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A Modern Day Treasure Story

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Plidn1... great story, especially for me, I am a current resident of Todd Valley. I bet there are many places like that hidden around here


The old barn was the original WF barn. We used to play in it when kids.

It was split in two and one side was for Tac the other was a store way back when. When the barn finially fell down, a new one was built over the old.

I didn't know this before the new barn was built. I would have loved to have detected that old floor. 

A lot of stories about that place. It is very interesting. It was my favorite place to run away too when the city started to get me down.

I have been up there a couple of times and have never seen anyone around. I would love to walk the grounds for the memories.

I may just take a chance.



After a rain storm, my grandfather and uncle used to walk the road into the place and pick up small nuggets!!!

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Plidn1... great story, especially for me, I am a current resident of Todd Valley. I bet there are many places like that hidden around here


Plidn1... great story, especially for me, I am a current resident of Todd Valley. I bet there are many places like that hidden around here

 In case you didn't know, Dr Todd was, Mary Todd's brother.  She was Abraham Lincoln's wife.


The original town of Todd's Valley was on the north west corner of the first cross road from the corner of where the dump road turns off the main road just passed the property. There was a small ranch there at one time. It was the only thing left  that I remember to mark the site. 


Where the old foundation was of Dr Todd's cabin, up the hill behind it was an old hard rock mine. It was still open the last time I was there.

My cousin used to get mad at my grand father for going into it and chipping out the quartz. It was full of large quartz crystals.  

I think my cousin was actually working that mine, but he never told anyone if he was. 

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Todd's Valley was also the sight of one of the most if not the most brutal gunfights in the American West.  Not to many folks have heard about it, but a lone man, a Mexican War Vet ended up killing 14 desparadoes within 2 minutes using his two guns and his knife.  The story became widespread at the time but sort of lost steam fast. I have tried to research the spot it happened so I could possibly beep a bullet or two from the fight, would be cool to go in our local Museum....



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Todd's Valley was also the sight of one of the most if not the most brutal gunfights in the American West.  Not to many folks have heard about it, but a lone man, a Mexican War Vet ended up killing 14 desparadoes within 2 minutes using his two guns and his knife.  The story became widespread at the time but sort of lost steam fast. I have tried to research the spot it happened so I could possibly beep a bullet or two from the fight, would be cool to go in our local Museum....



That's the first I have heard of that one. 

I'll have to see what I can dig up.

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My coin dealer told me of a local old woman who didn't trust banks.Her husband was an old country doctor and back in the 1930's during the Depression, he was paid in gold coins. The old lady apparently had a box full of them ,valued at $300,000 dollars. Her daughter convinced her to put the gold in a safety deposit box but when the mother died, the daughter found a note in the safety deposit box.It said 'Sorry, just don't trust banks.' Needless to say the gold coins were not there. The property was sold a short time later and the coin dealer told me the grounds looked like  a moonscape  with craters everywhere.



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