater exactly in the same point and facing the hotpoint where I pulled up the good stuff on the shore. As soon as I was facing the bottom, I realized the suspected conditions I had when water was too murky to see it for good among waves. I've seen this s##t too many times in two decades so thinking about heavy scattered iron, slippery clay and boulders with almost no sand at all to cover the surface, I opened totally the screen and started listening everything to remove the masking stuff... Due to the deep flat slope, the only places where to keep the eyes and ears open were the holes filled with moved rocks... Ten minutes and the first wedding band it was in my hands. Already happy but conscious that nothing more than luck caused so soon the first hit, other two hours passed until the second hit with a terrible silence in between... So the second wedding band, this time white gold with a little ice it's been recovered and warmed the heart and the wetsuit. As usual my camera it was left home and all that remains is this picture?
  7. If you keep a diver out of the water for more than a week, it goes bad like fish. Not to rot during this lousy time of zero visibility and bad waves, I went back to the little miracle spot on wetsand today. Although I had returned yesterday with a 6", no signal was in range and quite disappointed and tired I returned home after two hours. Instead, this morning I was with the 11" retracing the same steps. After more than 4 hours with my arm wrecked and all too much aluminum dug out, as I was leaving the beach I was swinging the detector just enough not to keep it off and really stumbled upon an unmistakable signal. I titled the previous post "seriously?"...Well this must be the second act. After 20 years, I continue to experience the wonder of certain days. The spark of gold can make you forget even that you are broken.
  8. Here are the finds from 3-4 hunts over the last week or so. They are certainly not like anything Mr. and Mrs. TTT have been finding but I can only show what I find. It has been quite a long time since I found a watch and this one was bouncing around in the waves. There is really not too much good stuff but there is one 14K/1.6g earring and one .925/2.4g ring. It is just time to show I've been out, good or bad. Here is the hunt from today. It is an old ring that didn't clean very good. We think it is a crystal in there and certainly not a diamond.
  9. This afternoon I got in a quick hunt and saw some really nice local waves. It was a great day for them and I remembered my surfing days from Florida and Hawaii. I pretty much gave it up when I moved to California's cold waters. While watching out of the corner of my eye I was looking for a patch. My normal spots were not giving up anything so I moved along until I found a few quarters in between all the pennies. When the new 'hits' ran out I returned to work everything a the spot. It was the best chance I had. There was no time to go to another beach. As luck would have it I got just enough to keep me going without saying 'enough is enough' and out of a scratchy sound came this ring. It is 6.6g. That is for certain. It feels like gold but I really can't tell because the mark (which includes an 'N') has been written over with an inscription. It says "B + C Always 1-20-93" which makes me wonder the materials most in use in 1993. The stone reminds me of glass more than precious but who knows. The break at the resizing area made it sound real scratchy. It didn't have the full tone of a normal ring. It reads 8-9 on my 800/15. There is a green corrosion at the break area/resize area. Could this have been a ring someone inherited and then they resized if for a wedding? That would make the manufacture date and materials somewhat different. It was a good little hunt none the less and I think I go back tomorrow. This was a little 'target' I found before the ring. It really slowed me down a bit as pinpointing it and scooping it up became a problem. Just as I was about to move on I spotted it and felt it with my fingers. It sounds good in the lower teens but to my surprise it has a stone in it or ?? It weighs .25g.
  10. Today I sifted out my trash bucket to look for stuff, that accidentally went in there.. Holy crap! More than 500 pulltabs. And that‘s not even all.. big stuff already sorted out. Who got more? ?
