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Makro Gold Racer Park Hunt-Reno

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Paul.  With the elliptical coils you rarely need to pinpoint.  Once you get a signal, while sweeping the coil from side to side over the target, slowly pull the coil back until the signal disappears, your target will be right off the tip of the coil. 


I prefer pulling the coil back towards me, but it also works moving the coil forward, once the signal disappears, the target will be just off the back end of the coil.  Toss a coin down and give it a try.


Looks like the Gold Racer really locks onto coins with a solid signal.  I've still got two feet of snow on the ground, plus its frozen.  So I haven't had a chance to take my Gold Racer for spin yet.  Maybe in April.  Thanks for posting the videos.

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OK i get that, but this is a new detector and i am trying everything out on it----


You guys need to get to hunting and quit critiquing me- I'm just having fun---- :)


And you are right it def locks down on coins--- i hunt by sound and just check the monitor after i get interested in a tone.... it is very obvious when it goes over a coin vs trash----


I haven't even got the settings figured out yet and it is doing a great job--- when it found all the different coins this weekend i thought, wow --what will this thing do once i get to know how to tweak it--- I will give Dilek and the crew a big thumbs up for this detector....

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In the park again--- if this thing will hit on gold like it does coins it will be deadly in the goldfields!!!!


I cant wait to get out there---


SS ---i am off for a week starting sat!!!!


Some of these are drawn out..   there are 3 different ones about the same hole--- a little spill i found out before i could get away from it---- always recheck the hole!



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