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Bohemia Miner

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
  • Interests:
    Gold Prospecting & Mining, Metal Detecting, Hunting & Fishing plus shooting Muzzleloaders.
  • Gear In Use:
    Garrett, GM24K,
    Garrett Pro-Pointer AT,
    Garrett Ace Apex,
    Garrett AT Max,
    Garrett Axiom,
    Nokta Legend,
    Nokta Gold Kruzer, Nokta Gold Finder 2000
    Fisher Gold Bug Pro

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  1. Garrett spends a considerable amount of time and money on PR. I attended their Axiom and 24K Training course in Stanton Arizona last October. That weekend, there was a three-day Metal Detecting event at the Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association (LDMA) Camp there. The weekend before, there were two others, one at a Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA) claim in Coolgardie north of Barstow, CA, and the other at the LDMA Camp in Duisenburg, northeast of Randburg, CA off Highway 395. The used Axioms and 24Ks were sold to either Dealers present or the Gold Associations at a discount. Over the past year, I’ve seen Garrett videos from all over the United States and abroad promoting their Products; Virginia, the UK, and Spain to name a few. Not to mention the Charles Garrett Memorial Hunt but that one may be a paid event. However, the targets and prizes they provide equate to a small fortune.
  2. Do you use the model with the belt sewn in or add your own? Thanks!
  3. It looks like it was a great time. I wish I could have been there, but I figured dealers were excluded. Gerry is a Garrett Tester and a proven Trainer, so I understand his presence.
  4. Gerry, what Finds Pouch were you wearing at the Garrett Gold Challenge? I'm looking for something to replace my JS TDI pouch.
  5. Thanks for posting Steve. Where was the claim located?
  6. Gee Steve, I thought I remembered comments from you over the past couple of years saying the AT series had run its course. That they need something to replace it. Am I wrong?
  7. I thought something was missing. I'm not sure how they'd do it with three bars and not make the screen crowded.
  8. On the other hand, the X, Gold, and Pro are over ten years in production. If they were horses they'd be getting "long in the tooth". The MAX is about eight.
  9. I shoot Muzzleloaders. I don't think it's a trigger guard.
  10. From what I understand, they have something in the works. Simple but with more features. No, it's not the PI!
  11. The Vortex is 25kHz versus 18. Maybe that's why they're dumping the Gold. I recently sought information regarding a waterproof Axiom because they came up with a waterproof screen (Vortex) and was told, not very likely. When they reintroduced the 24K, I asked why they didn't go with the GM Sport instead and they said the 24K was the easiest to bring to market. I inquired about future production of the Sport. Their answer was, that it's probably not going to happen. I'm not sure about the Marketing Department but Customer Service only knows Garrett. Hopefully, R&D is looking at the competition. when coming up with ideas.
  12. That's what I thought, Steve.
  13. The ATX and the Gold have been discontinued but may still be available. With the advent of the Vortex, my Distributor announced they will no longer be stocking the AT Pro or MAX. They will be Special orders only.
  14. They still have a considerable amount available. I haven't received any news regarding discontinued pricing.
  15. I haven't swung a TDI in a while but both the Minelab 7000 and the Garrett Axiom sound high/low for low conductors and low/high for high. At first, I thought that was Garrett Engineering but noticed it on a recent "Nugget Shooter Journals" video as well. Bill was using his 7000. Maybe they'll incorporate their "Ferro Check" into the unit. Only time will tell.
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