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    Las Vegas
  • Gear In Use:
    MineLab GPX6000, Garrett Axiom, XP Deus, MI6, White's TRX

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  1. With the z link it is important to have the control side of the headphones on the same side as the detector and to keep your body from blocking the signal as much as you can swinging the coil, as well as setting the control box inline with the headphones or Z link adaptor as much as possible recovering a target according to Garrett. personally my favorite combination is the Z link adaptor along with the old wired Bose ear buds but the ear buds are out of production and second hand the price last time I bought one was about double what they went for new.
  2. Simon, I’ve had trouble with two of the Minelab 6000 coils the 17” was very touch sensitive minelab replaced it with a new one no problems after that and the original stock round mono coil cracks in the ears also replaced without further issue. I’ve also had two NF coils the 12” on the 7000 and the NF 6000 coil both of those have been fantastic coils smooth running good sensitivity. My stock 7000 coil was without issues and my coiltek gold hawk for the 6000 has been trouble free. All 3 of my axiom coils have also been trouble free, and seem to perform as expected.
  3. My grandparents shared an old miners log cabin with other relatives next to the turnoff to… I don’t want to say cause it’ll out the area lucky posted but a road runs to some lakes next to the driveway to the cabins. It’s in a meadow with a trout stream and a field of tall grass the cabin is still there. we were sitting in a screened in porch when a family came walking through the property carrying a couple fishing rods. They made it about 50 yards into the meadow… no need to post no trespassing signs the skeeters were thick as fog an more than ready for lunch, it was the same thing they high tailed it back to the car, don’t know how they avoided their own hooks swinging as the ran.
  4. Other than the area that matches the description from the saddle ridge hoard as much as it could with so little to rule it out completely, I always felt walking up Jackson Creek and looking for something that stood out as a landmark was my best shot. Problem is while easily accessible it is off limits posted no trespassing private property. The area circled in red would be my starting point. At the time I didn’t see why who ever owned it would give me permission to look when they could look themselves if they knew and I was not ready… that’s the hard part knowing who to trust or how much to say
  5. No, I did run a detector over it more than 10 years ago but to build the parking lot I’m pretty sure large amounts of soil would have been excavated..
  6. Me too, I love that part of the county I’ve seen those glaciers hold ice all through the summer… hope you had you bug repellant them skeeters are voracious at night.
  7. The family resided on the 3rd floor of the Broadway boarding house it was lost to a fire in the 1940’s or somewhere around there. I never thought the boarding house property was a hiding spot there were to many eyes about. He found a safe spot walking distance, but not too close a double ring is where to hunt the spots open then and open now avoiding inside the inner ring and hunting the open spots from inside the outer ring. it is fascinating reading the digital newspapers from the time, I’ve learned a lot from the stories. My grandmother was a avid bowler, when I saw the insurance diagrams of the structures I understood why, I sure she spent countess hours hanging out playing in the basement ball alley. my great grandfather also had money stashed in another businesses vault a friends shop, but when he died that money had mysteriously vanished.
  8. Your comments were actually great observations a lot of viewers im sure are skeptical and if my story can’t stand up against those questions it’s not a good story, all comments unfiltered provide a more complete picture. when posting this one of my tests was what to expect in negative comments, I really didn’t know but a little before my post someone paid to be a charter member and then posted his story on the lost Dutchman mine… it was brutal, they even kept the thread up because everyone was having so much fun, lol. So far around 500 views and not many comments but no negative ones, a good sign?
  9. Haha, this person is me… I’m not saying anything more than because everything is kept secret I can’t rule it out, there are things described and I know the basic location in Jackson where a hoard was lost that could fit. Wikipedia is conjecture like the rumor it was found in Auburn. As far as I know 3 people actually know the location and they haven’t talked, where ever the information came from about the finders location I can’t locate or validate a source fact is almost everything posted about this from the couple that found it could be just smoke. my grandmother told this story often, her dad doted on her playing with the jars of gold coins never wavered. How much did he make? How much can you make mining the miners, food and lodging in a large boarding house, serving food and drink running the theater restaurant, bootlegging and running a brothel? there were a lot of girls, my grandmother collected perfume bottles and ribbons from the ladies and these are just the business I know of. I can’t say how much he made but those business can be lucrative I think? im posting because I come to the conclusion I’ll never find it but I’m pretty sure you can draw a fairly small circle around the area and if we can rule out saddle ridge there is a really good chance it’s still out there, I always thought he would have gone south on Jackson creek someplace but that’s ranch land private property but the major area that is unchanged from 1901. everything I posted is backed up from direct knowledge from someone that was there, newspaper articles and county records. But I don’t have pictures and video, some will only believe that and it’s their right to feel any way they wish.
  10. I don’t know one way or the other, obviously I think it’s possible and I’d doubt the finders story even if I wasn’t chasing a dream I absolutely don’t think they found it on their property. They acted nervous the day they found it and I think they have been nervous ever since trying to protect their secret. Wikipedia says they are no longer together so I see cracks in the concrete, I just need one big enough to fit a little pry bar in… maybe then I’ll get a view of what lies Beneath. If it’s still out there, maybe I started a treasure hunt but if it was found in Jackson then I’d at least know what happened and the mystery wold be solved.
  11. I have wondered about this for years, researched as much as I know how, but doubt I’ll ever solve the mystery on my own. So I figured I’d go public on the off hand chance some new information comes into the light. A lot of speculation but again a lot of things seem to fit. Anyway I’m hoping some super sleuth can connect enough dots to solve the puzzle one way or the other… who knows? Link to Treasure net https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/lost-gold.699588/
  12. I think the Axiom has interesting capabilities and the salt mode with the mono coil picks up a small gold test nugget on a dry lake salt pan surprisingly well with very little ground noise. The double d worked too but with the characteristic groan swinging the coil and the iron check did not seem to perform as well in salt mode, the one time I tried it.
  13. Mitchel, you just need to break out the ol’ pinpointer next time… when my sons dog was a pup she swallowed a few things, one the plug end of some usb c cord. The vet said to just keep an eye out for it, I took my trx and probing around her belly I could follow it for the couple days it took.
  14. One variation of the long life symbol combined with the lotus, good luck and long life
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