  11. When you are at the beach you don't know what you are going to find. My target is normally gold jewelry of course but was I surprised to find a silver half. It is only the second Franklin I've found. It was found on a long, long walk near the end when I found a patch back where I started. We have had a few really low tides and some good waves and I was headed to a spot but I knew someone else was working it for a couple of days and sure enough they were already there. I was late again. I give another detectorist wide berth to do their thing. When I saw their light and them working the spot where I've found some nice jewelry in the past it was time to turn around and walk the 2 miles back where I started. It was a good workout without too many coins until I got to the patch. Many of the coins were surface and not many were deep as it turns out. I had thought this was toy car beach until I found the coin patch. This was the coin front before cleaning. This was the coin back before some cleaning. This was the front after using some baking soda. And this is the back. Along the long walk I came across a mystery object. It is not magnetic, so I suspect it is copper as it looks. It weighs a little over 40 grams and has worn holes in it. It is about 2 quarters high and 2 quarters will fit across the bottom. At first I thought it was part of a flashlight but there is a solid bottom and not a lens. I know what comes to my mind but what do you think it could be? I haven't done an image search. There is only so much time. I could/should be out at a beach now but ...
  12. Those who know me well, realize I enjoy many aspects of swinging a metal detector while chasing gold. Here's another way some of you folks can add a little weight to your collection of heavy metal. Forum boss - if you need to move this thread, I understand. Merry Christmas followers and friendly competitors. Boss said it’s time to check out and get on board. Lesson as we age. Take a picture of your luggage before you check it all in. It's amazing how so many bags look the same. It’s the holiday season, what better way to wrap up the recent Caribbean work trip my Secretary booked us (my wife, Manti, and I). She’s pretty dang good at her job and when she schedules these conferences, it’s mandatory Manti and I show up. Even though we have more priority things to do, making the boss happy is a must. Cancun in Dec is usually pretty nice weather as it’s typically not the rain season and the humidity isn’t at peak. Yes I’ve detected there in the off season (better resort rates) but the humidity is tough to handle when coming from Southern Idaho (we don’t have any). After spending an hour at the bar enjoying drinks and hors d’oeuvres for the meet & greet with a new hand of Servers/Bar Tenders and explaining the importance of clean beaches, proper disposal of trash and why Manti/I would be helping protect the visiting guests and Sea-life, I was assured most of the work agenda has been checked off. Interestingly only 1 remaining bartender there who remembered me. Seems MX has the same issue as the USA, most folks are not interested in working. Now time for the hunt- 1st day grid plan in place and a quick chat with the lifeguard assured me nobody had recently detected this area, or at least what I could gather from him. He did point direction he seen other detectorists down the beach though. I jumped in walked out to waistline and powered Manti up for a hunt. Not much time and a few normal targets into the trip and I was hearing/seeing “chatter” as I have never in my life pulled someone’s dentures from the depths below. I stood out in the water laughing so loud it caught the attention of the gawkers who’s always watching every minute and target retrieve. One of them actually ask what it was and so I proudly showed the bystanders. Half of the retired folks immediately grab their mouth, which made me laugh even more so. Sorry, but I guess you just had to be there…. because I was laughing so much… it actually threw me off my game for another 20 minutes. The one good thing of this find, I was expecting the actual metal would be white gold or platinum. I’ve since been informed many modern dentures are not precious metal, but made with Cobalt. I need to get this one tested before I just assume. OK, now over the chatter, bite me, tooth fairy, all I want for Christmas jokes by half a dozen bystanders and I’m back to chasing low tones and finger gold. I get a few more targets through the day and finish with a total of 7 rings, a fake gold with diamonds bracelet the chompers, a nice dainty and dirty sterling ring with green stone (it tumbled up sharp), a pair of sunglasses and a few coins. Total gold count was 3 rings with the best of them having a solitaire diamond on white gold. The other is a small 14K band with a little religious cross and then a really thin worn out band that’s been in the ocean forever. Usually my trips start out strong and then slowly dwindle as I clean up the targets below. Day 2 started with a full breakfast at 7AM and 2 tall boy bloody mary drinks to celebrate the gold on the 1st day. I’m in the water today trying the backup set of headphones. They have the best volume of all headphones I have tried and actually got them with a trade. Well they lasted 1 dunk below surface and as soon as the headphone earcups filled up, I had no sound quality what so ever? Time to head back to the room and get