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AQ And Beach Hog Ready For Action!

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Well the AQ and Beach Hog were ready, but there wasn’t any action…

The coil works great - good depth in the black sand - again 7-8” at least. I didn’t get technical and run tests. If you sweep it too fast you’ll get a tone with the sweep but a normal sweep rate is fine. I went to north Newport, the Wedge, and Corona Del Mar with it and really found nothing. Had my nickel on a string to verify it was working. Went finally to Laguna Main and used the Manticore and just found a iPhone. Probably over 7 miles walking. King tides plus offshore wind - should have been awesome but wasn’t. I worked both wet and dry. Dry areas had been over-run by rain and tide overshoots. If this hobby now demands hunting when the weather and waves is hazardous to succeed I may have to give it up until summer and fresh drops.  The Manticore was finding mostly all sizes of can slaw, the AQ would find BB’s and slaw as well. At least no tent stakes this time out. Maybe that is a sign the heavy stuff is too deep.

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