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  1. Hi All Just joined here, I have been a regular on the Aussie forums for some years now & occasionally post on Arizona Outback & Nuggethunting. I use an SD2200d & an SDC2300 in North Queensland Australia. cheers Lee
  2. Hopefully this is the right place for introductions from fellow detector user's? I started detecting in the early 80's with a Dick Smith kit that consisted of a premade PCB and a bag of components. The PCB went together quite well but making the coil from the supplied wire was a challenge! It eventually worked and I found lots of junk and bullets in an old copper mine. I progressed to Minelab's Goldseeker 15000 and purchased it when they were still operating out of the back of a house in Adelaide. This machine was a huge step up for me as it actually found gold in my state (South Australia) in area's that are still mined today. From there the roller coaster ride has continued with the GT16000, XT17000, SD2000, SD2200, GP3000, GPX4000 to my current GPX5000. I have skipped some generations of ML's machines as finances and opportunities' dictated but feel that I have used a good spread of their offerings. All the ML machines have to date paid for themselves in gold found and usually the accommodation and general expenses as well! I still work full time and only get to the gold fields for less than 4 weeks a year so I'm looking forward to picking up my GPZ7000 in two weeks and giving some goldfields a thrashing I have lurked on the side of this forum for some time and find it to be a step above what I'm used to and hope that it continues to give balanced, thoughtful and appropriate information to fellow gold fossickers Cheers Peter
  3. Hi Folks,just a quick introduction,i think its fair to say that i am Rick from the UK Been detecting for artifacts,coins for many a long year,although we dont in theory gold nugget hunt,we do find some stunning Gold items as a result of our history going back 1000s of years. Have been lucky in the fact that have found Celtic Gold staters from 55BC and other gold items over the years and also working on 2 hoard sites at the moment. Currently using a CrossBow Pulse machine with 5 coils from 5'' upto 18'' as this in theory covers most scenarios,i also have a wide selection of VLF machines and the coils that go with them as well. As a result of the new kid on the block ie the GPZ 7000 detector the price of the current GPX detectors are dropping like a brick,so with that in mind within the next month or so i will be the new owner of one of these top flight detectors,not for nugget hunting of course but for deep work mainly locating gold/silver hoards as these machines are ideally suited for the job as not only do they go deep they are also very good on locating single coins as well. Looking forward to posting some of my finds and also some of my detecting adventures from the UK. Rick
  4. Hi steve and other members. I just joined this forum and would like to introduce myself. My name is Dale I live and prospect in Australia. I have been prospecting for 16 years and have been a full time prospector for the last 6 years. I also love treasure hunting and go to europe every second year to look for ancient coins and treasure, and also enjoy searching for treasure in Australia although there are no pre euopean settlement metallic artifacts. I look forward to sharing my experience's with the members of this forum. Best regards Gold Hound Dale
  5. First off thank you Steve for letting me join your forum Just thought I'd share my excitement I pick up my GPZ 7000 Monday morning. As I know my supplier, I have been lucky enough to unpack it put it together and charge the battery. ( what a beast ) Cant wait for Monday morning as I'll be on the way straight out to the Gold fields. ad...
  6. Hello All, My name is Jeffery Sarvis, and I am a friend of Steve Herschbach. Steve is somebody that I have always respected because he tells it like he sees it...and I appreciate people who are open and honest. After talking with Steve today, he invited me to introduce who I am, as well to what I do. I started metal detecting in late 2006. It was something that I had always wanted to do, but never found time to do. After being married for five years, my wife said, that I needed a hobby other than her...and that how my dream began. I bought an Ace 250, joined a local treasure (coin) club, as well as a Prospector club. I went to the meetings, took part in the hunts and events, played with my detector everyday, and learned how to operate my detector. After a year had went by, I had found a lot of clad, but nothing of value yet...so I started doing research on where to hunt for gold, coins, and relics...but had always wanted to find gold nuggets the most. So, one day at the prospectors meeting, a member who happen to be a Geologist, had a hand full of nuggets he had brought for show and tell. I was very excited about the gold he had (about 8 ounces). I asked him where he found the gold, and he said, Ganes Creek in Alaska. He shared with me who the contact was, and for the next six months we had a few conversations on where to look if and when I went. At this time, I was ready to step up to a detector that had more options...so I traded in my Ace 250 and paid the difference for a White's MXT. For the next six months, I learned the MXT inside and out, continued to do research, talked with the Geologist, and waited until June of 2008 came to go to Ganes Creek. So, I got to Ganes Creek on a Sunday, and it was on a Wednesday afternoon that I found my first gold nugget, a 1.3 ounce of gold with quartz. I did my happy dance and was satisfied and content with what I had, but still had three days to go. So, the next morning, I started detecting and thinking about what the Geologist said, about where all the big nuggets were be found...in the cobbles piles. Off I went and got a signal that over loaded the MXT, I took a scoop with my pick, and two inches in the cobbles, I found a 12.3 ounce gold nugget. For the point I was hooked, and contined to find gold every year except 2013. Now fast forwarding...I have been to Alaska every year since 2008. Ganes (2008, 10, 11, and the last year 2012.) Moore Creek, 2009, and Alaska Gold and Resort in Nome, 2013, 14, and three year in a row.) Three of the trips, Steve was in the group. Today, I am the Owner of Treasuredude Detectors