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  1. Hi Skull. We won’t be making any more CTX coils as we now concentrate on the newer platforms. But it was a good coil and I remember the images for sure. We loved your finds and appreciated your support. For the manticore will just have to wait and see what we do next. We collaborate with Minelab so there are considerations with coil sizes vs the Minelab range. thanks for the questions πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽 Trev
  2. Hi Tony - short answer in no. The coil must be water proof and epoxy is the best way and it also adds rigidity to stop the coil flexing - any flex will result in false signals. I have seen the posts with people cutting off ribs and firstly this will void warranty so if there ever is an issue, even if it may not be flex noise or to do with the rib any manufacturer would not accept it as it was modified and therefore void. For our larger 18" size coil the ribs will be a benefit as the outer circle of the coil away from the center will flex without the ribs and it is a bit unknown how much and to wat affect but we did not want to endure any issues with performance. For me - do not do this - the coils are made with a purpose so it would be like taking off doors of your car to save weight, but we know they serve a purpose. It still drives OK but.... I can fully understand and appreciate that people want a lighter coil, i really do. But when this is more important than performance and the fact you may get an extra 2-4 inches of depth on the right target which therefore leads to a gold sovereign or hoard or amazing treasure, then maybe people need to just spend a moment and rethink why there are different coils for different reasons and its not all about the 'weight'. For those that truly want a deeper searching coil for the Manticore, they will work with the coil, managing their time with it and using bungees and methods to minimise fatigue and get the most out of each swing. We know this coil will not be for every Manticore user, same as our 18" NOX coil, and that is super fine as its about making the right choice for the detecting that the person does. Thanks for the query - Trev
  3. HI All - good to see the new 18" MYTHTEK is getting some discussion πŸ™‚ Regarding the weight - a larger coil = more weight naturally and extra stiffeners to the outer ring to reduce flex/bump noise. It actually feels a lot lighter than it looks but of course use a bungee if you need to. If the weight is a factor for you then no problems - this coil may not be right for you but will be perfect for someone else. The coil and detector combo went through some soak testing for flex and swing and passed all the required tests by us and Minelab. Our concern was also the shaft and how it may cope but it went very well on the units we tried it on. Water hunting coil? It wont be the best water hunter due to the drag as Chase said. Best for dry to wet sand on low tides. If you do take it underwater your swing will need to slow right down as if you force it too much this may cause damage to the coil or shaft due to excessive force applied. We are certainly looking forward to getting this coil in to the market and seeing what cool treasures get found! Its definitely a beast of a coil and one we have had many requests for during the last 12 months especially for the treasure hunters in the Middle East, UK, and Europe. Happy to answer any other queries you may have... Regards, Trevor
  4. @phrunt ELITE coils stocked up and ready to roll ? I would say the 9" ELITE and 14x9" ELITE the best options for this but will wait and see. Getting popcorn ready.... Trev
  5. Hi Cudamark... Thought I would jump in here to share a link of a report i found from a guy in the UK. This is an independent view and his initial thoughts. So far I haven't seen a lot of reports from users but I am sure there will be. From my perspective the small links and earrings would not be what this larger coil is suited to. If they are on the surface or top 1-2 inches it may respond to them ok but its the larger targets where it will benefit. It weighs around 900 grams inc skid plate so if weight is the issue we recommend using a harness to assist for longer periods of use. Happy new year to you! Trevor
  6. Hey Phrunt - yes our investment in to automation and additive manufacturing has been good in the last few years as it certainly helps with efficiency and consitency of product. We have more plans for 2024 to help us get even better in these areas and expand our capability even further. I didnt know the team posted that photo of me though hahaha! I must admit I think the 18" coil is one of the best looking we have made ? so i spoiled the shot! Trev
  7. You would be correct Rick ? Some interesting sizes there Phrunt. Thank you for the suggestions ? Trevor
  8. HI Chase, happy to contribute where I can... Manticore coils.... maybe! What sizes do you think are missing in the current line up? Trev
