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  1. So I went hiking one day and I have come across this rock and others like it. I have no idea what kind of rock this is. Do you have a guess of what it can be?
  2. Roughly 8 months ago I was hiking along a trail in New Hampshire and stopped to take a break. It was at a stream crossing and I peered into the stream to look for interesting rocks and came upon this one. It appears to be some kind of rock/metal incased in another rock or some sort of hardened substance. Almost like it was created with volcanic activity. This rock being found in New Hampshire tells me it most likely wasn’t form with volcanic activity. I’m hoping someone can help me identify what I’ve got here. Thanks so much Whitemountainexplorer
  3. Fairly recently I was hiking a mountain in Montana and came across these mysterious “glass” shards that appeared to be completely random in shape and some having rock minerals and possibly ash trapped within the “glass”. I’m curious if anyone can help me identify these and figure out what happened and how they were created. Thanks so much Whitemountainexplorer
  4. just wanted to know if anyone could tell me about this button...thanks
  5. Hi everyone What are these dark spots (light brown)?
  6. Hi, I found these stones in CT among others that I'll post after and would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks
  7. I'll keep this short as this find could be of no interest at all to many - it is very interesting to me. This two pieces of rock were found resting next to each other and immediately caught my eye due to the gold/yellow surface that was facing up as I walked by and noticed it. After picking them up it became apparent that they were two thin pieces of the same rock and that they fit back together perfectly with the two gold/yellow sides facing one another. I've never seen or found anything like it and I'm just trying to identify them. Any help is greatly appreciated, I have a few books and have gone through carefully finding no matches to what I have here.
  8. From what I can tell, relative density, mohs tests and visual similarities from other samples across the internet all point to a platinum nugget. Found it beachcombing along the PNW.
  9. It's not magnetic, silver metallic core, extremely heavy, flat black shell and looks almost identical to pics on numerous gov't web sites. The 3rd, 4th and 5th pics are the same. The red area has been torched/burnt. The small blue area is a fresh cut, the core appears to be the same throughout.
  10. The light colored stone found on Arsenal island between iowa and illinois. The other in north east iowa from pipeline creek crossing. Thanks for looking.
  11. Greetings! I am wondering if someone can help me identify the types of rock/minerals that compose the attached sample? The sample was found along the NE shore of Lake Winnibigoshish in north-central Minnesota. The sample was found near the shoreline (steeply sloping shoreline); the shoreline is almost exclusively sandy, and the lake is relatively shallow in this area (6' deep about 100 yards from shore). The sample itself measures about 4"x6"x2". Please let me know if you have a good idea of what I am looking at, and/or if you can recommend a good resource to learn more about the sample/composition. I appreciate your support and consideration! Best, Matt
  12. Hi all, I'm trying to figure out this odd rock I found today. About 3/4 inch long, textured on one side, broken on another and smooth aside from some dimpling on the rest. Found in Doña Ana county, New Mexico. It's a very fossil rich area with an abundance of petrified wood, but I'm not sure this falls into either of those categories. Any ideas? Thanks!
  13. I friend of mine found this rock. He seems to think it has some value. On his monster 1000, and Equinox 800 it reads as having some gold in it, or it at least has some non-ferious properties to it. It just looks like lava rock to me. It is very light for it size, less than a few ounces. It was found a little west of Phoenix, Arizona. Any ideas?
  14. I found this odd rock out in Gold Basin. I've sent some photos to some experts who think it is not a meteorite, just thick desert varnish. It sure had me wondering for a while since it seemed so out-of-place compared to other material nearby.
  15. Can someone please help me identify this rock I found today in Morgan hill CA. It is definitely the most interesting looking rock I’ve found. Any input is appreciated!
  16. Anyone know what this is, so much more glittery in person
  17. Doing some testing I believe the black mineral inclusion in quartz, luster(y) polished, similar hardness to the black nodules, brown streak, not attracted to a magnet is hematite. The other black nodules are strongly attracted to a magnet, have a black streak test, are dense and hard not scratched by quartz I am guessing are ironstone nodules? What say ye am I on the right track??
  18. Not sure what this is. It seems either crystal or glass and lighter than it seems it should be. Thought of a geode due to it sounding hollow ish smooth shiny surface any thoughts
  19. The beach always surprises and delights me. This uniquely designed silver ring hit the Equinox at a very solid 35 so I knew from the get-go it was going to be silver. I have googled "horse head, winged, serpent" trying to find out what that mythical animal is called but didn't get much at all. As far as pictures from the search, they looked more like a "winged dragon with a tail". The slanted shape and the rectangle protrusion on the back of the ring are also a bit puzzling. I think that the thick protrusion is maybe a stabilizer to keep the ring from rotating on the finger maybe? Anyway, I just thought I would toss out the pictures on a post as my finds have been somewhat limited lately and at least it is a precious metal find. LOL If anyone has any info on the creature on the ring or anything for that matter, I would appreciate the help in IDing it. cuniagau PS: It is about a size 6 so it is either a woman's ring or maybe a man's pinky ring.
  20. Hello, I would love to know from you experts that can identify these different stones I have in my private land. Thank you ?
  21. It is barely magnetic, some spots more so than others. The black on the shell? can be washed off with soap and water and it's kind of an orange/copper color. The shell is about a quarter of amd inch to half an inch thick and almost seems to be a type of flint, but can be polished to a metallic sheen.
  22. The first 18 seconds of the video are of the inside then when it turns green that's the outside, looks like olivine crystal maybe, I sent in some samples for testing, looking forward to the results next week. Take care. Video link -
  23. This rock was found in southern utah, at an agate site. It's about 1 or 2 inches. It has what look and feel like clear glass " beads " in tiny holes. Thank you for any help.
  24. Out to the ball field again after the rain and wind. Thankfully there was not much damage here. Using the 15" again with the Equinox gave great depth. The Mercury dime (only my 5th ever) sounded sweet using 50 tones. I have found quite a few silver coins where the sandy soil meets the layer underneath with just sand and shells. I'm guessing this layer was dredged from the gulf and put down many years ago. Either the coins came with the fill, or the coins stop their migration through the sandy soil when they hit that layer (second-to-last pic). Two wheats (1944 & 1955) and a Canadian penny (1955) also sounded nice. One of them was in the high 30's... thought for sure it was silver. Elizabeth looks much better than Abe! Anyone know what the cylinder-like item is? Maybe a percussion cap? Do those have holes in? Park 1, 4 recovery, 50 tones, all metal, 24 sensitivity
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