based in Seattle, WA. I am a dealer that sells out of my home, and have a website. I have been a Garrett dealer for the past five years and have just become a Makro and XP dealer. I am not here to be a salesman, and I want you to know that I tell everybody, that I am a hobbyists first, and a dealer second. I am here like Steve to educate, facilitate, promote and protect our hobby. I am a active member of four Treasure clubs here in Washington, an active treasure hunter, offer free, full scope metal detecting trainings, (leave no trace) and will talk you ear off about detecting because this has become my passion I did join the forum back in September and shared my story of finding just over an ounce of gold in 7 pieces...found at Alaska Gold and Resort... but have not been active with the treasure forums. When I started my business, I wanted to be like Steve and Charles Garrett who are hobbyists as well as dealers. I want to give back like all the people who was there for me in the beginning. Now let me say, that I do not profess to know everything about detecting, and I know that I am not a great writer, but I do know how to use both VLF and PI's. I personally, have found all of my Gold nuggets, gold rings, and silver coins with VLF's (MXT, G2, AT Pro/Gold, and now with the Makro Racer and Gold Racer when released). So, I can address questions in regards to VLF's more because of personal use and choice. However, it my duty as a dealer to know what I sell, so I make it a point to know a fair amount about PI's, but there are members on this forum who know way more then I do, due to their personal experiences. Please feel free to visit my website to see my pictures of my find, and do please visit the about section and you will see, that I am who I say I am. Last of all, I really enjoy metal detecting for the excitement of finding something that has be lost, having the beach to myself, for the exercise, for the freedom, for the hobby and most important, the people I meet. Looking forward to being and active member to this forum. Thank you, Jeffery Sarvis Treasuredude Detectors Jeffery@treasuredudedetectors.com www.treasuredudedetectors.com
  7. Hello, I am new to the forum but not new to prospecting and mining. I was a member on the AMDS forum for a long time where I learned a lot. I got busy at work, lost track of it and eventually found out the forum closed. I live in AK and have prospected a lot of places around the state. I have used a GP extreme for years and recently purchased a SDC 2300. Looking forward to getting out with it!!
  8. Not sure where this belongs, but I felt like posting it today. Yesterday, someone who I follow on YouTube (a football/soccer fan) was having a very bad day. One of his dogs, who often features in his video chats, had been diagnosed with cancer and he was understandably devastated. Looking at the supportive comments from the other regulars on his channel, it was heart warming to see the support for a "friend" from such a small, but close community. Visiting this board is also like that. The sense of comradeship between people who genuinely love what they do is very inspiring. I'm glad I found this little community and I would like to thank Steve and everyone else who contributes. That's all really. Have a good day everyone.
  9. There are many things for me to be thankful about right now. Mainly I am thankful that all my family and friends are in decent health. If you ever lose that you find out nothing else really mattered. Going into my second winter in Reno I sure am glad I am not still in Alaska. Highs in the 20s and lows in the teens in Anchorage at the moment. If I were there I would have put my detectors away a month ago and would have five more months to wait to use them again. Instead, today I drove over to California to test out some detectors around an old mining camp. Did not find anything of note but learned a lot. Mainly I learned I am liking 60 degrees in late November! Of course it can't last but no matter what it will seem like it is over before it even starts by my standards. And Arizona is just a days drive away if I wish, though I am finding I do need at least a little down time every year. Life is good here, and I hope it is for each and every one of you also. Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Hello to all, my name is Rob and I live in Southern Ca. Most prospecting I do is in the desert, been nugget shooting for several years and consider myself a novice but constantly trying to improve. Some of you have been very generous with your knowledge and experience (on this site and others) which has really helped "my game" and I appreciate it. I look forward to contributing here and wish you all good luck in the diggs
  11. Hello, Im 39 years quad and motorbike workshop owner from Warsaw in Poland. Metal detecting is not noew for me, but gold prospecting is. I'm rookie, but I'm not give up. Australia or death We have oldest gold mines here... ofcourse they are inactive (almost 30g for 1tone), so I think to explore it. Could you pulbic some more post about outdoor mining gear for gold detecting. Thank you!
  12. I had written a post but somehow I screwed up the posting process. At this stage I cant be bothered re-writing, will do that another day. Here is some gold I have found, enjoy!
  13. Thought I would say Hi... Just joined the forum... Im registered with most of the popular Forums on the Net... I relic Hunt mainly... I like to try and unlock history in Iron laden sites as My main intrest... What brings ME here? I love to talk about P.I.'s I have a garrett ATX Ive been using for about 3 weeks now...and I have decided to add it as my main P.I. I have been looking for a replacemnt P.I. unit for my North Georgia area relic hunt's.....I've used the Minelab 3500 the TDI,TDI PRO,TDI SL..and the infinium... The ATX seems to offer enough features for the price point to make it worthwhile for me to add to the arsenal... I look forward to discussing the ATX with all of Yall!! Keith
  14. Proud to make the first post on what I am confident will be the most interesting and informative forum about detecting for gold on the web. With Steve in charge I think we can count on lots of thoughtful content - and wild speculation - on gentlemanly discourse - and bar room brawls - all in spirit of good fellowship. Thanks Steve.
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