  9. Hey All - some great discussion here on the 'Why' of another coil option... and of course there are those that see the purpose and have the need and those that are OK with what they have and you know that is super fine with us. This coil was brought to market due to a large amount of requests from different regions in the globe for a large coin and treasure coil. So essentially we researched the idea of a big coil and how it would work and where it may suit, discussed it with Minelab and they also saw that it will fill a gap, ran the prototypes and field trials and here we go - the 18" NOX. Coiltek has always filled gaps for gold and treasure hunters with the Minelab detectors and they all have their purpose. We liken it to a golfer with his/her kit of clubs... each has a purpose and a strength for the right shot. Some you wouldn't use in certain situations as it would be a waste of effort and be frustrating. Sometimes you would go to a course and not even use a certain club, but you know its there if you need it. Like myself (try hard golfer) I like having the kit and and stuff that a golfer needs but will only use a club when I feel confident it will do a job that I want and I know what will work in certain situations. The 18" is this type of coil you have in the kit for a specific need and the terrain that will allow it to swing well and free of obstruction. Deep treasure, coins or relics would be its forte with the smaller jewelry and coins needing to be closer to the surface to be picked up. Yes this coil is not made for sensitivity even though its good for its size, the smaller coils are best for the shallower smaller targets in general as most would expect. Our UK tester found several Danarius coins at over 18" deep on ground he had searched before with all types of detector and coil combos (even manticore) and the 18" NOX and GPX5000 with our 18" ELITE were the only ones to get more targets. We are realistic... We know its not going to be a coil for everyone - that's OK but for those that use it it will perform well We know the coil is heavier due to its size and epoxy resin filling - but it is robust and can take some serious prospecting We know most will use it with a detecting harness to help with the weight - plenty to choose from on the market We know certain regions love big coils - Middle east, UK, Europe and Asia but maybe not US, AUST or some EURO countries We know it will be a deeper searching coil than the 15"NOX with larger targets - the bigger the target the more depth gain The whole Coiltek team are excited to release this coil and hope it will benefit a bunch of enthusiasts and professionals who believe this coil will suit their specific detecting needs. Once it is in the market I am sure there will be several reports and videos being released so others can see how it operates. I am always super nervous and anxious at any new coil release... and also very excited to see how it goes. We have done our best to get it right and now its up to us to prove we can replicate the performance with every coil. Trev @ Coiltek
  10. No problems - I think bunched and bundle for me are the same thing... Have a great day all! Trev
  11. Its always cool to see an xray of the coils dont you think... even though I know exactly what goes in them it allows me to ensure everything looks as it should - which it does and why they are operating excellently! BTW - the black area is our invisible magic dust that ensures people have the best chance of success!! That is our secret sauce recipe! ?? In regards to the bunch/ spiral type windings all the coils for the GPX6000 are bunched windings. The only coils that are truly spiral windings are the ELITE coils and the Evolution from NF. We refer to bunched windings as the wire is arranged 6 wide by 5 high for example. So if you cross section the windings you would see this layer construction. For the flat windings you would see 1 wire high by 20 or so wires wide. All one continuous strand. From all of us here at Coiltek we appreciate the support we have had for the GOLDHAWK coils and look forward to new and exciting coils to come in the future! Trev
  12. Hey Phrunt. The hole for the pressure vent is on the base and will be hidden by the skid plate when fitted. If you remove the skid and look around the perimeter of the base you will see a 1mm hole - this is the vent. On the inside of the base we place a small pad which is IP rated for dust and water ingress and allows air to pass through - its the same pad as what Minelab use on their GPX6000 coils. If you do tape on the coil it should pose too much of an issue as most tapes are porous to a degree. if you are in doubt though you can make a small cut in the tape close to where the vent hole is to assist. Trev
  13. Awesome going Nedkelly!!! Super impressed with that haul. is it ok if I share these images? trev
  14. Yes we do... A foam inner core which the windings are laid in - lightweight and strong. ?
  15. Hi All - been away for a bit out West on a sales trip and running the coils... Geez I like them but some would say I am bias ? A quick run down for you.... ABS plastic injection moulded housings - 2mm thick for extra strength and assist with minimising any flex when swinging Cable and internal PCB parts all same as Minelab (as do NF coils) - I can assure all that the cables are shielded very well and I do not believe that if there are any issues that the cable contributes to this. High grade LITZ wire - same as what is int he ML coils. in-spec shielding top and bottom of coil Pressure regulation pad to keep out water and dust but assist to regulate the pressure in the coil to minimise any swelling and induced noise Wings thickened for robustness and 8mm nylon nut and bolt. Poly carb label to look good - always! ? All made in our Salisbury South manufacturing facility where we have 13 staff plus me (sales and technical) and my wife (CEO & Marketing) building coils and also making electronic windings (inductors,transformers etc) inc. QA, Engineering, Customer Service etc and all other things to keep a small-medium business running... I hope this answers your query on this... Regards, Trevor.
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