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Steve Herschbach

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Welcome to the DetectorProspector forums! These forums are normally "on topic" only. This forum is the one exception in that it has no real topic except getting to know other people. That being the case you can discuss pretty much anything here but the overriding rules apply more than ever. There is to be no posting of anything that is going to be disruptive (no trolling).

While visiting this forum please act as if you are visiting my home. Treat others with decency and respect. Politics is not strictly prohibited but limit it to items of concern such as public meeting notices, comment periods, etc. Other than that, stay away from the heated political stuff. No detector wars - every detector serves a purpose for somebody. For general editorial purposes this forum is treated as if it is a magazine.

To reiterate - the Prime Directive on all these forums is decency and respect. If you can't comport yourself like a decent adult, I promise you will not last long on these forums.

The main goal of the forum is to share information. If you see something interesting on another forum or anywhere else, please link to it. Mention any brands you like.

A note about the Google Ads - I know we all hate ads but they pay for the website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All I can do is to promise not to go overboard with them.

Special Note To Dealers - Dealers are welcome here, with minimal guidelines. Please read My Policy Regarding Dealers

If you have problems logging in or any other issues while on the forum contact the Forum Staff. Information on other general forum use and features can be found here.

Steve Herschbach

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Thank you Sir. I just signed up and I’m loving your site already! 

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Thanks for the description of the rules, I’ve never been on a forum before, just bought a minelab equinox 600, haven’t used it yet but I’m going to get out hopefully this weekend and do some detecting, I am going to Florida next year and do some beach combing so I want to get used to the new detector, I’ve had a garret a few years ago but it wasn’t great and I had a bounty hunter a very long time ago that sparked my interest in the hobby

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