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I'm sharing my last experience during the end of a noisy dive...

For those that hunts in saltwater like me, can be a gamechanger talking about noise to signals ratio..

I started with too demanding settings in P11,

Sens.95 salt sens.8 audio resp.6 react. 0.5 no filters and notch at all, just trying to do the G.B. here and there where rocks sounded with a solid 25...

There's no way to obtain a so low balance, so I just left it around 69 and so...

After a couple hours of really annoying background noise (already reduced with pitch tones, but still too much for my taste), I just tried before leaving the area to turn the GB tracking...

I also had the black sand accepted cause nothing blackish was around me...

Miracle?...All the noise canceled like it was mute and only good pitched signals above the thin audible treshold that even at 20 is still too low to sound over the bubbles and the hood...

No gold to show, but some coins and less headache guys?...

Have someone experienced the same?




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