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Playing With An Old Goldmaster II, Looking For A Coil(s) Upgrade

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Going to Post Office this AM to get price on shipping it.

Hey Rick It Got here about 09:30 ish GMT that was Fast, Yet I had to Pay 63.50 for that 6X10 postage with UPS and it was shipped on the 1st and UPS had it on the 2nd, GUESS WHAT and it is still not here,


NEWS FLASH its Cheaper and faster to use US MAIL when sending things over seas,


Thanks Rick Top Man, I am Over the Moon with That,



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Glad to hear it worked! Only drawback with USPS First Class Parcel(what I used to ship it to you)'is that you can't insure the package. Ok for a coil maybe, but for something which cost hundreds of $$$, maybe not.

I bet they will charge me Import Duty on the  6X10,


well that strange because they are charging me twice as much for UPS. 

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Heres An Update On That Elusive 6X10 Long Scan Coil,


Well I just Received a Letter saying It's AT The Post Office and they wont deliver it Until I pay another $51.50, :o  :(  :(


So That's $99.99 Bid Price, $63.50 Postage, Plus $51.50 Handling and Import Duty For A 25 year Old Coil Because it Looks Like New.

So That's $ 214.99  NICE


I feel Like A Government sex Toy, I am Sore In Places where Other Coils Can Not Reach.


I bought the thing on the 1st of June at I still have not got it,   %$£&ing Thing.


Note to Forum, Please Don't send me a GPX 5000 or I won't be able to sit down for a Month, :o



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Maybe good old US PO First Class Parcel is,the way to go. Only problem like I mentioned previously is you can't insure it. Perhaps the Customs and Excise folks who,handle male are less "agressive" than the ones,who handle parcel services like DHL, UPS, FedEx, etc.

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