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Rad Rocks

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Everything posted by Rad Rocks

  1. Phrunt : “have now joined the long line of people that have experienced exceptional customer service from Nokta, they're replacing it for me even though I can't locate my receipt.” Man, That’s so good to hear.. Rad🤙🏻
  2. Rad Adventure(Sans the Rats/ Crickets😉). Those photos are pretty cool.. Gold, Electrum,The Scenery… Wild Horses are such a Sight! (Good thing that’s Not a stinger on the Mormon Cricket, unlike The American SouthWestern Desert’s “plethora of painful poking pests” like the “Cow-Killers”, Massive“Tarantula-Wasp’s” …the Ever present Scorpions And All of their Friends….
  3. So True, Such a grim yet important reminder, Danger can come in so many ways. When your out there in the “Wild” You really gotta shake off that ”Normalcy bias” and try to remember what “Stranger Danger” means. Issues and run-ins with miscreants can happen anywhere, But going down close to “Today’s Southern Border” is Nothing like it was even a few short years ago. It can be like entering into a twilight zone of sorts. On those treks one REALLY needs to stay on their toes. Within a few steps you can go from whistling along, believing you’re the only soul for Miles to finding yourself amongst a large group of desperate illegal foreign nationals from the other side of the World… or Worse. . Having a “Buddy” whenever possible is a great tip.
  4. These got my attention. An interesting take on Gaiters. Not too pricey for what they are Either..
  5. Like to hear about how some of you Guys and Gals deal with your regions issues… Whether it be Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins, Thorns, Gators, Cacti, or anything else some of us may have never thought of.. Out Here in Arizona, We have All kinds of FUN stuff to look out for. As the Summer Heat very slowly subsides, Some of us are taking inventory, preparing and beginning to tool up for the Fall Detecting/Prospecting season. Part of that entails Thinking about accidental run ins with Things that poke,Scratch, bite, Kick, sting and even Munch. Being properly prepared to deal with such encounters is pretty important, especially when your attention is focused elsewhere (like on your Tones and coils). Now, a decent pair of Gaiters and some Thick Boots is a Terrific Start. A pair of nice fitting Knee pads are a definite plus in the Gravel laden washes and Rocky foothills. Also, In My opinion, a wide, over the shoulder pick(instead of a shovel) Makes recovery much easier and Quicker. Plus, if you aren’t “carrying”, it really helps your odds in Those Chance Wildlife encounters..(Bobcats, Ferrel coyotes, Big Foots😉 and more).. Anyway..Just wanted to start this up as I’m sure there are some things many of us could learn about or just may have overlooked.. Sure Hope that I posted this in the Correct spot. 🤙🏻
  6. “Nomak”….….even Shorter…. But Heck,This could Work!? 😉
  7. No kidding!.. Its waterproof, 15khz, Compact, Inexpensive and just A VERY useful tool.… We have Two Now.. (The First one is still going) I got her another one, The one with the Newer housing “1st swing”.. I kept bringing hers up to The Sierras with me when I would visit My Brother as it’s waterproof, it’s Hot enough to poke around and it’s easy to get around those boulders in the Water..
  8. That sounds and looks like a Gem, Seriously RAD... And The sooner the better as it seems that a LOT of people are spending those Tax refunds and relief Checks on the Equinox series vlf’s (I have met 2 people Over the past week with Brand new 800’s..One was, like myself, previously looking at getting a P.I. , But just wanted something new.)..I Would pick one up Tomorrow if I could..
  9. ”Minelab* equinox900” Coming soon.. ......FROM CHINA 😔
  10. “only for a limited time “(no Joke).. After finding the need for a P.I. In my toolbox for some time, I was finally ready to purchase one ... I went to the website to do my Final comparisons and, just like that....Whites was gone..... Sheesh... There is definitely a void to be filled here...Regardless, That Machine looks pretty cool....
  11. I Finally picked one up (midi)for my Daughter(9).... Happy to say that she loves it.. Fits her small arms and size perfectly and it doesn’t weigh her down like when she (comedically) attempts to drag around the spare Garrett.... It seems very well made and doesn’t have that cheap “kids toy” feel.. No,This Midi Hoard screams quality.. We played with it on the front lawn all afternoon so she could get the hang of it, as she quickly did..(she even wanted to go back out after dark to look for more stuff).. Yeah, It’s pretty cool as a parent when you manage to get your kids something that they genuinely like.... Especially when it’s something that you can both enjoy together...Super Rad..
  12. A Nokta/Makro P.I. machine... Now That could be a home run... The Gold Kruzer is playing out as I had hoped...But I am finding that I am very much desiring the other half of the equation, So a P.I. is now at the top of my list..
  13. I sure wish more was written in regards to the Gold Kruzer’s “add on” coils.. As far as actual usage, I have found Very little written on the gk24.. Nothing on the gk40(that I have come across anyway)... It would be nice to compare thoughts and experience that others have had with them.... For now, the two I have are keeping me plenty busy....For now, Sigh...
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