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Observations Of Nokta And Makro Detectors

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All great advice.  Thank you again soldier.  I'm stubborn for sure so don't give up on trying to help me see the detector light.    

I had heard previously that single frequency machines do not do well in salt beach sand and I think that's the general consensus among most experienced metal detector users like yourself.  But it seems there may be some exceptions least it may appear so based on several video's of the Fors Core and Makro Racer being used on the beach pretty effectively in wet sand. See the video below of the racer being used on the beach with a large coil.  It seems solid and not falsing and gain set to near max.  Able to clearly see a coin (lb coin?)   I am sure it must be loosing some depth but still doing pretty good.  I've also seen similar beach tests done with the Core.  I'm sure most multifrequency detectors could do better but I wonder if by much?  I know the PI detectors can do better but then I'm back to digging everything.  The beach I go to is full of so much iron like hair pins, caps and tabs etc that one needs some discrimination for sure.  

 I did further online searches though and the Fors Core seem to have some some serious ability to detect a rusty nail setting on top of a dime at moderate depth based on a shoot out with several other prominent detectors. Could it have been rigged, maybe but didn't appear so.  Both attached utube tests seem like honest tests and the guy doing the tests seemed visibly disappointed with his CTX.  So I haven't given up yet on the Core or the Racer as a possible beach and all around use detectors but the Racer or actually the Racer 2 at the moment has the edge in my mind.   I have a month plus before I need to make up my mind and trying to keep it open.







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1 hour ago, bado1 said:

What argyle said. Go for it- get one. Enjoy it. You really can't go wrong.

I have the CoRe AND just ordered the Fors Relic both for relic/coin hunting. I use a PI for nugget hunting.

Unless you plan on hunting tailing piles or fairly benign ground - get a PI unit for your nugget hunting. 

Good luck!



Hey Dean,  thanks for your input.  The core is not out of the question but leaning more toward the Racer 2 for the lighter weight, the Display mounted on the top instead of the side, and almost identical characteristics as the Fors Core.

  As to a PI detector I already have the GPX 5000.  The VLF is for hunting in the trashy areas for gold, Coinshooting, Relic and occasional Beach use.  I may eventually get a dedicated beach detector but just spent a lot on the 5000 and with a long fairly expensive gold prospecting trip planned and soon to be on a fixed income I have to cut some corners. Part of the catch is that the detector has to have the ability to use on the beach so has to deal with wet salt sand and pretty sure the Core and the Racer 2 can.  

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Oh for sure Terry, a lot of exceptions to rule regarding single freq disc units on wet beaches. And you may have beaches not far from you that'll let the units run free.

The first clip is a prime example of nice conductive (conductive to detector signal response) wet sand. And you won't have a problem with any single freq unit on that area. With the exception of accidentally dipping the control box over into a scoop hole, or the worry of salt corrosion to your unit of course.

Unfortunately you come across wet salt sand that is extremely un-conductive to them.

Yeah, the guy in the second clip did seem visibly disappointed in the CTX, but as the FBS boys will tell you, he hasn't learnt his trade on it yet, and contradicts himself many times. Maybe not on purpose, but enough to let you know he's still in his apprenticeship with one and hasn't nutted out the settings past the most basic of understanding.

The planting and resetting of dirt back in on a large fresh hole, and a coin with a half decomposed nail sat on top of it, does not bring you anywhere near a real world test.
The hardpacked un-dug ground is missing, and the decomposing halo from the nail has gone.

The closest you would come to that situation in real life, is if you were say detecting a park that is being re-dug and landscaped by machinery, and you are detecting either the heaps half way through the works, or at the end when the soil has been replaced and or renewed. Then you may come across a 6" coin with non-decomposed iron on top or beside it.

But don't let the clips put you off anything. You noticed how well the CoRe handled itself, and by listening to both the tone of the unit and the threshold in General setting, you probably have a good feeling for the machine already.
You just wait till you bust open the zipper on a ProPack ...then the fun begins.

Another thing I think is important is the Audio on YouTube detector clips. 
A lot of time the Audio is quite different than in real life. I notice it a lot with my Android phones video camera. Even voices are way off the chart.
When you watch a clip of a Racer 2 for instance, don't take any notice of the squawking or 'quacking sounds. The units audio is much more pleasurable in real life.


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The 5000 is a great machine!

My take on the topic, having put the CoRe though it's paces, is basically one of ergonomics. All of the machine's you are considering are excellent choices, IMHO. I strongly considered the Racer2 because of the control panel/display being on the handle. I went with the Relic based on Keith and Monte's reviews as to the programming being more tilted to relic hunting as that is mostly what I do with a VLF. 

