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I Finally Did It

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One of my favorite movies is "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson, and Helen Hunt.

Nicholson plays Melvin Udall a very eccentric writer whose books are wildly popular, but Nicholson is an obsessive compulsive quirky neat freak who barely tolerates anyone.

So he walks into an office one day and the receptionist recognizes him immediately and tells him she is a big fan and has read all of his books.  She then says, can I ask you a question, "How do you write women so well?"

He says, "First I think of a man, then I take away all reason and accountability."

So in case any of you want to ask me "How do you write like that?"  My answer is,

"First I think of a great writer, someone like Ernest Hemmingway. Then I take away all literary skills, grammar, punctuation and act like English is a language I can barely speak, let alone write." ?


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