the other headphones. I guess I should have “properly” tested my back up headphones. Now I realize it’s only day #2 and I only have my 1 pair of WP phones. I say to myself “just be careful Gerry” and be sure there’s a loop tied off at the end (stress relief) going into the detector. Back in the water with my proper gear and on the hunt again. Still chasing low tones (the majority of gold), I was able to find 4 rings before lunch, but none of them gold. After a quick lunch of fried fish, fruit and fries, I was back in with Manti gridding the last part of my section. That afternoon I only scooped 2 more rings with one of them being a small 18K yellow gold with diamond chips, it weighs only 2.1 grams. The other is a really cool religious ring with a cross. Sadly it’s is not white gold, platinum or even sterling for that matter. Towards the end of the day I was running out of low tones and started after a few of the high tones (less chance of gold) when I hit a really cool sterling bracelet. After getting home and running the bracelet through the tumbler, it really started to shine up and looks stunning. There’s 2 pieces of opal inlaid in the bracelet as well. The maker is a well-known Silversmith company, JS and these type sell for $350 to $600. So even though not gold, it was a nice score. The take for Day #2 was a total of 6 rings with only 1 of them gold, a tungsten wedding band, other cheaper modern bands and also was the usual stuff including 2 pair of sunglasses. Day 3 – Cooler temps are predicted to come in today with some undesired winds. I start the hunt an hour earlier than yesterday, just in case of the winds. As soon as walk in and only 2 feet depth of water I get strong repeat low tone Signal. I must have walked past this one the previous hunts as it’s shallow water and could have been during low time, which would have made it even more shallow. Swinging Manti over the target I’m able to glance down and see the #38. Normally I like upper 30’s and all 40’s on the readout of a Manticore. From many ring digs and testing if it’s actually a gold ring, it will be of decent weight. I easily scoop the ring and when I pull it up, I’m quite shocked at what I see. It’s a monster gold ring and so big I immediately thought it to be fake. With so many people around, I quickly drop the ring into my pouch and proceed without an hesitation or change of facial expression or body language. It’s interesting how some people are so keen to know when I find something different. Back at it and nothing else exciting until it’s lunch time. During lunch I hand the ring to my wife to read the inside of band. If I don’t have my glasses, it’s impossible for me to read such fine detail, and especially when out in the water. She confirms the makers mark and appropriate inscriptions inside. I’m totally flabbergasted at such a score. This ring to me is the nicest I’ve recovered (without being hired) in the wild. Folks, I’ve recovered a few dandies in my time and probably a dozen of more weight gold or platinum, but usually class rings or big wedding bands. I’m just amazed and quite happy. After some discussion with the wife and telling her to take it to the room after lunch, I mentioned, it will easily be the best find of the trip and so now all pressure is off. She’s optimistic though and tells me, “you really never know”, which is quite true at these higher end resorts. Some of the things I see the tourists wearing while in the water is just jaw dropping. Side note. My Field Staff, their wives and I were in Bahamas on a trip. One night we were hanging in the casino and my eyes kept catching this guy wearing a monster gold chain. He seen me checking it out, so I told him I had never seen one so big. Right there on the spot he took it off and let me hold it. It was 9 ounces of 18K gold. He made a comment about, I bet you have never held that much gold in your hand at one time. I didn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise and just shook my head. The next day I’m out swinging my CTX and there he was with some model lady in the beautiful tropical waters and not only was he wearing the chain, she was decked in gold as well. Why??? On that same trip through, one of my Staff did find this 14K Jesus. Interestingly Celo Green was wearing the exact stunning piece when I seen him on the TV show “The Voice”. Back to the present - I only dredge one more gold for the day and a bracelet. Interestingly it’s a decent size 9.3 gram white gold wedding band and stamped 19K. Research shows it to be from Portugal. This is my first ever 19K gold. Has anyone else every found a 19K? Total treasures for day #3, 4 rings (2 of them gold), a pearl necklace (probably fake), a pair of sunglasses, a few coins and another ankle bracelet. That night, we had an enjoyable steak filet dinner and wine. One thing about the steaks in MX, being I’m from Idaho (meat & potatoes state), my standards are much higher. MX steak (even the filet) is just ok in my standards. I like my beef and or venison... When I got back home, one of my Facebook followers mentioned a find I was not proud of. Seems the silver colored bracelet is a “CD”. I had no clue but Christian Dior is a French luxury designer and this bracelet sell for $500 to $700. Anyone interested, I’ll certainly let it go for much less. That makes 2 high end luxury finds in the same area at this resort and in the same day. to be continued. Merry Christmas.