Unfortunately, Arizona doesn't have any beaches....YET..... still waiting for California to slide off in to the ocean:tongue:. So, I can't comment on the beach hunting bit. 

Good luck with your decision! Fun having all these great choices!!


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17 hours ago, argyle said:

The planting and resetting of dirt back in on a large fresh hole, and a coin with a half decomposed nail sat on top of it, does not bring you anywhere near a real world test.
The hardpacked un-dug ground is missing, and the decomposing halo from the nail has gone

Unfortunately I suspect a lot of what you say is true.  I used a Whites Eagle for a number of years.  Several times I would get a signal and dig it up only to find nothing solid, only a lot of yellow where something metal had decomposed. Really nothing left there BUT the halo!  

Still, you have to admit that it is a Test that a number of other detectors can't pass and probably would have even a more difficult time if it were real world.  So doing the test does have some merit and has to be better than an air test.     


17 hours ago, argyle said:

Yeah, the guy in the second clip did seem visibly disappointed in the CTX, but as the FBS boys will tell you, he hasn't learnt his trade on it yet, and contradicts himself many times. Maybe not on purpose, but enough to let you know he's still in his apprenticeship with one and hasn't nutted out the settings past the most basic of understanding.

I kinda wondered about that myself, about the young man's skill with the CTX?  I know there has to be a pretty good learning curve with that machine.  However even if that is correct, that the CTX didn't see the coin due to operator error, and assuming with more training the CTX could have allowed the user to see/hear the coin, one might surmise that a less than skilled user of a CTX might be better off with the Core, being that the same operator had no problem at all hearing the coin using the Core.  And again, the test though not real world was still impressive.  Real world or not I think the Core did good to pass it as I wonder if many other detectors could?  

My decision would be so much easier if I didn't have a need to use a detector on the beach but I do.  Am I concerned about dropping the darn thing in the water - for sure, as I am a true believer in Murphy's law.  Would I like to get a waterproof detector that is multifrequency to insure I can hunt on most any beach?  For sure.  Do I want to pay 2K for a detector that has all those features, not if I don't have to.  So the saga continues.  

Oh, I contacted Nokta/Makro by Email as to if the Fors Gold could be used on the beach and here is the reply I got:

Hello and thank you for your interest in our product.

I would go with the Fors Relic instead which also has a beach mode.




  Dilek Gonulay

  Sales & Marketing Manager

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Yep, CoRe did well on it. Hence one of the reasons why I kept mine. The entire range they have now do very well with non-ferrous hints close to full iron-halo hits.

As for other models, I couldn't think of one I've ever owned that would fail it, in fact some would surpass all the units he had in his line up.

The new Relic with all its three disc modes, beach mode, swift mode and the general threshold based all metal mode, just may very well suit you for all your needs Terry. Two coils on purchase, plus the other two in large and a solid elliptical. Then the aftermarkets from other makers.

Considering we used to pay $1400-$1600 for a single coil non discriminating unit twenty something years ago, they are an extremely attractive package nowdays.
The original coils are black to boot, so no worries in the sunshine or under light at night, as opposed to the white coils on other models.
(the persistence of manufacturers that make white glaring coils is a real bug-bear of mine)

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Thanks Argyle and Bado 1.  

We generally always want to get the latest upgraded model of whatever we by so if I end up going with Nokta/Makro line I'm thinking either the Racer 2 or the Fors Relic. Just going by the operating frequency I would suspect the Fors Relic would be a tad hotter on smaller gold at 19 Khz but maybe not quite as good for beach/coin use.  I'm thinking the slightly lower Frequency Racer 2 might be the slightly better all around detector at 14khz.  I better like the Racers digital screen being on top even though it may not be quite as well balanced as the Fors but the screen is right there in front of you so slightly more accessible though that's not a game changer.  Though I would like to jump, I'm going to hold off a bit longer and see what surfaces pro and con but so far there are more pro's than con.

I saw on a different post there was a big long selection of coils for the Racer/Racer2.  Do they also apply to the Fors 15 and 19 Khz machines or are they Not interchangeable with the Fors?   



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Yeah huge selection that fit both Racers.

But not the Relic or Gold Racer or AUgoldfinder yet. It shouldn't take Nel long though to produce them. They usually jump on the production of accessory coils across their entire range ie: Attack/Snake/Sharpshoorer... once a unit has been spread across the market.

I have a personal beef with them over one unit's range, but other than that, the quality and lightweight coils they produce have such a variety in size and shape that they've hit the top rung amongst the aftermarket coil makers, and the benefits to us is enormous.

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