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Everything posted by fishersari

  1. Yeah... for me its coverage too, no depth differences. The first thing I sold to top up manticore purchase..
  2. They marketed the 50% more power than the equinox to justify 50% more expensive than the equinox? ?
  3. I don't know about the scaling, but I do know that my nox 800 with sensitivity of 25, recovery speed of 4 IDing targets as iron, which manticore with sensitivity of 28, recovery speed of 4 ID the same target as nonferrous (jumpy ID). Now manticores at my country gets a bad rep among other detectorist due to bigger and deeper holes and they jokingly said that the manticore is no longer allowed to enter the sites ?
  4. yeah.. I hope they will give us few custom setup program slot in future update and can change the name from custom 1, 2, 3 etc to whatever we like.. and the backlight setting ?.. I am jealous with nox 900 red backlight.. I want one too..
  5. sniff sniff.. smells like new ?.. hope u like the full tones + rich + all metal..
  6. Got a little bit of something on the left side though
  7. I show them all the find, usually they already have better conditions stuff. If they interested in my finding, a meeting will be arrange by them
  8. Will do, Thank you for the advise ? I'm sorry that's not my intent. The 600 years old coinage was the 'local' who built the port/fort. The 400+ years old coinage was circulated during colonization's who took over the fort by force in 1511. Majority of these coinage were tin coin until early 1700 which is copper, silver coinage. For me I am more interested in the time period of 1400 to 1600 because of its history and time constrain. Heck for the most time I didn't even care what coinage/items that the ground gave me as long as I can go out detecting and enjoy the sweet sound of repeatable signal ?. Will do too. I will spent a little bit of time to test between each modes at that site. Thanks man Thank you for the Info. This make me wonder, if lets say the low conductor mode can work at the max sensitivity lets say 25,and the High conductor program can work at the sensitivity of lets say 29 (less prone to EMI and ground reactions) , does the High conductor mode can detect coin #1 much more deeper or equal (theoretically) than the Low conductor mode?
  9. ? more accurately is what mode on Manticore will you use if : a) Your Main targets coin ID's at: i) 15 to 22 (coins dated around 600 years) ii) 45 to 55 (these coins are around 400 years) iii) 60 to 75 (dated around 300 years that doesn't hold much value to you but collectors interested in it) b) You've got 6 hours windows to detect c) The site is mineralized and conductive due its location near the sea. d) The site was heavily detected with many type of metal detectors over the years e) its a time/distances constrain site Would love to know your take on these with little information's/experienced on you regarding the manticore ?.
  10. I use the noise cancel a lot so I assigned the top right soft key for it ?
  11. Thank you for detail explanations and I did buried high conductive coin at one of my relic site, like Strick said the HC has slight advantage over the General mode .Only 1 more possible problem for me to find the answer though before I am satisfied with my machine.. that I can hunt with the sensitivity of 35 with the coil submerge in salt water and what unforeseen ground/target reaction etc, maybe the 35 sensitivity overwhelm the noise, the ground.. I don't know ... but for now I'll run with the sensitivity of 29.
  12. Congratulations on capturing the elusive mythical beast ?
  13. all setting are the same for both modes. Recovery was at 4 for default recovery speed i need to reset it back and check
  14. It caught me by surprise that the general mode is deeper about an inch compare to HC mode for high conductive coin. I mean the HC should be deeper than General even on air test?. Assuming its using much lower frequency weight in than the general mode right? I will test it today at relic site.. If general mode is still deeper than HC for high conductive target... I don't know maybe there is something wrong with my machine
  15. I did an air test between these 2 modes by using a high conductor copper coin (ID-91). The AT general has depth advantage over AT High conductor mode around an inch. Both mode used same setting: sensitivity - 18, recovery speed - 4, ground balance - 0, audio theme Normal + Simple. AT High conductor should go deeper? Did I do or think wrong? Would love to know your thought and if possible same air test to compare result. Thank you in advance
  16. Alright, do tell what it does to your manticore.. I would love to eliminate the possibility of my manticore not working in optimal performance..
  17. Did you tried the beach general mode coil submerge in the water?
  18. I did buried a mid conductor coin. This is the rough and early assumptions though.. I did gain something until the sensitivity of 27.. 29. I think 29 to 35 is suitable to check/focus on the deepest, weakest target.. Its like watching very blurry image, cranked up the sensitivity the image is not so blurry anymore.. but still blurry but need to employ the minelab wiggle.. I hope I express this well.. lol.. I mean from the target ID/trace all over the place to tighter? target ID/trace but still loose... I think lowering the reactivity will give the same effect as long as the ground permit For me the question is to find for my sweet spot setting... roughly for now... Now I got options (of course with the blessing of EMI god and ground god, need to have both blessing to run very high sensitivity ?) : a) Running High sensitivity with High recovery speed example lets say 27 to 29 sensitivity with 6 or 7 recovery speed or b) Running Mid sensitivity with low recovery speed lets say sensitivity of 23 to 25 with 3 or 4 recovery speed or c) Don't want to think much I run with 29 sensitivity with recovery speed of 4 ?