  13. Some people have already written the obituary of the Tarsacci. I use the Tarsacci as my go to tool on Atlantic coast beaches. I use the Deus 2 for coin and relic hunting in Pennsylvania and the GPX 5000 for PI work. BRING OUT YOUR DEAD! The Tarsacci can loudly declare, "I'm not dead yet." Here is a 3 day hunt on a South Carolina beach last week.
  14. I apologize to the big boss for the place where I write, hoping not to harm him, but I want to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a hundred memorable finds. It has been many years and I think that from the gold fever I will never recover, so all I ask is to hang out with this big family as long as possible and may God send us luck. See you soon pirates!
  15. Finally away from a summer season in which I did not even touch the water, the time has come for the first storms, and right now thunderstorms and threatening waves are hitting "my" coast. So all that remains is to hope for the opening of a few spots with a reduced layer. It often happens that something goes wrong and, for the purpose of removing sand, the storm brings more. At that point heavy strategies and calculations begin. Several years back I went so far as to build a dredge and test it successfully, despite not finding any interesting material in the same spot. Constant breakage due to salt water and corrosion make the equipment fragile for continuous use, and too many times the expense of repairing it does not pay off. Abandoning the massive excavation project, I went through the use of a dpv and came to the conclusion that darn it, no one operates as effectively as Mother Nature. Numbers matter, whether you are mining fine powder or nuggets in the form of rings, if you don't explore at least 100 square meters in 3 hours, you don't even have a clue what the bottom is really like. These are not exact figures, but a rough idea of what it means to prepare what is necessary and how much to expect in terms of results. No photos at the moment, I reinvested the (little) material collected in October for a setup change, hoping to improve the effort/output ratio.
  16. While scouting this morning, I came across a stretch of coastline and... You know what I mean.
  17. Hi everyone!! I wanted to share the amazing week I've had out in the field. The stars seemed to align with fantastic low tides coinciding with the mesmerising full blood moon. As I type this, I realise that one of the rings I found actually pictures the Southern Cross made with sapphires - perfectly mirroring the beauty of the night sky that blessed our treasure hunt. Typically, this particular beach boasts tides that reach around 1.8 meters, but the real magic happens when they plummet to a mere 0.1 meter. Such extraordinary lows grace us only about four times a year, and when I spot them on the horizon, I meticulously plan my week around them. Whether it means setting my alarm for 3-4 am to dive into the hunt or embarking on an evening adventure post-work, arriving at the beach sometimes around 9 pm and staying out till early morning. In the the early days of the pandemic, we uncovered this treasure trove, and it was not uncommon for us to haul in 1-2 ounces of gold jewelry in a single weekend, accompanied by a plethora of old and new coins. Whilst the golden bounty may have thinned over time, we still strike gold, harvesting half to a quarter of an ounce here and there on these bountiful tides. I've often joked that I make more at this beach than I do at my regular job; it's safe to say that my equipment has more than paid for itself. What's truly remarkable about these low tides is the access they provide to areas that are otherwise unreachable. I like to venture out to the back of the reef, a territory usually off-limits, and explore the edges where the ocean drops to greater depths. This is the channel where precious rings tend to wash down, but their recovery is nothing short of Herculean due to the chest-neck deep waters, unpredictable waves, and the challenging terrain of rocks and slippery clay. I'm fairly