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Why Did You Buy Your Detector ?

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In years past I was thinking of only coin hunting.Some may buy one as a hobby but I was a little deeper than that. All my free time was spent behind my detector land and water. I didn't care where I had to go you'd find me there and my wife was just as bad.

I didn't get into nugget hunting until the early 90's. I started prospecting about 61,62 making my own equipment to find that yellow metal but detectors didn't come in to play like said.

Oh I got more nugget detectors than a guy needs. Coin hunting I can walk away from time to time but that don't hold true with gold.

The MX Sport that I'm sitting here waiting for is to replace my only other coin detector.

How about you ?


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I bought the Minelab GPX 5000 because I want to find gold nuggets.  I could have bought the 4500 a little cheaper but not by a lot as I bought my 5000 used.  I personally know the Mindlab PI's work at finding gold as I found some in 05 and 06 with a GP 3500 I previously had so I went with something I know works even though the price was steep.  But actually, I paid less for the 5K than I did for my 3500 as I bought the 3500 new.  The only better detector than the 5000 that I know of if is the 7000 GPZ but didn't want to go a min of 7k for a detector so I settled to a degree.  

Now I'm in the market for a all around (Beach, Coin and prospecting) VLF detector.  I want one with fast response and one that will keep me from digging lots of trash.  Appears there are some good ones out there, don't have to have it till June so learning all I can and seeing how some of these newer ones shake out as well as seeing if anything better falls out out of the woodwork before June.  


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Hi Terry

 I've had the 17000 the GP Extreme and then the 3500 plus SDC 2300 but last the 4500. The odd thing I don't have any of the above list. Oh please don't ask me why. I just don't know that answer.

I don't see myself putting money down for the 7000. I'll leave it at that.Haha


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32 minutes ago, bado1 said:

I bought mine because it worked better at finding gold than two bent coat hangers:tongue:.



Some swear by the coat hangers but I have never heard of any one reporting actually finding a nugget with them.  But some do use them as I'm sure you know to find a possible hot spot. Some apparently also use the hand held long range detectors and now I'm seeing digital versions of them.  I also saw somewhere online selling an app to tell you where the gold is. Probably takes you to Fort Knox.  

I have always wondered who it is that buy's those long range detectors?  Someone must as I have seen them online for years.  Guess I always felt I need something that doesn't rely on my brain waves.  

Back to the dowsing rods though.  I have tried them and oddly they seem to find a spot they want to cross.  I never consciously tried to make them cross and they would often consistently cross at the same place.  And 2 of my prospecting partners had theirs cross at the exact same place as mine did.  We dug down there about 7 Ft by hand and no gold!  A forth party told us the gold would be at 15 ft but we didn't have 15 ft worth of digging in us so we gave up.  I would sometime like to try a blind test where no one knows where the other person's rods cross and see what happens?  


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My wife told me too!

I am new to the forum so here goes. A friend loaned me a White's 5000 metal detector 30 years ago. I brought it home and my wife and her mother were standing in the front yard. I got it out and they wanted to know what I had and I describe to them the metal detector and you could find coins and other stuff in the ground . Immediately, they wanted to see it work. So it got the machine running and started sweeping. With in moments I hit a target. My wife ask me what the sound was. I told here we found something. Next thing my wife stomps her foot on the target spot and hollers "I got it marked" her mother is jumping up and down screaming "dig it up, dig it up". She then ran to the garage and got a shovel and they started digging. That was the first nickle. My wife looked at me and said "we got to have one of these machines".

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6 hours ago, MikePfeiffer said:

My wife looked at me and said "we got to have one of these machines".

My wife looks at me and thinks I'm out of my mind! 

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7 hours ago, MikePfeiffer said:

My wife told me too!

I am new to the forum so here goes. A friend loaned me a White's 5000 metal detector 30 years ago. I brought it home and my wife and her mother were standing in the front yard. I got it out and they wanted to know what I had and I describe to them the metal detector and you could find coins and other stuff in the ground . Immediately, they wanted to see it work. So it got the machine running and started sweeping. With in moments I hit a target. My wife ask me what the sound was. I told here we found something. Next thing my wife stomps her foot on the target spot and hollers "I got it marked" her mother is jumping up and down screaming "dig it up, dig it up". She then ran to the garage and got a shovel and they started digging. That was the first nickle. My wife looked at me and said "we got to have one of these machines".

That Whites 5000 was one of my early machines too Mike.

Only thing with the first one I bought, was that it couldn't pick up an 8gram nugget, it wouldn't register on a squashed coke can unless it touch the coil, and would not make a peep on pulltabs or bottle caps.

None of the functions/dials seemed to work at all, apart from on-off.

It would however hit hard on every coin down to 4".

Because it was a dud unit out of the factory, I must have just got lucky in it's pre-set waywardness.

I never took it back, and kept it for its brilliance at hitting shallow coins amoung trash on junky hard packed ground like dirt car parks.

The second one I bought operated fine.

But who'd of thought a dud could be a favoured unit...

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13 minutes ago, argyle said:

But who'd of thought a dud could be a favoured unit...

If only my wife could think of me that way! 

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