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Classifieds Rules & Tips - Read Me!

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The Classifieds ad forum is provided as a free service for active, involved forum members. It’s a reward for being a contributing member. Exceptions are not made to this policy. Ads may not be placed on the forums but only here in the Classifieds. New members will have to have made at least ten posts over a minimum of a 30 day period on the forums before being allowed to post in the Classifieds. Making worthless posts to run up the number does not count. Steve Herschbach is not responsible for issues resulting from the use of the Classifieds forum. As always, buyer beware!

In general ads are good for 30 days after the last post, and may be deleted after that.

  • No negative comments. If you see an issue, contact the seller or a moderator via pm.
  • Notify everyone when the item has been sold. Use the edit function to modify the original post to do so or add a post saying the item has been sold.
  • Protect yourself. Be careful about giving any sensitive information to prospective buyers.
  • Advertising deemed inappropriate or out of place for any reason may be deleted without warning.
  • The standard Forum Terms of Use apply.

Dealers are welcome as long as the items advertised are somehow involved in products related to the prospecting and metal detecting world. Dealers must identify themselves as such. I ask that dealer ads be limited to genuine special deals like closeouts and used detectors. See my general policy regarding dealers for details. 2/17/19 update - Dealers may have no more than three ads at any one time, and ads not updated before they drift off the first page may be removed at my discretion.

The Classifieds is designed to protect you from unwelcome contact. Only full forum members can contact you via PM (Personal Messaging). This does mean if you want people who are not forum members to be able to contact you that you need to put that information in your ad.

Be as descriptive as possible and always try to include clear pictures of clean items. Many ads are ruined by blurry pictures or not taking the time to clean items before sale. Be sure to make note of any remaining transferable warranty.

Review your ad one last time after you place it to be sure everything is accurate. You have the ability to edit it at any time.

  1. Go to your ad and at bottom next to quote button hit edit
  2. You should be able to edit everything there, including the title.
  3. The Tag selection lets you put For Sale, Wanted, and other mini banners on your ad. Put up a SOLD! banner when your item sells or ends and the ad will be deleted within a couple days.
  4. Ads by non-dealers may be deleted by the admin after 30 days if no attempt is made to update them or otherwise indicate they are still active. 

In order to not have to check back to see if somebody has posted in response to your ad, be sure and check the slider control in lower left "Notify me of replies" . You will be sent a message notifying you of any responses.

A big tool for sellers is the eBay sold listings. Go to eBay and search for what you plan on selling. Then click the "used" box on left. Then click the "sold listings" box. Now you can see all similar items that sold recently and what they sold for, giving you a realistic way of checking current market value. Oddball items unfortunately may not have enough sales volume to get help this way.

A note about the Google Ads - I know we all hate ads but they pay for the website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All I can do is to promise not to go overboard with them.

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  • The title was changed to Classifieds Rules & Tips - Read Me!

6/22/24 update - Dealers may have no more than three ads at any one time, and ads not updated after 30 days may be removed. Ads by individuals also now expire after 30 days. Please monitor and update ads folks - they are your ads, not mine.

I may let ads ride for a longer period of time, but as they drift into "page 2" they are generally so old I will probably delete them.

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