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Gamma Ray Treatment Of Concentrates?

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I haven't read the book or article, but I'm guessing the idea is something along the lines of nuclear transmutation, or in other words changing one element to another via bombardment of high energy radiation. Gamma rays are high enough energy to be ionizing and thus it is possible that they could alter the physical or chemical structure of a rock (or human DNA/cells). Maybe the idea is to change sulfides into oxides so you can crush and not leach, I have no idea I'm just guessing. Not saying it would work either way.


Outside the atomic level ionizing radiation can also lead to molecular alterations too, so maybe that's what he was getting at, dunno...making materials brittle and such or encouraging some kind of reaction like oxidation maybe?


But, also like Chris and brogansown said, gamma rays travel through pretty much anything too, which is why you need so much concrete encasing nuclear reactors. But that doesn't mean it doesn't interact with matter. The author or article may be bogus, but I'm just pointing out that gamma radiation can affect material properties or even potentially change the material into something else entirely.


*Actually, I think I'm wrong about the atomic transmutation part. Not possible without some kind of particle interaction. I was thinking about how transmutation happens in cyclotrons. But the gamma rays can still affect things molecularly, and rocks are assemblages of molecules. Just not sure if it has anything to do with freeing up gold or not without reading what the dude is talking about.

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First off let me say I was wrong about the author ************** was NOT the book i read about the process.

i had scanned many books that day and crossed some material. never the less tthey did claim of such process.

As to the belief radiiation cant be reversed i encourage a person to check out "browns gas", why do you think every nation in the world is not terribly concerned with fukishima?

rexreasearch.c0m has interesting material for those of the inquisitive nature.

i make no claims i leave it to you. i most ceertanly dont know much, but how much do any of us?

Also, anyone ever hear of "clute" machine, for processing?

Later! Stay dry.

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Other than them both making your teeth fall out, I'm not sure.

I can tell you the amount of cons you would need to make a profit is huge.

I'm always amazed at the risk people will take to get a bit of gold. Your heath is more important than any amount of gold,please keep that in mind.


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"Update" i did find little info on "clute" machine but it raised more questions than answers.

reference 1- an SEC internal document refernces it.

2- patent #5226603.


im not sure if this is the actual machine or the forerunner to it, but it is interesting.

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I always wondered about the alchemists from the Middle Ages, trying to make gold out of lead? What exactly were they doing to try to make this happen, with their crude chemistry sets? Did any of them succeed ?,even partially? Maybe they were all just Middle Age con men when it comes right down to it?

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