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Hit one of my colonial cellar hole sites that is worn out but has given up some nice finds over the years. I am swinging slow to see if I can pick something out of the iron when I hear that beautiful soft fluttering flute high tone that Minelab machines are famous for. It stopped me in my tracks thinking maybe it’s a deep early American silver or a Spanish real. I swung the coil again and got silence. Then problem #1 dawned on me. I wasn’t swinging a Minelab. I was swinging my Deus 2. Then problem #2 dawned on me. I was in Full Tones PWM which is a raspy sound and sounds nothing like the Deus High Square tone which tries to emulate the Minelab sound.

I heard that soft flutelike tone again and realized it was not coming from my headphones but from somewhere above and behind me. I scan the trees and see this barred owl just looking at me and doing its best Minelab imitation. It stayed there a few minutes before flying over to another nearby tree to snatch a fledging baby oriole. It flew back to the first tree and “Minelabbed” me for a few seconds before swallowing the fledgling whole in a few gulps.

Anyway, I managed to sniff out a couple of pewter buttons. They always get my blood going as I dug a nice USA button at this site some years back. Last target of the morning was a nice mouth harp.




Mouth Harp.jpg

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Excellent. Day time Owls are always an interesting sight. When I set up to varmint call, the first customer is usually an owl or hawk, then the crows.

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