certain I'm the only detectorist to have ever braved this territory. I can't begin tell you how many headlamps and Equinox's I've killed from being thrashed by waves here. Our journey began along the shoreline when the tides were at a more manageable 0.5 meters. We scored a few rings, but as the tides receded, I ventured farther out, while my partner combed the shallows, raking in a bounty of her own, including a lovely 4-gram 18ct band. The first night brought me two 9ct gold rings as soon as the tide dropped to around 0.3 meters. As I continued to explore, I uncovered numerous coins, silver pendants, and more treasures. The lowest tide on the first night was 0.2 meters. A few weeks prior, I had struck gold with three rings in this very section. The second night, as the tide hit a beatiful 0.1, I ventured back to the far reaches of the reef. A strong 70s signal on my trusty Manticore had me expecting another coin. To my astonishment, I uncovered an absolute ripper of a platinum ring, weighing just over 15 grams – my first full platinum find. A few meters away, right on the edge of the drop-off, I received another strong signal, yielding a silver ring, a copper wire and a copper ring, all nestled together in the same hole. Funnily enough, my partner also found a full platinum ring last time we were here, which was about of half the weight and about 40 meters away. On the third night, as weariness began to swing, with fingers aching and my back doing its own thing, I pushed on, determined, like a king, and voila, I snagged, my last silver ring. ? Over the course of three nights, my tally amounted to12 rings. My partner could only join for two of those nights, yet she managed to score about six rings and some amazingly preserved Versace sunglasses. All in all, a successful outing. Our nightly average typically hovers around 6-7 rings, and this time, we certainly had to put in the effort to meet that mark. Happy prospecting!
  18. I stumbled across this video and thought what a cool idea, you could put on some workman type clothes and wander around the beaches even during high traffic times collecting all the recent drops and act as if you're just a worker cleaning the beach ? In some places this type of thing would be quite successful, and a bonus is you really are cleaning the beach, you'd have a lot of rubbish to dump at the end of your scooping session. I wonder where to buy these things, they even seem to make them with wheels, although I think I like the one in the video better than the one with wheels. https://www.cleansands.com/store/p40/SAND_CLEANING_TOOL_-_Production_Starting_Soon.html
  19. Rehoboth Beach Delaware. First hunt begun at Dawn. There was a good crowd day before. Well the conditions were about perfect in the wet sand area. Worked down threw where was some beach erosion. Actually about a 3 foot cut. Targets were deep and popping up all along the high water wash. After digging a target I backed tracked just to see what I'd missed. Most times finding something. Beach starts getting crowded around 10 am , so have to quit. No gold, one small Silver trinket, about $4 , mostly quarters. No trouble setting the Tar for quiet, ran in All Metal. Which brought out the Cheap jewelry. Surprisingly very little trash, foil. Best fine was a Cladda Ring with no markings inside. Next morning, old Neptune said enough, and brought in about a foot of extra . soft sand. So back up to the dry which amounts to change and trash. This machine, maybe I'm easy to impress but can't think what else I could ask it to do. It's the Hunter either by research or by luck got to get the coil over the Target. Many hours on the Tar wading in Florida no problems. Not interested in another machine.
  20. I attended our detecting club meeting on Friday night and this was my display. I found a lot of foreign coins this month, quite a few very worn wheats, a silver dime and silver quarter. You may have seen some of these items on another thread. It was a fun month but I didn't get out to the gold fields. Maybe this month I will.
