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My First Substantial Hunt With Equinox - Yeah, Gold But That Was Not The Impressive Part

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49 minutes ago, Mtwolf2270 said:

Congrats chase and well some excellent write up. Looking forward to your relic report as that's my main focus love the equinox so far in my home soil. 

You  bet Wolf.  I am itchin' to get out there in the red dirt with it.  Thanks!


11 hours ago, Cal_Cobra said:

Great write-up and first hunt, and you found religion...err gold :wink:

Good thoughts on the AM mode, I've yet to try it, so next hunt out (hopefully later today) I'll definitely test it out, and I agree for relic sites, great way to zero in on ground zero. 





Another approach I thought of for telltale iron beside AM mode is to up the threshold and listen for the drop outs.  Whichever method you choose probably depends on your tolerance for noise "fatigue" with the continuous threshold or the countless iron buzzes.  Pick your poison, lol.  I think AM might be the way to go for me because you can easily turn it off and on at will, whereas you pretty much have to keep the threshold active and it takes a few button presses to enter the menus to turn it down or off.  I might try both as part of my learning curve.

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