  19. Short video on Manticore with the sensitivity of 34 on the test run. Near the end of the video I reduced the sensitivity to check on the iron target response with lower sensitivity. it was between dry and wet sand near the time of high tides around 90 minutes from the video was recorded.
  20. I can ran the manticore with max sensitivity on wet salt salt sand and coil submerge (above ankle deep, not fully submerge to control pod though) with huntable falsing/noise for me. Its not like the equinox act crazy by using beach 1 full sensitivity with coil submerged. The manticore is more tame. I was under Impression that beach general works more or less like beach mode 1 on equinox. On the equinox I can get away with beach 1 on (most of the time) wet salt sand and beach mode 2 while coil submerged at this beach. I don't know if other manticores at my area submerged their coil too or not and what mode they used. I do know they ran 30 sensitivity at wet beach. They also running the manticore for the first time at that particular beach. For now I will be using/testing the sensitivity of 27-29. Its make the weak/faint signal standout little bit more from background chatter to my liking. I'll go to the other beaches and see if I can run high sensitivity or not while learning the machine especially on ground/target response when using high sensitivity.
  21. Most manticore here (that I knew off) ran at the sensitivity of 30. They cant hunt above 30 due to excessive EMI chatter. They didn't use the top secret manticore feature though which is.......the long press noise cancel me think ?... Saltwater hunting. I also think I received a bad machine or coil (one of the reason because other manticore can run at 30 but mine can run 35) so yesterday I compare mine (which I called Kersani btw ?) to another manticore (air test) with the same coin, gold ring, silver ring by using same setting for both machine. The problem is we only can run at the sensitivity of 20 due to EMI (at my office area) and the result are the same. I need to go to the beach to compare it again with full sensitivity and coil submerge and see how its goes. For now I think my machine is in good condition. Its still confuses me that I can ran without the machine act crazy when the coil submerged in beach general mode with max sensitivity. I will update more info when i go to the beach again. I am still gathering data for the pros and con of silence/pleasant setting compare to high sensitivity setting that come with amplified ground signal, falsing, headache
  22. Hello there, would love to hear opinions/finding from detectorist that can run high sensitivity at the beach. I just got back from the beach and something is bugging me. I ran the manticore with the sensitivity of 27 around 30 minutes and keep increasing the sensitivity to see how its react to EMI and the ground. To my surprise I can run the sensitivity to the max with minimal EMI as the video shows. Heck I can even run it with the coil submerge with manageable falsing signal. With 35 sensitivity the ground lit up, coin 6 inch deep sound like coin on surface (not double beep tones though), almost everything ferrous or non ferrous sound good (I'm ok with all this since I used max setting). The things that bugging me are: a) There is no difference in depth from the sensitivity of 31 to 35. It just tones become louder like stronger signal. The target signal cut off at almost the same height while I increased the coil from the ground when I try to find out the depth differences. b) I can hunt with the sensitivity of 35 using beach general in the water (coil only submerge) with some falsing. Please note that the aim for me at the beach today is to see how well the manticore can run on wet salt sand and learning the language of manticore. I didn't investigate thoroughly since I didn't have much time. Hope you guys can understand what I'm trying to convey since English is not my primary language and I also hope I'm doing something wrong. Setting I use are: Sensitivity as above Recovery speed : 3 ( at dry sand and wet sand), 5 (coil submerge) Ground balance: +\- 14 (tracking) Mode: Beach General Audio: Normal with Rich profile
  23. Hi guys, I'm thinking to buy the bluetooth bone conductions headphone for the manticore. What question should I ask to the shop regarding the chipset.. i dont know... bluetooth model? that compatible with the manticore or should I bring the manticore to the shop and test it out 1 by 1 ?
  24. Same here All metal + 1 Region All tones aka full tones + rich profile with lower iron volumes
  25. I am still testing the 2 audio themes, Regarding increasing sensitivity in EMI even Normal theme + Rich profile suppress a certain amount of charter hence I can increase 1 sensitivity value sometimes. With enhanced audio its suppress even more, I'm thinking more than 60% of audible chatter gone + Rich audio theme i can increase about 1 or 3 sensitivity value. I also love the Rich audio with 1 region All tones very very much ?. Its awesome man but need to use headphones. The speaker does not do justice for Rich audio for me. I will be using it in most of my hunt. For now I'm using 2 tones + Simple profile for Normal vs 1 region all tones + Rich profile for Enhanced audio looking fault/weakness in enhanced audio. I hope it just my imaginations that I will lose deep/faint/weak signal when using enhanced audio. With manticore I'm using a lot of the long press noise cancel feature.
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