  21. Minelab CTX3030 beach hunting presets by Gary Drayton (factory beach mode preset) Rocky Areas on the Beach and water Pattern 1 Pattern 2 in cross reference with Pattern 1 for checking Target Trace Target Separation Low Trash or High Trash Recovery Deep OFF Recovery Fast ON Seawater ON on lower parts of beach Sensitivity manual In water try dig only low and high tones Rough Surf Hunting Recover Deep OFF Seawater ON Target Separation – Low Trash Volume Gain – few numbers down to cut false signals Sensitivity Auto Deep Water Hunting Pattern 2 Seawater ON Sensitivity Manual to MAX or AUTO +3 (rolling surf) until threshold becomes unstable Volume Gain 24 for flat surf Volume MAX Recovery Deep ON Recovery Fast OFF Target Separation – Low Trash Shallow Water Seawater ON Sensitivity AUTO or manual to first unstable at fully submerged section try to wait few minutes to stabilize temperatures Volume Gain 22-24 Recovery Deep OFF Recovery Fast OFF Target Separation – High Trash Eroded Beaches Pattern 1 Sensitivity Manual try to crank up to maximum Target Separation – High Trash Volume Gain 24 Recovery Deep OFF Wet Sanding Hard packed sand Seawater ON Pattern 2 or Relic Search Mode Sensitivity Manual Recovery Fast OFF Recovery Deep ON Target Separation – choose to conditions Soft sand Pattern 2 Sensitivity Manual or Auto +3 Recovery Fast ON or OFF (dependent on the amount of targets) Recovery Deep ON (for soft sand on lower beach) Recovery Deep ON Target Separation – choose to conditions Dry Sanding Pattern 1 Target Separation – High Trash Recovery Fast ON Recovery Deep OFF Shipwreck Beaches Pattern 2 Sensitivity Manual Recovery Deep ON Target Separation – Low Trash or High Trash – conditions Volume Gain 24 4 CO Tones Target Trace ON Tourist Beaches Pattern 1 Sensitivity Manual or Auto Recovery Deep OFF Recovery Fast ON Target Separation – High Trash 4 CO Tones Target Trace
  22. I was able to get to the beach for three days last week. It should have been 7 days but appointments and dinner engagements made that impossible. Targets were not very deep and I was suprised to see competition on the beach. I guess everyone thought the hurricane earlier would cause opportunity. Here is the picture of the final digs.
  23. Managed to escape to the coast for 4 days of intense detecting,despite the shitty conditions. My mate delivered his large coil for me to try part 2 i think i managed 5 sessions we even did a trip to the scrapyard where i bagged 120 British pounds of scrap metal Tuesday I managed a large silver ring a few coins Wednesday Shraps and few coins weather was wet Thursday morning we caught up in the early hours of the morning and i managed a 57 grams silver necklace with a Bulldog and a silver looking ring,in the afternoon i hit a spot for 2.5 hours and managed a Gold ring 5.42 grams of 9ct and some Shraps Friday Shraps and bullets a deep dog tag which i thought was a gold coin at first Here is the Tableau de chasse or Tally in English Off abroad for work in spain for a month but i will be back!!!Been away a lot in Africa recently trying to feel the space for evently have my own Gold mine in the future a dream a fantasy maybe...........Benin.Senegal,gambia,Zanzibar............all fun I also tried snorkelling with the D2 but the wave kick my arse Still alive and kicking RR
  24. So, my beach season officially starts again. My first hunt after Labor Day and I couldn’t wait to get out there. A friend text me pictures of silver he just found, and I think I surprised him by walking out on the beach to see them. ? He thought I was 2 hours away and didn't know I was going detecting that day. Because he found silver rather shallow at 6-8”, I decided to take the Equinox out and see how midalake’s settings worked out. It took a while to get used to it and I did get a couple nonferrous that read negative numbers, but none were quality targets. I ended up changing the recovery speed to 4 which is what I am used to. Thanks midalake for posting those settings. So, how did the Equinox do??? Well, the Equinox did not exactly hit gold, but it did get me close enough to glance to my left while digging another target and spot a gold hoop earring sitting right on top of the sand. ?There was some pushing up of targets from the ocean recently and that was exposed. Along with that, I found a silver quarter and a sterling religious medal. A decent amount of clad as well and a greatly reduced amount of junk targets. Not too shabby for 3 ½ hours. I then switched to the GPX and dug my heart out. A lot more clad, more junk, but also a Buffalo nickel and another silver quarter. All in all, it was nice to get back to digging at the beach!
  25. I casually found this video and the results are actually confusing me...A lot?. Nothing to say for most of the programs but look what a difference on gold signals when in diving/beach and beach sens ?. Not to mention the higher vdi reading (twice) when in mono 17Khz... Please, can someone explain what I'm seeing?
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